Wizard101’s Spellements Guide
This article is updated as of May 2024
Spellements were introduced in The Wizard City Underground
Update on November 2019. They’re used for Spellwrighting, which lets you upgrade already known spells and make them more powerful.
So far every school is able to upgrade:
- Rank 1-6 spells from Ravenwood teachers
- Rank 7-10 spells from spell quests starting at level 48
- King Artorius spell
- All Lore spells
- Each of the 3 PvP trainable spells (including the Golem spells)
- Karamelle and Lemuria shadow-enchanted spells
- Novus and Wallaru school-pip spells
Almost every Lore spellement is available as a reward from the Deluxe Spellement Pack, which can also be used to train the spells. All Arc 1 Rank 1-6 school spellements are available as a reward from the Malistaire Saga Spellement Pack, though these cannot be used to train the spells. Other upgrade-able spells either come from packs or are holiday exclusive spells (Krampus and Reindeer Knight). The complete list of all the available Spellements is listed in 7 separate articles divided by school.
Read more about Spellwrighting here.

How can I get spellements?
Currently there are 9 ways to get spellements:
- World & Key Bosses
- Boss Rematches
- Pet Retriever Talents
- Cantrip Chests
- Silver Chests
- Spellement Packs
- Deluxe Spellement Pack
- Malistaire Saga Spellement Pack
- Morganthe Saga Spellement Pack
- Events
World Bosses
This includes bosses around the spiral from Krokotopia to Khrysalis. The table below shows where you are able to farm for spellements. First row represents where your current main quest is. The second one shows worlds where you can farm. You can also use Level Scaling Elixir if you’re looking to farm in a specific world.
Arc 1 Bosses
The bosses listed below drop spellements for rank 1-6 trainable spells, which you can train from teachers in Ravenwood. Elemental bosses (fire, ice, storm) drop elemental spellements and spirit bosses (life, death, myth) drop spirit spellements. Additionaly, both drop balance spellements. Balance bosses drop spellements for all schools.
Krokotopia | Rank 1-3 Spellements
- Biti Nirini – Royal Hall (Fire, Ice, Storm and Balance Spellements)
- Nirini Quartermaster – Chamber of Fire (Fire, Ice, Storm and Balance Spellements)
- Krokenkahmen – Throne Room of Fire (Fire, Ice, Storm and Balance Spellements)
- Odji Sokkwi – Hall of Champions (Fire, Ice, Storm and Balance Spellements)
- Khai Amathe the Great – Grand Arena (Life, Death, Myth and Balance Spellements)
- Keeper of the Fang – Vault of Ice (Life, Death, Myth and Balance Spellements)
- Krokhotep – Emperor’s Retreat (Fire, Ice, Storm and Balance Spellements)
- Krokopatra – Temple of Storms (Fire, Ice, Storm and Balance Spellements)
Marleybone | Rank 1-4 Spellements
- Gearhead – Hyde Park (Fire, Ice, Storm and Balance Spellements)
- Timmy Icepick – Chelsea Court (Fire, Ice, Storm and Balance Spellements)
- Pops O’ Leary – Ironworks (Fire, Ice, Storm and Balance Spellements)
- Agony Wraith – Newgate Prison (Life, Death, Myth and Balance Spellements)
- Jacques the Scratcher (Rank 6) – Knight’s Court (Fire, Ice, Storm and Balance Spellements)
- Dr. Von Katzenstein – Katzenstein’s Lab (Fire, Ice, Storm and Balance Spellements)
- Agony Wraith – Big Ben (Life, Death, Myth and Balance Spellements)
- Meowiarty – Big Ben (Life, Death, Myth and Balance Spellements)
Mooshu | Rank 1-5 Spellements
- Jade Oni – Jade Palace (Life, Death, Myth and Balance Spellements)
- Do-Daga – Hametsu Village (Fire, Ice, Storm and Balance Spellements)
- Maito – Tatakai Outpost (Fire, Ice, Storm and Balance Spellements)
- War Oni – Crimson Fields (Fire, Ice, Storm and Balance Spellements)
- Kanago – Cave of Solitude (Fire, Ice, Storm and Balance Spellements)
- Kyuto – Kishible Village (Fire, Ice, Storm and Balance Spellements)
- Plague Oni – Shirataki Temple (Any Spellements)
- Tomugawa the Evil – Ancient Burial Grounds (Life, Death, Myth and Balance Spellements)
- Oyotomi the Defiler – Village of Sorrow (Life, Death, Myth and Balance Spellements)
- Death Oni – Tree of Life (Life, Death, Myth and Balance Spellements)
Dragonspyre | Rank 2-6 Spellements
- Zarathax – The Tower Archives (Any Spellements)
- Sea Lord – Plaza of Conquests (Fire, Ice, Storm and Balance Spellements)
- Vasek Ashweaver – The Grand Chasm (Life, Death, Myth and Balance Spellements)
- Chronius – The Crystal Grove (Fire, Ice, Storm and Balance Spellements)
- Vesta Shadowmark – The Forum (Any Spellements)
- Malistaire – The Crown of Fire (Life, Death, Myth and Balance Spellements)
Arc 2 Bosses
Unlike the Arc 1 bosses, the bosses in Arc 2 can drop any school spellements. They can drop rank 3 to rank 10 spellements depending on the world.
Celestia | Rank 3-7 Spellements
- Governor Nereus – The Grotto
- Curuin Charmtooth – District of the Stars*
- Selwyn Skywatcher – The Stellarium
- Tangleroot – The Floating Land
- Tempus Stormfist – Stormriven Hall
- Selenor – The Lunarium
- Maglump – Science Center
- Praetor Mako – Crustacean Empire
- Achaelos – Crustacean Empire*
- Big Salgio – The Chancel
- Mithraya – Trial of the Spheres
Zafaria | Rank 4-8 Spellements
- Nergal the Burned Lion – Savannah
- Karl Thriceborn – Zamunda Outskirts*
- Shaka Zebu – Zamunda
- Aleksi Flowers – Stone Town*
- Tim-tim Snakeeye – Waterfront
- Kallah Silverback – Drum Jungle
- Ada Razorwhip – Elephant Graveyard
- Gherruld – Elephant Graveyard
- Dhakir Bloodthorn – Elephant Graveyard
- Starburst Spider – Mirror Lake
Avalon | Rank 5-9 Spellements
- Jabberwock – High Road
- Maudit Soulban – Wild
- Indigo Giant – Wyrd
- Battling Jackie – Outer Yard
- Black Annie – Lake Shore
- Tarn the Drowned – Deepwater
- Sir Malory – Ghost Avalon
- Pendragon – Keep of Ganelon
Azteca | Rank 6-10 Spellements
- Belloq – Three Points
- Caquix Nine Shadows – Mangrove Marsh
- Storm Caiman – Saltmeadow Swamp
- Xiuhcoatl Barbed Tooth – Saltmeadow Swamp*
- Yazarek Dream Prowler – Zultun Dock
- Hungry Caiman – Cloudburst Forest
- Yacate Farwalker – Alto Alto
- Cipactli – Tierra de Brea
- Crimson Eagle – Pitch Black Lake
- Neza the Poet – Pitch Black Lake
- Guaman Skyfall – Floating Mountains
- Nezahual Savage Paw – Twin Giants
- Huracan Vicious Sky – Twin Giants
- Malistaire the Undying – Xibalba
Khrysalis | Rank 7-10 + King Artorius Spellements
- Tymen WhiteFlame – Bastion
- Goliath Slasher – Silent Market
- Sofia DarkSide – Moon Cliffs
- Galek WorldRazer – Last Wood
- Atlach-Leng – Tyrian Gorge
- Actias NightOrb – Tyrian Gorge
- Ghost Dog (Shadow) – Fort Rachias
- Fat Tail Marauder – Crescent Beach
- Deep Spawn – StarFall Sea
- Papa Jacobo – Ruined Alcazar
- Balor the Broken Fang – Sardonyx
- Santa Muerte – Kondha Desert
- Black Baroness – Kondha Desert*
- Archmagus Lorcan – The Hive
- Lord Ombra – The Hive
- Morganthe – Shadow Palace
*Side Quest Boss
In addition, Karamelle, Lemuria and Novus spellements are dropped from quests and bosses in their respective worlds.
Key Bosses
As of the Summer 2022 update, Gold Skeleton Key Bosses became the major source of Lore Spells’ spellements. Check out this article to find out which boss can drop which spellements.
Boss Rematches
The Patch on May 25th brought a boss rematch feature for the following bosses:
These bosses have 3 difficulties – Level 50, 100 and 150. You can craft each rematch by talking to Raquel in the Arena.
Find out more about Boss Rematches here.
Cantrips Chests
Cantrips is an activity, introduced in Spring 2022 update. You can read more about it here. Cantrips chests appear all around the worlds Marleybone, Mooshu, Dragonspyre, Novus, and Wallaru. You need 3 wizards to cast Magic Touch in order to open the chest. Each chest grants around 8 spellements per wizard.
* Khrysalis chests grant King Artorius spellements
** Novus and Wallaru chests grant Spellements for their specific world-themed spells (e.g. Wallaru spellements are for the 3 pips + 1 school pip AOEs)
Silver chests
Silver chests also drop spellements, in order to open one you need to complete one of the minigames. After succesfully winning a minigame you will get 1 random spellement.
Winning a Beastmoon Hunt or Beastmoon Mayhem grants you around 5-6 random spellements for:
You can also get spellements from respective Beastmoon Seed plant, once it reaches elder.

Astral School Spellements
- Pack sources: Druid’s Hoard Pack, Deluxe Spellement Pack
- Other sources: Scroll of Fortune
- Dropped by:
- Dragonspyre Vanguard
- General Greyflame
- King Detritus
- Prince Viggor
- Satharilith
- The Devourer
- The Shedder
- Viggor’s Drake
Spellement Path
- Pack sources: Druid’s Hoard Pack, Deluxe Spellement Pack
- Other sources: Scroll of Fortune
- Dropped by:
- Dragonspyre Vanguard
- General Greyflame
- King Detritus
- Prince Viggor
- Satharilith
- The Devourer
- The Shedder
- Viggor’s Drake
Spellement Path
Did you find another way of obtaining Spellements? Tell us in the comments!