Fire Spellements
With so many new spellements and utilities for each school, the Wizard101 Spring 2022 update will make the Rhoshambo update look like a quick patch in comparison. The creativity behind these customizable spellement paths is insane. Here I present all the Fire spellements being added to the game from trained, to lore spells, and in some cases, brand new, never seen before spells!
Where can I obtain these spellements?
While we don’t have the exact locations pinpointed just yet, we do have some useful information to share about this! The update notes reveal the sources, but we wouldn’t exactly call them clear. They reference the below methods one can obtain spellements:
- Pet Adventure talents like Elemental Retriever can be used to obtain random spellements;
- a new world chest (like Wooden Chest and Silver Chest) that can be opened with Cantrips spell, Magic Touch but also requires three wizards to unlock;
- defeating various world bosses by using wizards at appropriate levels.
Some clarifications in regards to world bosses dropping spellements is desperately required and luckily we are in the process of getting some answers real soon! We will update once more is revealed.
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Arc 1 Spells
Spells that can be accessed by using a training point or obtainable for free if your wizard is of the same school as the spell. They are found across spell vendors throughout the Spiral, although generally they are available from the Ravenwood school professors. See our Spellements Guide for details of which World Bosses drop these spellements.
Fire Cat
Top Path: Damage increase and accuracy increase with each tier.
Bottom Path: Damage reduced, increased with each tier. Detonates most recent damage overtime on target.
Source: Malistaire Saga Spellement Pack, Elemental Retriever pet talent, Lord Nightshade Rematch, Arc 1 World Bosses, Voracious Void Raid Bosses.
Fire Elf

Top Path: Initial damage increased with each tier. Damage overtime reduced with each tier.
Bottom Path: Initial hit removed. Places a 150 damage overtime over 3 rounds. Clears up to 2 positive wards on target, then places an additional 90 damage overtime over 3 rounds on target.
Source: Malistaire Saga Spellement Pack, Elemental Retriever pet talent, Lord Nightshade Rematch, Arc 1 World Bosses, Voracious Void Raid Bosses.
Naphtha Scarab

Middle Path: Damage increase with each tier.
Source: Can be obtained by participating in any Beastmoon events as well as dropped by Storm, Fire, Ice, and Balance moon seeds.

Top Path: Damage and accuracy increase
Bottom Path: Damage reduced, increased with each tier. Conditionally does an extra 85-90 damage if target has a damage overtime.
Source: Malistaire Saga Spellement Pack, Elemental Retriever pet talent, Krokopatra Rematch, Arc 1 World Bosses, Voracious Void Raid Bosses.

Top Path: Damage on second hit and accuracy increased with each tier.
Bottom Path: Initial damage reduced. Places two 395 damage overtimes over 5 rounds on opponent. Clears up to 3 negative wards on self, then places a 90 damage overtime on target over 3 rounds for each ward removed.
Source: Malistaire Saga Spellement Pack, Elemental Retriever pet talent, Cantrip Chests in Marleybone, Meowiarty Rematch, Arc 1 World Bosses, Voracious Void Raid Bosses.
Glacial Golem

Top Path: Damage increases with each tier.
Bottom Path: Damage reduced, increases with each tier. Places a 360 healing overtime over 3 rounds on self.
Source: Can be obtained by participating in any Beastmoon events as well as dropped by Storm, Fire, Ice, and Balance moon seeds.

Top Path: Damage and accuracy increase with each tier.
Bottom Path: Damage reduced, increases with each tier. Sacrifices up to 3 negative wards on target, then places one 320 healing overtime over 4 rounds on self for each ward removed. If 3 are removed, places two 480 healing overtimes over 4 rounds on self instead.
Source: Malistaire Saga Spellement Pack, Elemental Retriever pet talent, Cantrip Chests in Mooshu, Jade Oni Rematch, Arc 1 World Bosses, Voracious Void Raid Bosses.
Meteor Strike

Top Path: Damage increases with each tier.
Bottom Path: Changed from AOE to Selective targeting. Damage increase with each tier.
Source: Can be obtained by participating in any Beastmoon events as well as dropped by Fire Beastmoon seeds.

Top Path: Damage and accuracy increase with each tier.
Bottom Path: Damage reduced, increased with each tier. Clears up to five positive wards on target, then places one (if three or less wards are remvoed) or two (if four or five wards are removed) damage overtimes on target totaling 150 chromatic damage per ward removed.
Source: Malistaire Saga Spellement Pack, Elemental Retriever pet talent, Cantrip Chests in Dragonspyre, Malistaire Rematch, Arc 1 World Bosses, Voracious Void Raid Bosses.
Inferno Salamander

Middle Path: Damage increased with each tier.
Source: Obtainable by participating in any Beastmoon events as well as dropped by Storm, Fire, Ice, and Balance moon seeds.
Arc 2 Spells
The following spells may vary from different sources, although they are generally obtained when completing main line quests.
Fire Dragon

Top Path: Damage increases with each tier.
Bottom Path: Changed from AOE to Selective targeting. Places two 505 damage overtimes on target(s). Damage increased with each tier. Clears up to 6 negative wards on self, then places one damage overtime on target(s) of 70 damage per ward removed.
Source: Dropped throughout Arc 2 by various bosses as well as rewarded by main and side quests in Celestia. Also dropped from Elemental and Spiritual Retriever pet talents and Cantrip chests in Celestia.

Top Path: Damage increased with each tier.
Bottom Path: Damage reduced, increased with each tier. Places one 460 damage overtime over 6 rounds per damage overtime on target (max 3).
Source: Dropped throughout Arc 2 by various bosses as well as rewarded by main and side quests in Zafaria. Also dropped from Elemental and Spiritual Retriever pet talents and Cantrip chests in Zafaria.
Rain of Fire

Top Path: Damage increased with each tier.
Bottom Path: Places three 450 damage overtimes over 6 rounds on target(s). Places an additional 345 damage overtime over 6 rounds on target(s) per healing overtime on self.
Source: Dropped throughout Arc 2 by various bosses as well as rewarded by main and side quests in Avalon. Also dropped from Elemental and Spiritual Retriever pet talents and Cantrip chests in Avalon.
Sun Serpent

Top Path: Damage increased with each tier.
Bottom Path: Places three 430 damage overtimes over 6 rounds on target. Clears up to 8 negative wards on self, then gain 1 pip per ward removed.
Source: Dropped throughout Arc 2 by various bosses as well as rewarded by main and side quests in Azteca. Also dropped from Elemental and Spiritual Retriever pet talents and Cantrip chests in Azteca.
King Artorius

Top Path: Damage increased with each tier.
Bottom Path: Damage reduced, increases with each tier. Clears up to 7 positive wards on target, then places one or two healing overtimes on self, total of 200 heal per ward removed.
Source: Dropped throughout Arc 2 by various bosses as well as rewarded by main and side quests in Khrysalis. Also dropped from Elemental and Spiritual Retriever pet talents and Cantrip chests in Khrysalis.
Arc 3 Spells
The following spells currently only have spellement paths to interchange between PvP legal and non PvP legal variants. They only have one current in game source.
Fire From Above

Middle Path: To change between PvP-banned and PvP-usable versions. PvP version costs 2 shadow pips and is level locked to level 100.
Source: Sold by Marco Artigiano in the Arena for Arena Tickets.
Raging Bull

Middle Path: To change between PvP-banned and PvP-usable versions. PvP version costs 2 shadow pips and is level locked to level 108.
Source: Sold by Marco Artigiano in the Arena for Arena Tickets.
Scorching Scimitars

Middle Path: To change between PvP-banned and PvP-usable versions. PvP version costs 2 shadow pips and is level locked to level 118.
Source: Sold by Marco Artigiano in the Arena for Arena Tickets.
Arc 4 Spells
The below spells may vary from different sources, although they are generally obtained when completing main line quests. The common factor is that they require access to shadow pips to be cast in combat.
S’more Machine

Top Path: Increase the pip cost to 6 and then 7, with increasing damage.
Bottom Path: Pip cost remains at 5, and damage increases with each tier. Shadow pip cost increased to 2, and level-locked.
Source: Dropped throughout Karamelle and Novus by various bosses as well as rewarded by main and side quests in Karamelle. Also dropped from Elemental Retriever pet talent.
Blast Off!

Top Path: Increase the pip cost to 7 and then 8, with increasing damage.
Bottom Path: Pip cost remains at 6, the DoT detonates after 3 rounds instead of 4, and damage increases with each tier. Shadow pip cost increased to 2, and level-locked.
Source: Dropped throughout Lemuria and Novus by various bosses as well as rewarded by main and side quests in Lemuria. Also dropped from Elemental Retriever pet talent.
Glimpse of Infinity

Top Path: Damage increased with each tier.
Bottom Path: Damage reduced, increased with each tier. Clears up to 4 positive wards on target, then places one 45% myth trap on target per ward removed.
Source: Dropped throughout Novus by various bosses as well as rewarded by main and side quests. Can also be obtained through Cantrip chests in Novus.

Top Path: Damage increased by 10 with each tier.
Bottom Path: Changed from AOE to Selective targeting. Clears up to 4 negative wards on self, then activates one healing overtime per ward removed.
Source: Dropped throughout Wallaru by various bosses as well as rewarded by main and side quests. Can also be obtained through Cantrip chests in Wallaru.
Arc 5 Spells
The below spells may vary from different sources, although they are generally obtained when completing main line quests.

Top Path: Damage increased with each tier.
Bottom Path: Damage reduced, increased with each tier. Clears up to 5 negative wards on self, then places one 35% fire trap on target per ward removed.
Source: Dropped throughout Selenopolis by various bosses as well as rewarded by main and side quests. Can also be obtained through Cantrip chests in Selenopolis.
Lore Spells
These spells are obtained through different sources and not simply trained by your school professor. They were previously found as a rare drop from the Loremaster in the Atheneum, Dragonspyre. Additionally, some could be obtained from lore packs in the Crown Shop or by crafting them.

Middle Path: Damage increased with each tier.
Source: Drops from Lady Stonegaze in Garden of Hesperides, Aquila. Can also be obtained from the Immortal’s Spellemental Pack and Deluxe Spellement Pack.
Brimstone Revenant

Middle Path: Damage increased with each tier.
Source: Drops from High Loremagus in Antheneum, Dragonspyre. Can also be obtained from the Keeper’s Spellemental Pack and Deluxe Spellement Pack.

Middle Path: Damage increased with each tier.
Source:Drops from Takanobu the Masterless in Cave of Solitude, Mooshu. Can also be obtained from the Ninja’s Spellemental Pack and Deluxe Spellement Pack.
Nautilus Unleashed

Top Path: Damage increased with each tier.
Bottom Path: Pushes 1 negative ward onto target. Places two 325 chromatic damage overtimes over 4 rounds on target.
Source: Drops from Drowned Dan in the Science Center, Celestia. Can also be obtained from the Celestian Spellemental Pack and Deluxe Spellement Pack.

Top Path: Damage increased with each tier.
Bottom Path: Detonates most recent damage overtime on target. Places two 305 damage overtimes over 4 rounds.
Source: Drops from Krampus, in various worlds during Yuletide. Can also be obtained from various Christmas themed packs from the crowns shop during the holiday season.
Burning Rampage

Middle Path: Bombs increased with each tier.
Source: Drops from Lambent Fire in Crystal Caves, Avalon. Can also be obtained from the Knight’s Spellemental Pack.
Whitehart Fire

Middle Path: Damage and Heal increased with each tier.
Source: Obtainable from the Burrower’s Rebellion Pack.
The True Grind Begins…
With so many more different spellements to hunt down and farm for, the end game content just got a full extension like never seen before. The rewarding feeling of reaching the next tier will be so satisfying. Which spellements are you going to chase down first? Which spellements are too strong, which need a buff?
Leave a comment down below!