January 1, 2019 October 15, 2022
KingsIsle’s 2018 – A Look Back
Another year comes to an end and as always it makes us think back at what it entailed. 2018 was full of significance and importance for Kingsisle. Although both games had their highlights, the focus lied more on Wizard101 as 2018 represented the 10 year anniversary for the game! This is something that doesn’t happen very often in the gaming world and Kingsisle was able to achieve it. Let’s all wish them lots more successful 10 year anniversaries!
As something that is starting to become a tradition with this end of year article, I tend to look back at the previous year’s Wizard101 December 2017 Producer’s Letter and specifically re-read that teasing last paragraph…
Long before even the first leaf began turning color, we were hard at work planning for next year, and let me tell you, it’s going to be beyond epic. We’ll be turning ten years old and celebrating all year long. Everything old will be new again. Our list of plans is long and ambitious and we can’t wait to share it all with you. But for now, we’ll take a brief respite in the VIP section of the Leisure Dome in Zanadu and let Alyvia the Muse crank up the music while we celebrate the close of a crazy fun 2017. Have a warm, happy, and safe holiday, and we’ll greet 2018 together!
Something tells me that they weren’t really resting in that VIP section of the Leisure Dome, as Kingsisle delivered! The decaversary has indeed been a year long celebration with the free gifts from the different teams at KI (click the image below). The Wizard City revamp update this Summer made everything old new again, and on top of that there was Empyrea Part 2 to conclude the major game updates for 2018.
We had an eventful year ourselves as we transitioned from one site to another and welcomed some fresh faces to the team. However, all is settled now and we are highly focused on bringing you that great quality content you expect and deserve.
All things considered, let’s take an actual look back at what Kingsisle has been up to in 2018 and see the major highlights for all Kingsisle games including Wizard101, Pirate101 and mobile games. Also, don’t forget to check out the countless member benefits that took place throughout the year for both Pirate101 and Wizard101.
- The year kicked off with the Alphoi Hoard Pack for Wizard101.
- Pirate101 receives the Seraph Wings mounts.
- Friendship Festival reappears bringing back Valentina HeartSong and a couple new fan favorites.
- The Five B.O.X.E.S event makes its first appearance this year.
- Pat O’ Gold and Eggbert nearly clash in Shopping District as their holidays happened to be only a few days apart.
- The Butterfly Swarm Mount makes it debut as a Spring Festival item.
- Kingsisle take April fool’s to a whole new level with the Ball-N-Chain mount reducing 60% speed in both games.
- Wizard101 welcomes the Unicorn Hoard Pack and all the beautiful items found within!
- Hatchmaking, new loading screens, skeleton key bosses and loads more.
- A storybook comic for Wizard101 is introduced to start celebrating the Decaversary.
- The Battlemage Keep Bundle made its way to GameStop’s shelves.
- Green Vine mount is revealed in Pirate101.
- The 10th anniversary video series is launched. Check the entire four videos below!
- The long requested Moonblade Pantera mount was released in Wizard101.
- A brand new bundle, the Accursed Play Gauntlet introduced the Theater Gauntlet with all of MacDeath’s fury!
- The Golden Eagle Mount launches for Pirate101!
- The Lost Pages event finally made its first appearance in 2018.
- Wizard101 gets a major graphical update where most of Wizard City is revamped with new graphics.
- The summer update also introduces a couple new features including Photomancy, the Magic Mirror shop, Azteca fishing, and my personal favorite, more monstrology!
- With the ten year anniversary of Wizard101, the Decaversary Hoard Pack is revealed.
- Christmas in July showers both Pirate101 and Wizard101 with seasonal items.
- The tenth anniversary introduces the Decade Pets: the Decade Piggle, the Decade Firecat and the Decade Gargoyle.
- Animal Cove launches worldwide on both Apple App Store and Google Play.
- Wizard101’s birthday celebration month kicks off with member benefits all month long and a special quest.
- The Autumn Leaf Swarm mount spins its way to the Crown Shop.
- We welcome more players to Wizard101 now that it becomes available on Steam.
- Pirate101 gets a whopping update including skeleton key bosses, Old Scratch Promotion #3, and lots more!
This month immediately kicks off with the usual Halloween celebrations.
- The Spider Rider mount and Elven Nightmare Pack launch in Wizard101.
- Giant Spider and Cloudstrider mount revealed in Pirate101 for Halloween.
- Pirate101 turns 6 years old!
- A game changer, the Great Detective Bundle, is revealed at Gamestop with gear all the way up to level 130.
- $17,855 were raised with the collaboration of Kingsisle and ExtraLife.
- The Moonblade Pantera mount sneaks its way to Pirate1o1.
- Empyrea Part 2 launches bringing the third Arc to an epic close!
- For the first time ever, the Night-Knight Crowns reward event is launched for one weekend.
- The Aero Plains Bundle brings the magic of the Aeroplains to your wizards.
- The fourth Christmas themed pack is revealed, the Yuletide Gingerbread Pack!
- Krampus made it to the Pirate101 end of the Spiral this Christmas!
- New Yuletide mounts introduced for both Wizard101 and Pirate101.
- The Charity mounts, Bah Humbug and Noelephant make a very unique and rare reappearance for the 12 days of the Spiral.
2018 has been quite an astonishing year for Kingsisle – and we can only start to wonder what 2019 has in store. In the meantime, everyone at Final Bastion would like to say thank you to:
- Our readers for engaging with our articles.
- The Community Newsletter for continuously featuring our articles among other amazing articles from the community.
- KingsIsle – for providing us with many updates, new games, and new memories over the past year.
- To players – for always coming up with new, amazing creations and for the thoughtful, engaging conversations to further better the game.
- To the other fansites present in Wizard101 and Pirate101 that help fashion the players into a community.
You all mean a great deal and we’d be nothing without you guys.
Bring on 2019 and happy new year!
Don’t forget that you can visit KingsIsle’s website, social media and Youtube to show your support!
- Fascinated 412%
- Happy 1958%
- Sad 13%
- Angry 39%
- Bored 412%
- Afraid 26%