January 20, 2009 April 9, 2024
Monstrology Creatures List
Wizard City
This post’s sole purpose is to collect and display the data of every monster available in Monstrology. Because of the sheer amount of monsters available in the entire game, this article will only display those available in Wizard City. The guide is organized by the creature’s name in alphabetical order. The creatures listed below can have their Animus captured through Extract Undead, Wyrm, Pig, Cyclops, Golem, Gobbler, Insect and Equine. Additionally, each monster’s name has been color coded and marked with a letter next to the creatures’ name so you can know which spell to use on them. The colors and letters are as you can see below.
Extract Undead
Extract Wyrm
Extract Pig
Extract Gobbler
Extract Cyclops
Extract Golem
Extract Insects
Extract Equine
If you’d like to learn more about Monstrology, our introduction article can be found here! Additionally, our very own Cody RavenTamer created the downloadable monstrology excel list complete with every creature available in monstrology. Click the button below to be directed to it for your very own copy of the list. Note that the document will be updated after there are updates to monstrology in game.
Wizard City Monstrology Creatures
All 124 creatures listed under Wizard City have been accounted for.
B-Bug (IS)
The Drains
Baron Greebly (G)
Colossus Boulevard
Baron Mordecai (U)
Triton Avenue*
Baron Rotunda (G)
Colossus Boulevard
Bastilla Gravewynd (U)
Firecat Alley
Benighted Revenant (U)
Crab Alley
Blue Ninja Pig (P)
The Drains
Bone Digger (U)
Hallowe’en Master Tower*
Burned Out Soul (U)
Crab Alley
Clockwork Golem (GL)
Golem Court
Cyclops Legionnaire (CY)
Cyclops Lane
Death Whisperer (U)
Hallowe’en Adept Tower*
Dragonspyre Crusader (U)
The Catacombs
Dragonspyre Crusader (U)
The Catacombs
Dragonspyre Vanguard (U)
The Catacombs
Earl the Eater (Q)
The Drains
Eyus Maximus (CY)
Cyclops Lane
Feckless Soul (U)
Crab Alley
Fellspawn (IS)
Wizard City Catacombs
Field Guard (U)
Haunted Cave
Foulgaze (U)
Olde Town
Fractal Treeminder (U)
The Catacombs
Galen the Traitor (U)
The Catacombs
General Akilles (CY)
Cyclops Lane
General Greyflame (U)
The Catacombs
Gobbler Glutton (G)
Colossus Boulevard
Gobbler Gorger (G)
Colossus Boulevard
Gobbler Muncher (G)
Colossus Boulevard
Gobbler Scavenger (G)
Colossus Boulevard
Gobbler Scouter (G)
Colossus Boulevard
Grubb (U)
Sunken City
Hallowe’en Trickster (U)
Hallowe’en Apprentice Tower*
Haunted Minion (U)
Triton Avenue
Haunted Minion (U)
Firecat Alley
Haunting Banshee (U)
Hallowe’en Apprentice Tower*
Heartburner Golem (GL)
Sunken City
Howling Ghost (U)
Hallowe’en Adept Tower*
Howling Wraith (U)
Sunken City
Iron Golem (GL)
Golem Court
Lady Blackhope (U)
Unicorn Way
Living Scarecrow (U)
Sunken City
Lord Nightshade (U)
Haunted Cave
Lorekeeper (U)
The Catacombs
Lost Soul (U)
Unicorn Way
Maiden of Hate (U)
Hallowe’en Adept Tower*
Maiden of Hate (U)
Hallowe’en Master Tower*
Mane the Mauler (Q)
The Drains
Melweena Smite (U)
Firecat Alley
Midnight Shuffler (U)
Hallowe’en Adept Tower*
Mis-Assembled Skeleton (U)
The Catacombs – Lower Level
Mis-Assembled Skeleton (U)
The Catacombs – Lower Level
Mis-Assembled Skeleton (U)
The Catacombs – Lower Level
Mr. Dead (Q)
The Drains
Mr. Dead (Q)
The Drains
Norton (U)
Sunken City
Nosferabbit (U)
Haunted Cave*
Orange Ninja Pig (P)
The Drains
Paulson (U)
Sunken City
Pesky Pete (Q)
The Drains
Plagued Soul (U)
Hallowe’en Apprentice Tower*
Prince Gobblestone (G)
Colossus Boulevard
Prince Viggor (U)
The Catacombs
Pumpkin Head (U)
Hallowe’en Master Tower*
Purple Ninja Pig (P)
The Drains
Rattlebones (U)
Unicorn Way
Red Ninja Pig (P)
The Drains
Renegade Druid (U)
The Catacombs – Lower Level
Roachsteady (IS)
The Drains
Roberto (Q)
Olde Town
Rotted Fodder (U)
Triton Avenue
Rotting Fodder (U)
Triton Avenue
Sanitation Capo (IS)
Olde Town
Sanitation Engineer (IS)
Olde Town
Sanitation Lieutenant (IS)
Olde Town
Sanitation Worker (IS)
Olde Town
Scarlet Screamer (U)
Triton Avenue
Scarlet Screecher (U)
Triton Avenue
Sergeant Skullsplitter (U)
Triton Avenue
Silas’ Conviction (U)
The Catacombs
Silas’ Doubt (U)
The Catacombs
Silas’ Rage (U)
The Catacombs
Silas’ Weariness (U)
The Catacombs
Simon the Sayer (U)
Sunken City
Sir Greggor (U)
The Catacombs
Skeletal Corsair (U)
Unicorn Way
Skeletal Pirate (U)
Unicorn Way
Skeletal Retainer (U)
Hallowe’en Master Tower*
Skeletal Soldier (U)
Hallowe’en Adept Tower*
Skeletal Warrior (U)
Firecat Alley / Dark Cave
Soul Hunter (U)
Hallowe’en Master Tower*
Spellwrit Screamer (U)
Triton Avenue*
Spirit of Ignorance (U)
Gold Key Tier 1, Crab Alley
Spirit of Ignorance (U)
Gold Key Tier 2, Crab Alley
Spirit of Ignorance (U)
Gold Key Tier 3, Crab Alley
Spirit of Ignorance (U)
Gold Key Tier 4, Crab Alley
Squire Greggor (U)
The Catacombs
The Boss (IS)
Olde Town
The Devourer (W)
The Catacombs – Lower Level
The Harvest Lord (U)
Triton Avenue
The Reaper (U)
Hallowe’en Adept Tower*
Tiny Dragon (W)
The Drains
Treeminder (U)
The Catacombs
Treeminder (U)
The Catacombs
Treeminder (U)
The Catacombs
Treeminder (U)
The Catacombs
Treeminder Ghost (U)
Olde Town Drains
Unsettled Treeminder (U)
The Catacombs
Valencian Duelist (Q)
The Catacombs
Valencian Royal Guard (Q)
The Catacombs
Valencian Royal Guard (Q)
The Catacombs
Valencian Royal Guard (Q)
The Catacombs
Valencian Swashbuckler (Q)
The Catacombs
Veggie Revenant (U)
Haunted Cave*
Veggie Revenant (U)
Haunted Cave*
Veggie Revenant (U)
Haunted Cave*
Veggie Revenant (U)
Haunted Cave*
Veggie Revenant (U)
Haunted Cave*
Viggor’s Drake (W)
The Catacombs
Virulent Gas Golem (GL)
Sunken City
Wailing Wraith (U)
Sunken City
Wandering Specter (U)
Sunken City
War Havox (U)
The Catacombs
Wooden Construct (GL)
Golem Court
Wormguts (U)
Firecat Alley
Do you plan on finding them all?
Let us know what you think in the comments below!
Note: If you find a creature that is not on our list and wish to supply us with the information and screenshot for said creature, please leave it in the comments section below. We will credit you for your finding by adding it to the list with your name underneath it.