An Introductory Guide to Crafting

crafting 101

Basic Crafting Information

So you’re looking for information about starting your crafting quests and crafting some awesome gear or furniture? Here is a crafting guide with some vital information that will make your journey towards becoming an experienced crafter easier!

What is Crafting?

Crafting is the process of creating something new out of several ingredients (a little like cooking). You do this at a Crafting Station (which I will talk about below in this article). Through the process of crafting, you can make some very good gear for your wizard, rare furniture items and lots of other items.

Though there’s a catch though: you can’t, for example: craft Avalon level gear without having the Legendary Artisan badge. In order to gain the badges required to craft the items you want, you have to do various quests throughout the Spiral. These are side quests given to you by NPCs.

How do I become a Legendary Artisan?

To get to a certain level of crafting, you need to do your crafting quests. It’s required to do them in the correct order. Every series of quests will give you a new badge, which allows you to craft more complicated things:

  1. Wizard City – Olde Town: Eudora Tangletree’s crafting quests (link to guide) — Novice Crafter
  2. Krokotopia – Oasis: Wul’yahm’s crafting quests (link to guide) — Apprentice Crafter
  3. Marleybone – Regent’s Square: Felicia Worthigton’s crafting quests (link to guide) — Initiate Crafter
  4. Mooshu – Jade Palace: Toshio’s crafting quests (link to guide) — Adept Crafter
  5. Dragonspyre – Atheneum: Balthazar Dragonthorn’s crafting quests (link to guide) — Master Artisan
  6. Celestia – Floating Land: Pierce Stanson’s crafting quest (link to guide) — Grandmaster Artisan
  7. Zafaria – Baobab Market: Koyate Ghostmane’s crafting quests (link to guide) — Legendary Artisan
  8. Azteca – Three Points: Oztomeca the Weaver’s crafting quests (link to guide) — Transcendent Crafter
  9. Khrysalis – Silent Market: Stendill Hammertail’s crafting quest (link to guide) — Promethean Crafter
  10. Arcanum – Ignus Ferric’s crafting quest — Champion Crafter
  11. Arcanum – Ignus Ferric’s crafting quest (link to guide) — Visionary Crafter
  12. Arcanum – Ignus Ferric’s crafting quest (link to guide) — Revered Crafter


Do I need to be a certain level to do a crafting quest?

No, everyone can do these crafting quests, as long as they do them in the right order. This means you can teleport to a friend to pick up the next quest when you’re ready. This holds true up to Zafaria: the Zafaria crafting quest is unfortunately only available for wizards that have quested to Zafaria, because it requires a prequest that you can only do after you reach Zafaria.

Koyate will first be located in the Baobab Crown, and won’t have a crafting quest for you until later.

What kind of things can I craft?

  1. Gear: From the moment you hit level 50 and higher, it’s always good to keep an eye open for crafted gear. Grizzleheim has some very nice gear for level 56 and up. For Avalon and beyond, Shane MacGobhann sells awesome critical block boots and Llewelyn sells some pretty neat robes which are an upgrade for Waterworks gear.  If you’re level 58 and looking to improve your incoming and outgoing health, take a look at the crafted Stellar Signet and Cosmic Kris in Celestia.
  2. Furniture Items: For the decorators amongst you, there are so many gorgeous items you could craft! Just to mention a few: teleporters, housing games, and what would you think of your very own copy of the Carousel from the Commons?
  3. Pet Snacks: I think this used to be a big thing back in the day before mega snacks. I remember crafting a few AmbrOs Cereal snacks in the day… Now? Not so much. But hey, it’s always an option!
  4. Treasure Cards: You can craft Treasure Cards of your own school by talking to the School tree in Ravenwood! I’ve personally only found use for crafted Doom and Glooms when I couldn’t find any in the Bazaar.
  5. Spells: The spells Brimstone Revenant, Deer Knight, Goat Monk, Winter Moon and many others can be crafted! No need to farm those stingy Skeleton Key Bosses, you could just craft one of them. There are two spell recipe vendors in the Spiral at the moment: Master Yan Kan Kook in Mooshu and Grady in Avalon.
  6. Houses: Yes! You can craft houses too! At the moment, there are 6 houses you can craft: the Celestial Observatory, Dragon’s Fjord, Treetop Getaway, Wyrd House, Wysteria Villa and the Watchtower Hall. They’re a lot of work, but totally worth it if you want a less common castle!
  7. Other reagents: Sometimes a recipe requires rare reagents. You can create rare reagents out of regular reagents. This process is called transmuting. You can transmute Stone Blocks into Fossils for example.
  8. Jewels: There are plenty of jewel recipes going around varying through many different levels.

What do I need in order to craft?

  • Reagents


  • Some recipes require Treasure Cards, Furniture Items or Gear as ingredients
  • A Crafting Station
  • A dorm or castle to put your Crafting Station
  • A recipe.
  • Time. Patience.

What are Reagents?

reagentsbuttonReagents are things like Mist Wood, Cat Tail and Lava Lily. They are used as ingredients in crafting recipes. You can find different reagents throughout the Spiral, either by harvesting them, defeating monsters, or purchasing them. Reagents go in your reagent bag, which you can access by selecting the Crafting tab in your spell book, or by pressing “J” on your keyboard. You can find more information about reagents in this article.

Recipe Vendors


Crafting is a little bit like cooking in the sense that you need a recipe to do so! Recipes have to be bought. There are currently 75-ish Recipe Vendors in the Spiral, each with their own special recipes :O That’s a bit too much to list in this article! We will add links here once we get more articles done on the subject.

How can I see my recipes?

All the recipes you have purchased are visible in the Crafting tab in your spell book. Press “Esc” on your keyboard and go to the Crafting tab. You can also access this tab by pressing “J” on your keyboard.

Crafting wizard101 spell book

Where can I find the Crafting Stations?

Crafting Stations are tables used to craft specific items. There are several different crafting tables:

  • Basic Crafting Station
  • Card Crafting Station
  • Equipment Crafting Station
  • Housing Crafting Station

Eudora gives you a free Basic Crafting Station. It will be in your backpack with other Furniture items. If you’ve sold or lost yours, you can buy a new Basic Crafting Table from the Furniture Shop Keepers in Krokotopia, Mooshu, Marleybone and Dragonspyre. The Bazaar is another option. They’re not always available there, so I’d check a Furniture Shop Keeper instead.

Each Crafting Station has its own recipes. When you’re at the Card Crafting Station, for example, you will NOT be able to see recipes that are made at the Basic Crafting Station. Hence, if you’re sure you’ve bought a recipe, but it doesn’t show up when you activate your Crafting Station, it’s likely you’re using the wrong Station.

There are also 6 additional locations for crafting. These cannot be purchased or placed in your Castle, instead, you must go to them.

  • Beastmoon Seed Cultivator and Beastmoon Crafting Station – The Arena, Wizard City
  • Deckathalon Crafting Station – The Arena, Wizard City
  • Hall of the Ice Forge – Northguard, Grizzleheim
  • Dragonspyre Crafting Station – The Dragon’s Roost, Dragonspyre
  • Forge of Legends – The Arcanum Crafting Room

How can I check which Crafting Station I need?

Because different recipes require specific crafting tables, you might need to check which one you require for a certain recipe. To do that, open the Crafting tab in your spell book or press “J” on your keyboard. Then hover over the vial icon in the lower left corner of the window, as pictured below:


What’s a crafting slot?

A crafting slot is a possibility to craft something. Each item crafted takes up one crafting slot. Once an item is created, a cooldown timer will be started on that crafting slot. When you start crafting in Wizard City, you will have one crafting slot. As you advance, you will be given additional crafting slots from the crafting quests. For each slot you receive there will be a new timer on your Character Page. If you craft something, the timer on the Character Page will show the cooldown time that you need to wait before that slot can be used again. The cooldown time depends on the item you are crafting.


What will you craft first?
Let us know in the comments below!

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While misthead has written all kinds of guides, the most popular by far are her "main quest line" guides. She does have all kinds of articles under her belt, from a grandmaster Myth PvP guide to research about which wand stitches are the most popular.


  • I thought i had crafted the two things from Felicia the stingers of the scorpion and the constellation jewesl. the jewels i have but dont have enough for the stingers. I got a call to see the lady but when i went to her it seemed i was still missing some reagents.

  • This was super helpful! Thank you so much! I have had my wizard since 2011 but I just skipped over any and all crafting, but I wanted the dragoon helm so bad and I wasn’t getting any drops!! So I jayde this as my guide to get a visionary crafter badge and got my new hat in 2 days. Easy peasy

  • Curious I have been told that you can buy gear from certain vendors by giving them Reagents as they do not sell the recipe but I have heard contradictory information as to whether you need a Crafting Level to buy this gear from these Vendors.

    Con one, when encountering a Vendor that has a Recipe that you cannot buy, give the vendor the necessary Reagents without having a Crafting Level or must you have a certain Crafting Level to do so?

    • When you craft items at a vendor, you must meet the crafting level requirements before you can exchange any reagents. Usually the requirements are shown by hovering over the Craft button.

  • very nice games

  • Iones Wand, I cannot find it to buy, craft, or dropped loot. I need help.

    • Ione’s Wand is available from Ignus at the Arcanum (Fire School Room).

  • You can actually craft another house missing from this list and is probably the most difficult. Its the Treetop gataway, it took me about 3 months to craft this house on my life character. My death crafted the wyrd and my storm crafted the celestian observatory (only one with a PvP area).
    I live crafting, its great.

  • The red recipes do indeed mean you are not at the right crafting level, if you hover over the “buy” button for the recipe it will tell you the crafting level needed.

  • What about the recipes that are in Red? Can I still buy them and complete them? They are not part of the Crafting Quests but they are cool housing items. I don’t want to spend the money just to find I’m not at the right level… Thanks!

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