Dakota's been playing Wizard101 for well over ten years now. He's seen a lot of change in the game, and loves to check everything out on his trusty Storm and Death. When an update comes out, expect to see him running around to create strategies and discover secrets. While he's more of a PvE player, Dakota isn't new to PvP, formerly a tournament PvPer. Nowadays, he spends his days playing Beastmoon and working on his fire wizard.
Confused about the Lemuria Quest Line? Well then, check out this article to learn more about the main quest line as you move through the elusive world of Lemuria! Good luck on your journey!
Questing through Monquista? Here's a Monquista and Valencia Part 1 main quest line so you can track your progress through these worlds! Good luck in your long journey throughout the Spiral!
Questing through Skull Island? Curious about where your pirate is? Check out this Skull Island main quest line guide to track your progress. Good luck in your journey throughout the Spiral!
Dakota TitanHeart discusses what mistakes you can easily make in Wizard101 and how you can possibly avoid them. Check out what can make your in game life easier thanks to this article.