September 11, 2021 January 14, 2024
Pirate101 Main Quest Line Guide
Monquista & Valencia Part 1
After years of user requests, we are finally adding a new series of Pirate101 main quest line guides! This Monquista and Valencia Part 1 main quest line article is intended to help you track your progress throughout these worlds.
I list the quests you have to do in a certain area. The areas are listed in the order you should do them in (unless otherwise specified). The area is not always one hundred percent correct, as certain quests can require you to run back and forth between areas to talk to people. To simplify matters, I have not listed this kind of running; the quest will say “talk” but not where the NPC is located. Also, if there is only one quest in an area, I will not mention the area separately. Located between brackets are the different parts of each quest, as many quests require you to do multiple things. Pirate101 is also notorious for making you travel all over the Skyways and Spiral, so while we may list a quest as being assigned in a certain area, it may have you travel to other zones.
I have divided the quests in the Spiral into the following groups:
- Talk: Quests that require an interaction with an NPC.
- Mob: Quests that require the defeat of regular monsters, either by air or on land
- Boss: Quests that require the defeat of a Boss, allowing you to manually choose which companions you will fight with.
- D&C: Quests that require the collection of something from certain monsters (Defeat and Collect).
- Broadside: Quests that require Broadside Combat, or Ship-to-Ship Comat
- Instance: Quests that require the completion of a place behind a sigil with at least 2 battles.
- Interact: Quests that require interaction with a certain object.
- Explore: Quests that just require you to run towards a certain area, NPC or item.
Monquista Main Quest Line
Puerto Mico
1. Hear No Evil, See No Evil – Talk + Broadside + D&C Talk (3x) + Explore + Mob + Talk (4x)
2. Three Queens – Talk+ Broadside + D&C + Explore + Instance
3. Monkey Barred (Instance) – Explore + Mob + Explore + Mob + Interact + Explore + Boss
2. Three Queens – Talk+ Talk
4. Plan B – Explore + Talk
5. Be Careful What You Wish For – Talk
St. Bonobo’s Abbey
6. The Shadow of the Paw – Explore + Explore + Instance
7. Leverage (Instance) – Explore + Interact + Explore + Explore + Mob + Interact + Explore + Explore + Mob + Interact + Explore + Boss + Explore + Boss + Interact + Explore
6. The Shadow of the Paw – Talk + Talk
8. Going Ape- Interact + Talk (4x) + Explore + Explore + Interact
Diablo Cut
9. Thorns of Doom – Explore + Mob + Explore + Talk
10. The Monkey’s Paw – Explore + Instance
11. Shock and Paw (Instance) – Explore (4x) + Mob + Mob + Explore + Interact + Explore + Mob + Explore + Interact + Interact + Mob + Boss + Explore + Interact + Interact + Interact + Boss + Interact + Boss + Talk
10. The Monkey’s Paw – Talk
11. Return to Zenda – Talk (4x)
12. Rat Trap – Talk + Explore + Talk
13. Them Rats of Nim – Explore + Boss + Talk + Talk
14. Oh, That Map… – Broadside + D&C + Explore + Explore + Mob + Instance
15. This Map! (Instance) – Explore + Boss + Talk
14. Oh, That Map… – Interact + Talk
16. Hook, Line, and Sinker – Talk + Broadside + Talk
17. The Road Ahead – Mob + Instance
18. Jumping the Shark (Instance) – Boss
17. The Road Ahead – Interact + Talk
19. To Avernus, and Beyond! – Talk + Broadside + Talk + Explore + Explore + Explore + Talk
Valencia Part 1 Main Quest Line
20. In the Belly of the Beast – D&C + Broadside + Talk + Explore + Talk
21. In the Shadows – Talk (4x)
22. Paper Chase – Explore + Mob + Explore + Talk (3x)
23. The Tomb of Marco Pollo – Explore + Talk + Talk + Explore + Instance
24. Phule’s Errand (Instance) – Mob + Interact
23. The Tomb of Marco Pollo – Talk
25. Go West, Young Pirate! – Talk + Explore + Explore + Talk
That concludes the Monquista and Valencia Part 1 main quest line! Stay tuned for the next installment!
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