February 4, 2014 December 2, 2018
Crafting Quest Guide: Marleybone
Time for Wizard101 crafting guide number 3! By now, you should have finished the crafting quests in Wizard City and Krokotopia. Are you ready to move on the Marleybone for our third badge, Initiate crafter? Just like for the previous crafting quest, you don’t have to be a specific level to get it. The only prerequisite is that you’ve finished the Wizard City and Krokotopia crafting quests. You can read about the Wizard City crafting quest here, and about the Krokotopia crafting quest here.
How do we begin?
After you finish your Apprentice Crafter quest in Krokotopia, Wul’yahm will direct you to talk to Felicia Worthington in Regent’s Square, Marleybone. You can find her near the Digmoore Station entrance.
Quests required to get your crafting badge:

- Marleybone Calling: Talk to Felicia Worthington
- Craft Services: Craft 2 Stingers of the Scorpion and 2 Constallation Jewels
1. Marleybone Calling
- Mission: Talk to Felicia Worthington
- How: Type “X” on your keyboard when you’re near her :p
- Where: In Regent’s Square in Marleybone
2. Craft Services
- Mission: Craft 2 Stinger of the Scorpion and 2 Constellation Jewels
Step 1: Buy the recipes
Buy the recipes from Felicia by pressing “X” on your keyboard when you’re close to her. There will be the option “Recipe shop“. Search for the items called “Stinger of the Scorpion” and “Constellation Jewel” and click “Buy“. Press “J” on your keyboard. You should now be able to see the recipe.
Step 2: Get the reagents
Get the reagents mentioned in the recipe. To make both items, we need:
- 2 Citrine
- 2 Ruby
- 4 Jade
- 16 Glass Vial
- 32 Scrap Iron
- 20 Mist Wood
- 20 Stone Block
I mixed both of the recipes together. I prefer getting every ingredient at the same time, before starting to craft. If you prefer doing them one at a time, that is an option too, of course 🙂
Where to get the reagents:
- Citrine, Ruby, Jade and Glass Vial can be bought from Campbell Hodgson, who is conveniently located next to Felicia Worthington. You can also buy these in the Bazaar, but generally Reagent Vendors offer them at a lower price.
- Stone Blocks are found in stoney areas and, as such, are not rare in Marleybone. I have no specific suggestions for where to farm for Stone Blocks in Marleybone. If you have membership, I suggest you ask a high level friend to go to Stone Town in Zafaria. That’s the best place for Stone Blocks I know of.
- Mist Wood is very common all over the Spiral, and Marleybone is no exception to that. I don’t have a specific farming suggestion for this one, only the advice that you should ALWAYS pick up reagents you see, even if it’s “just” Mist Wood! Doing so comes in handy from time to time 😉
- Scrap Iron can be bought in the Bazaar or harvested in the Spiral. It is most common in city-like stoney areas, and thus regularly found in Marleybone. Below are three spots known for their Scrap Iron drops.
Step 3: Craft the items
Go to your home and use the Basic Crafting table. If you’ve accidentally sold your Crafting Station, you can buy a new one from any of the Furniture Vendors in the Spiral (closest one: Neville Cobblestone in the furniture shop in Regent’s Square). You will have to wait about 4 hours after crafting the first two items, because the crafting slot needs to free up again.
Afterwards, talk to Felicia Worthington. She will give you your new badge: Adept Crafter! She will also give you the quest to start your next questing adventure in Mooshu.