Minotaur Beastform Spells

The Beastmoon Hunt has returned with a plethora of new features and updates. While most are focused on the new forms and arena, the old spells were also given a makeover. As such, in order to reorganize the guides and update them, I am rewriting the spell guides for each form. Rather than being organized by school, they will instead be organized by form. This guide features the Minotaur Beastform and its spells.

Hover over a spell to find out what each spell does. For mobile users, tap on each spell to get more info.


Bevo Emberhoof

Health: 425 | Type: Damage / Tank | Bonus Pips: 1 | Speed: Normal

Spells List


Gorok Icecleaver

Health: 500 | Type: Tank / Damage | Bonus Pip: 1 | Speed: Normal

Spells List



Health: 425 | Type: Heal / Empower | Bonus Pip: 1 | Speed: Normal

Spells List


Asterion Lorehorn

Health: 450 | Type: Tank / Enfeeble | Bonus Pip: 1 | Speed: Normal

Spells List


Tauryn Grazaur

Health: 475 | Type: Heal / Tank | Bonus Pip: 1 | Speed:  Normal

Spells List

Mero Tramplehoof

Health: 450 | Type: Damage / Enfeeble | Bonus Pip: 1 | Speed: Normal

Spells List


Health: 475 | Type: Heal / Damage | Bonus Pip: 1 | Speed:  Normal

Spells List

Other Beastform spells


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Final Bastion Redeye | Level 1+-50% accuracy to next spellSmoldering Cat | Level 1+150 fire damage over 3 roundsBlazing Construct | Level 1+200 fire damage to target and -50% accuracy to next spell if the caster has a negative ward onSmog Bats | Level 1+150 fire damage over 3 rounds to target and -50% accuracy to next spellRuby Shark | Level 1+375 fire damage over 3 rounds to targetInfernal Construct | Level 1+250 fire damage to all enemies and 200 fire damage over 4 rounds to each enemy that has a positive ward onNoxious Golem | Level 2+200 fire damage to target and 200 fire damage over 4 rounds if the target has a positive ward on Cauterize | Level 3+Remove 1 DoT and 50 heal over 3 rounds to targetBombardier Beetle | Level 4+200 fire damage to all enemies and detonates 1 DoT on each enemy that is stunnedBargain of Brass | Level 5250 fire damage to caster and 300 fire damage over 3 rounds to all enemiesChill Bug | Level 1+50 ice damage to target and if the target has a positive charm on, remove it for -50 flat damage bladeBracing Breeze | Level 1+75 flat damage absorb and add a stun immunity aura to target for 2 roundsIce Lash | Level 1+150 ice damage to targetWinter's Fury | Level 1++225 flat damage trap to target and if the caster has a negative charm on, remove it for 75 ice damage to targetBracing Wind | Level 1+100 flat damage absorb and add a stun immunity aura for 2 rounds to caster's teamCold Harvest | Level 1+200 ice damage to all enemies and if any enemy has a positive charm on, remove it for -75 flat damage bladeWinter's Ward | Level 2+100 flat damage absorb to target and remove 1 negative charm from target if it has anySultan of Sleet | Level 3+150 ice damage to target and if the caster's team has an active minion, force enemies to hit caster for 2 roundsBitter Chill | Level 4+225 ice damage to target and if the target has a negative ward on, add 125 flat damage absorb to casterFreeze the Heart | Level 5150 ice damage to target and if the target has a positive charm on, remove it and stun the targetIonization| Level 1++75 flat damage blade and activate HoT on targetBrewing Storm | Level 1+Adds 2 cards to target's hand: storm damage and clear DoT for +75 flat damage bladeTriton Shock | Level 1+100 storm damage and clear HoT on target for -50 flat healing weaknessRepair Bear | Level 1+225 health over 3 rounds and clear DoT for +125 healing charmStorm Sprite | Level 1+200 storm damage to target and +100 healing charm to caster if target has a negative charmGlowbug Swarm | Level 1+250 storm damage to all enemies and +100 healing charm to caster if target has negative charmStormfront | Level 2+Add 2 cards to all enemies' decks: storm damage and clear DoT for +75 flat damage bladeRefreshing Mist | Level 3+150 health over 3 rounds and 50 health if target has a positive charmZeus' Judgment | Level 4+300 storm damage to target and steal HoTRefreshing Rain | Level 5200 health over 4 rounds to all teammates and 50 health if target has a positive charmMetal Minion | Level 1+Summon an absorb minionRust Bat | Level 1+Steal 1 shield and 100 myth damage to targetLet'Er Rip | Level 1+200 myth damage to targetBorrowed Time | Level 1+150 flat damage absorb to target and remove 1 trap from target for 100 flat damage absorb on casterCast-Iron Aegis | Level 1+Target an active minion in your team and 200 flat damage absorb to your teamGrasping Ghilan | Level 1+Steal 1 positive ward from each enemy and 100 myth damage to all enemiesMultiply Armor | Level 2+Pushes 1 positive ward to selected target and 50 flat damage absorb to caster if the target has a positive ward onLingering Wail | Level 3+225 myth damage to target and -50% accuracy to next spell if the target has a DoT onStoke the Flames | Level 4+Target an active minion in your team and -50% accuracy to next spell to all enemiesCursed Medusa | Level 5200 myth damage to all enemies and remove positive ward from each enemy for 1 round stunThe Worm Turns | Level 1+50 life damage to target and pushes 1 DoT from caster to targetBio-Gnomes | Level 1+75 life damage to target and +75 flat heal blade to caster if the target has a DoT onRadiant Boon | Level 1+150 heal to targetBull Rush | Level 1+225 life damage to target and 100 heal to caster if any teammate has a positive charm onUnicorn Blessing | Level 1+500 heal over 4 rounds to target and adds a double pip aura for 3 rounds to target if the enemy team has an active minionArboreal Vengeance | Level 1+200 life damage to all enemies and -50% accuracy to next spell to all enemies if the enemy team has an active minionTears of Mourning | Level 2+When the target of this spell is defeated adds -50% accuracy to next spell to all enemiesPropitious Pixie | Level 3+300 heal over 3 rounds to target and remove 1 DoT from target for 150 heal over rounds to targetMetal Mangler | Level 4+150 life damage to target and 200 life damage over 4 rounds to targetRite of Spring | Level 5100 heal to target and an extra 300 heal over 4 rounds if the target has a positive charmWither Strength | Level 1+-75 flat damage weakness and +50 flat damage blade on caster if target has negative charmWither Constitution | Level 1+50 death damage and -50 flat healing charm to targetPhysical Decay | Level 1+-100 flat damage weakness to target and clear HoT for -50 flat healing charmWrath of the Dead | Level 1+200 death damage to target or 300 death damage if caster has bladeCheat the Reaper | Level 1+150 death drain to target and clear blade for -150 flat damage aura on target for 2 roundsThe Golden Ghoul | Level 1+300 death damage to all enemies or clear HoT from enemy for 450 death damage insteadGrave Ward | Level 2+75 absorb and +1 pip to target if target has bladeDeath Spinner | Level 3+250 death damage to all enemies or 375 death damage to all enemies if caster has bladeGrimotaur | Level 4+100 death damage to target or clear HoT for 150 death damageCall of Khrudy | Level 5100 death drain and clear blade for -100 flat damage aura to all enemiesPariah's Curse | Level 1+50 balance damage and expel all minions in battle75 health over 3 rounds and +50 flat damage blade | Level 1+75 life damage to target and +75 flat heal blade to caster if the target has a DoT onOverruled | Level 1+200 balance damage and swap HoTs and DoTs with targetSanction | Level 1+100 balance damage to target and 200 health over 4 rounds to casterEmbolden | Level 1++3 pips and +1 pip to self if any team has a minionJust Cause | Level 1+125 health over 5 rounds and +100 flat damage blade on all team matesRighteous Strength | Level 2+200 health over 4 rounds and clear HoTs/DoTs for +1 pipSweeping Sanction | Level 3+200 balance damage to all enemies and 100 health over 4 rounds on all team matesReconciliation | Level 4++2 pips and swap HoTs/DoTsCall Witness | Level 5Summon minion of target's school