May 15, 2022 October 29, 2023
Introductory Guide
to Cantrips in Wizard101
The Spring 2022 update introduced a brand new kind of magic: Cantrips! Wizards can now cast spells outside of combat, using energy instead of mana. Yes, you can finally fulfil your dream of doing a backflip in Wizard101! This guide will tell you all you need to know about Cantrips, what they do and where to find them.
How do I cast Cantrips?
To get started, talk to Abner K. Doodle in The Commons. He will provide you with Cantrips Rank 1 and the quest Cantrips101. This will take you to the Cantrips trainer, Hampshire Buttersfield in Wysteria, to learn the basics. You must be level 25 or higher to start the quest. Your Cantrips spells are accessed using the wand icon next to the Spellbook in the lower right of your screen. Like Crafting, Cantrips have a cooldown time (between 10 seconds and 2 minutes, depending on the spell).
What can I do with Cantrips?
Cantrip spells have one of five functions. Some are practical, and some are just for fun.
- Flourish Cantrips produce fun effects, such as or school symbols or invisibility.
- Teleport Cantrips take players to a new location quickly.
- Radiance Cantrips create a beneficial effect in a large area for a limited time. Anyone inside the area will enjoy the benefits, such as healing, mana, or fishing luck.
- Ritual Cantrips allow players to cast magical energy at a target, and are used to open Cantrip chests and unlock areas in the Guild House.
- Sigil Support (Inspire) Cantrips allow players outside a battle circle to aid players in combat.
Where do I get Cantrip spells?
There are currently over 60 Cantrip spells. Some can be bought for gold from Hampshire, some are dropped from bosses, and some are crafted treasure cards. If you are someone like me, you will want to collect them all!
Hampshire Buttersfield, Wysteria
During the Cantrips101 and Cantrips102 quests, you learn four spells for free: To Buttersfield, Flip, School Spirit, and Magic Touch. Afterwards, Hampshire has more spells available to purchase for 3,000 gold each. Mostly, these are rank 1-3 Flourish spells.
Notable mention: Second Mark and Second Recall. At rank 6, you can place a second X marker around the Spiral. This mark is permanent, even after you teleport back to it, so can be extremely useful. These spells require completion of Khrysalis before you can learn them.
Spells from Hampshire Buttersfield
Cantrip Crafting Station
Cantrip treasure cards of ranks 1-8 are available to craft at the Cantrip Crafting Station, next to Hampshire, but will require many precious reagents. Mostly, these are Radiance or Teleport spells. For more information about Crafting, and where to find particular Reagents, visit our Crafting Guide. Some treasure cards have world completion requirements before you are able to craft them.
Notable mention: Sneak. At rank 4, you can walk through enemies without being pulled into battle!
Cantrip Crafting Station Treasure Cards
Gwyn Fellwarden (Battle Crafter)
Sigil Support (also known as Inspire) Cantrip spells are available as treasure cards from the Gwyn Fellwarden (Battle Crafter), located on the Battle Island of the Guild House. You will need Azoth reagents to unlock the area and craft the treasure cards.
These spells require you to be a specific Crafting level before you are able to craft them.
Gwyn Fellwarden (Battle Crafter) Treasure Cards
Boss Drops
Some of the crafted treasure cards are also available as permanent spells. The Teleport spells, both permanent and treasure card versions, are dropped from each First Arc world’s final boss. To learn the spell, you must be Cantrips Rank 1 or higher.
Teleport Spells Drop Locations
Cantrip Chests
There is a new type of chest, Cantrip chests. To open them, three different wizards must cast Magic Touch (5 energy each) at the chest. As a reward, each wizard will receive around 7-8 spellements. These spellements are specific to the world you find the chest in. For example, Cantrip chests in Mooshu will drop spellements for rank 5 spells.
Similar to regular chests, Cantrip chests are located randomly throughout First Arc worlds plus Novus. Some example locations are Chelsea Court, Marleybone, Ancient Burial Grounds, Mooshu, and The Tower Archives, Dragonspyre. Check out our world-specific Cantrip chest location guides below:
Ranks and Badges
There is a badge for every Cantrip rank you achieve. Rank 1 starts at Cantrip Novice, all the way to Cantrip Visionary at Rank 10. As of the release of the Spring 2022 update, the highest possible Rank is 9, Cantrip Artisan.
Thanks to Mike Firehammer for the pictures.
Like Gardening and Fishing, you’ll see your Cantrip XP progress bar anytime your Cantrips interface is open. To earn XP, you should always use spells the same rank as you. The amount of XP gained is the same as the energy requirement. For example, if you are rank 3, then only rank 3 Cantrip spells will provide XP. Roll Dice costs 2 energy to cast, so will provide 2 XP. Check out our Cantrips Levelling Guide to see how to increase your Cantrips rank.
Final Thoughts
Cantrips are a fun addition to Wizard101. Haven’t you always wanted to turn invisible, or recline mid-air in The Commons? Cantrips also offer a new way to work together, by providing health or spellements for each other. Overall, the Cantrips system has a lot of potential for expansion. Personally, I would love to see future spells that provide member benefits for a short time, or small stat boosts alongside upcoming Sigil Support spells.