Updates to Beastmoon Rewards

In the Fall 2023 Update, the rewards granted by the Beastmoon events were updated. These changes are fairly extensive and affect both Beastmoon Hunt and Beastmoon Monster Mayhem. Not enough players know the full scope of the changes, so I’ve taken it upon myself to document and share them. This article will go over every change I could find within the update. It will also go over how these changes impact players and the overall economy of resources for the events.

Keep in mind that these drop tables are not official and are solely based off of what I have seen. If you have seen drops that are not listed or contradict anything recorded here, feel free to let me know.

In case you are looking for something in particular:

New Systems

This update brought changes to the way the Hasty Harvest gardening treasure card works. There are now 3 separate versions that work on specific plants:

  • Hasty Harvest 1 only works on the basic Beastmoon Blossoms
  • Hasty Harvest 2 works on the Elemental and Spirit plants
  • Hasty Harvest 3 works on any School plant

Any Hasty Harvests from before this update become Hasty Harvest 3.

Actaeon has some handy new recipes for Beastmoon players! In his special Crafting menu (not the Recipes menu) you can transmute Hasty Harvest treasure cards. You can either transmute down at a 1:1 rate, or up at a less efficient rate. 2x Hasty Harvest 1 makes 1x Hasty Harvest 2, and 6x Hasty Harvest 2 makes 1x Hasty Harvest 3.

He will also now allow you to convert excess Beastmoon idols into other idols of the same school. However, you can only convert idols for Beastforms that you have at Tier 5, for 4 idols to 1 random idol. Notably, you cannot randomly get idols for other forms that you have at tier 5. For example, if you have both Fire Elf and Fire Colossus at tier 5, you will not receive Fire Elf or Colossus idols when converting Fire Elf idols. Actaeon also allows you to “divide” one gold idol into 3 regular idols. But only if you already have that form unlocked. Despite being equivalent to the amount of idols needed to craft a gold idol from the Mayhem crafter, this rate is pretty atrocious since you don’t get any Moongold Dust.


The rewards from harvesting all types of Beastmoon seeds have been reworked. Note that throughout this article Triad refers to Spirit/Elemental/Balance and School refers to one of the seven schools. These changes to the Beastmoon plants are mixed.

School Seeds have been strictly buffed. They drop Moonstones and Hasty Harvests more reliably, and drop many more spellements and threads. Beastmoon Blossoms and Triad Seeds are not as favorable. It is much more difficult to “climb up” from Beastmoon Blossoms and Triad Seeds. Whereas in the past Beastmoon Blossoms would give plenty of Triad Moonstones with which you could then make Triad Seeds which would then translate to enough Moonstones for a School Seed. On the bright side, Hunter’s Moonstones are much more plentiful than before, meaning that you can craft plenty of Beastmoon Blossoms.

EDIT: As of the Summer 2024 update, the drops from Beastmoon seeds have been adjusted somewhat. You can no longer get Hunter’s Moonstones from any type of plant. Instead, Beastmoon Blossoms will now give a Triad Moonstone every time, and Triad seeds will now give a School Moonstone every time as well. School Blossoms will no longer give as many Moonstones, but in exchange they will drop more idols. All schools currently drop 4 idols, except for Death, which will sometimes give 5- presumably because all 10 Death forms are now available. These changes are mostly positive, as it allows players to reliably ascend through the plant tiers to get what they want. Plants will no longer serve as a source for Hunter’s Moonstones, so the main source of Hunter’s Moonstones and Beastmoon Blossoms will be from match rewards.

Old Drops Updated Drops Updated Drops (Summer 2024)
1 Triad or Hunter’s Moonstone 1 Hunter’s Moonstone 1 Triad Moonstone
1 Triad Moonstone 1 Triad Moonstone or Hasty Harvest 1 (occasionally) 1 Eldritch Thread or Triad Thread
1 Triad Moonstone/Eldritch Thread/Hasty Harvest 1 Eldritch or Triad Thread Chance of Hasty Harvest 1 or Triad Thread
1 Eldritch Thread
Old Drops Updated Drops Updated Drops (Summer 2024)
2 School Moonstones 1 Hunter’s Moonstone 1 School Moonstone
1 School Moonstone/Hasty Harvest/Thread/TC (rarely) 1 Triad/School Moonstone 1 Eldritch Thread
1 Eldritch/School Thread 1 Eldritch Thread 1 Triad or rarely School Thread
1 Triad Thread 1 Triad Thread 1 Hasty Harvest 1 or 2 (rarely School Thread)
1 Eldritch Thread/School Thread/School Moonstone Chance of additional Eldritch Thread
1 Hasty Harvest 1 or 2 (sometimes none)
Old Drops Updated Drops Updated Drops (Summer 2024)
1 Idol/School Moonstone (rarely) 1 Triad Moonstone (based on school) Chance of 1 School Moonstone (based on triad)
1 additional Idol 1 School Moonstone (based on triad) 4 or 5 Eldritch Thread
1 Idol/Thread/Hasty Harvest 4 or 5 Eldritch Thread 2 or 3 Triad Threads
1 Triad Thread/School Thread 2 Triad Threads 1 Hasty Harvest 2 or 3 (rarely none)
1 School Thread 1-2 School Threads 1 School Spellement TC
1 Spellement (based on school) 2-3 Idols 1 or 2 School Thread
1 Hasty Harvest 2 or 3/Moonstone (rarely) 4 Idols (sometimes 5 if school has 10 forms)
1 School Spellement TC 3-5 Spellements (based on School)
3-5 Spellements (based on school)

Match Rewards

An old screenshot of Hunt Victory Match Rewards. Now you can get up to 12 pages of rewards!

The devs have increased rewards for participating in the Beastmoon Hunt event, especially the number of spellements. However, the Lunari reward from wave 3 of Monster Mayhem was reduced. To compensate, the Lunari reward on the event progress bar for Beastmoon Mayhem has been increased. When comparing the previous and current Lunari rate, it would take about 14 Mayhem wins to become worse than the previous Lunari rates when accounting for the 100 additional Lunari from the progress bar. Alongside the Lunari nerf, the Hasty Harvest drops are bugged and don’t actually show up in the player’s inventory after the match despite being listed as a drop.

Rewards Comparison

Old Drops Updated Drops
Beastmoon Seed Beastmoon Seed
Hunter’s Moonstone (rarely triad Moonstone) Hunter’s Moonstone
Triad Moonstone (rarely school Moonstone) Triad Moonstone (rarely School Moonstone)
Idol 1 Idol
Eldritch Thread (rarely triad thread) Eldritch Thread
Thread Triad Thread
4 Spellements School Thread
20-30 Lunari Hasty Harvest 3 or 2 (rarely Hasty Harvest 1)
20-30 Lunari
6 Idols
1 Idol or Triad Thread
1 School or Triad Thread
15-16 Spellements
Old Drops Updated Drops
Beastmoon Seed Beastmoon Seed
Hunter’s Moonstone (rarely triad Moonstone) Hunter’s Moonstone
Moonstone or Hasty Harvest Eldritch Thread
Eldritch Thread (sometimes other Thread or Idol) Triad Thread
10-15 Lunari Hasty Harvest 2
Triad Moonstone or School Thread
10-15 Lunari
3-4 Idols
9-10 Spellements
Old Drops Updated Drops
Beastmoon Seed Beastmoon Seed
Hunter’s Moonstone/Triad Moonstone 2 Eldritch Thread
Eldritch Thread/Triad Thread/Beastmoon Seed Triad Thread
1 Spellement 1-3 Spellements
5-10 Lunari 5-10 Lunari
Old Drops Updated Drops
Triad Moonstone/School Moonstone 1-2 Hunter’s Moonstones
Idol/School Moonstone Triad/School Moonstone or School Thread
Thread 1-2 Idols
Spellement/Idol/Thread 1-2 Eldritch Thread
Spellement Triad Thread
10-15 Lunari 3-4 Spellements
10-15 Lunari
Old Drops Updated Drops
Triad Moonstone/School Moonstone Triad/School Moonstone or School Thread
School Moonstone School Thread (not guaranteed)
Idol 1-2 Idols
School Thread 3-4 Spellements
2 Spellements 15-20 Lunari
20-30 Lunari Hasty Harvest 2 (bugged)
Hasty Harvest 1 (bugged)

Progress Bar

Unlike the individual match rewards, the progress bar rewards for each event have not changed much. The only notable changes are an additional 100 Lunari on the Mayhem progress bar, and sometimes increased spellement rewards at the end of the progress bar for both Hunt and Mayhem. Balance events give 40 spellements instead of 20-25.

Old Drops Updated Drops
2 Beastmoon Seeds 2 Beastmoon Seeds
2 Eldritch Thread 2 Eldritch Thread
Hasty Harvest 3 Hasty Harvest 3
2 Beastmoon Needles 2 Beastmoon Needles
Pet Pet
4 Beastmoon Needles 4 Beastmoon Needles
200 Lunari 200 Lunari
Gold Idol Gold Idol
20 Spellements (4 batches of 5) 20-25 Spellements (4 or 5 batches of 5, 1 for each triad school) OR if Balance event: 40 Spellements (8 batches of 5, 1 for each school)
Old Drops Updated Drops
2 Beastmoon Seeds 2 Beastmoon Seeds
2 Eldritch Thread 2 Eldritch Thread
3 Hasty Harvests 3 Hasty Harvest 3
2 Beastmoon Needles 2 Beastmoon Needles
Pet Pet
4 Beastmoon Needles 4 Beastmoon Needles
200 Lunari 300 Lunari
4 Moongold Dust 4 Moongold Dust
20 Spellements (4 batches of 5, schools based on event) 20-25 Spellements (4 or 5 batches of 5, 1 for each triad school) OR if Balance event: 40 Spellements (8 batches of 5, 1 for each school)

Mob Drops

Previously, the mobs in Beastmoon Monster Mayhem dropped runes for the Deckathalon events. They now drop Hunter’s Moonstones. This change contributes to the significant increase in the amount of Hunter’s Moonstones players will be able to get. The amount of Moonstones that you get from mobs increases with each wave. On wave 1 you can get 1 Hunter’s Moonstone from any mob. Then on wave 2 you can get 2 Hunter’s Moonstone from Elite mobs. Wave 3 allows any mob to drop up to 2 Hunter’s Moonstones.


The recipes to craft Beastmoon cosmetics have been adjusted to make them less costly. Specifically, the Lunari prices to purchase each recipe. Reagent requirements for each recipe have been more evenly distributed across all of the pieces. Note that I refer to the lesser versions as Tier 1 (abbreviated to T1) and subsequent versions as:

  • Tier 2 (T2)
  • Tier 3 (T3)
  • Tier 4 (T4)

Though only the original Beastmoon set has a Tier 4. The other sets have an “Ultimate” or “Omnipotent” version of each piece.

Beastmoon Hats

Old Recipes New Recipes
T1: 20 Lunari (for recipe), 10 Eldritch Thread, 3 Beastmoon Needles T1: 5 Lunari (for recipe), 45 Eldritch Thread, 2 Beastmoon Needles
T2: 200 Lunari (for recipe), 50 Eldritch Thread, 10 Triad Thread, 6 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T1 Hat T2: 15 Lunari (for recipe), 40 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 4 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T1 Hat
T3: 400 Lunari (for recipe), 125 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 5 School Thread, 9 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T2 Hat T3: 25 Lunari (for recipe), 40 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 12 School Thread, 6 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T2 Hat
T4: 800 Lunari (for recipe), 250 Eldritch Thread, 40 Triad Thread, 15 School Thread, 12 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T3 Hat T4: 50 Lunari (for recipe), 75 Eldritch Thread, 40 Triad Thread, 25 School Thread, 12 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T3 Hat

Beastmoon Robes

Old Recipes New Recipes
T1: 25 Lunari (for recipe), 10 Eldritch Thread T1: 10 Lunari (for recipe), 40 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 2 Beastmoon Needles
T2: 250 Lunari (for recipe), 50 Eldritch Thread, 10 Triad Thread, 1 T1 Robe T2: 20 Lunari (for recipe), 45 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 15 School Thread, 6 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T1 Robe
T3: 750 Lunari (for recipe), 150 Eldritch Thread, 25 Triad Thread, 1 T2 Robe T3: 40 Lunari (for recipe), 40 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 14 School Thread, 12 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T2 Robe
T4: 1500 Lunari (for recipe), 450 Eldritch Thread, 75 Triad Thread, 25 School Thread, 1 T3 Robe T4: 75 Lunari (for recipe), 85 Eldritch Thread, 42 Triad Thread, 28 School Thread, 24 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T3 Robe

Beastmoon Boots

Old Recipes New Recipes
T1: 20 Lunari (for recipe), 10 Eldritch Thread, 3 Beastmoon Needles T1: 5 Lunari (for recipe), 45 Eldritch Thread, 2 Beastmoon Needles
T2: 200 Lunari (for recipe), 50 Eldritch Thread, 10 Triad Thread, 6 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T1 Boots T2: 15 Lunari (for recipe), 40 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 4 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T1 Boots
T3: 400 Lunari (for recipe), 125 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 5 School Thread, 9 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T2 Boots T3: 25 Lunari (for recipe), 40 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 12 School Thread, 6 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T2 Boots
T4: 800 Lunari (for recipe), 250 Eldritch Thread, 40 Triad Thread, 15 School Thread, 12 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T3 Boots T4: 50 Lunari (for recipe), 75 Eldritch Thread, 40 Triad Thread, 25 School Thread, 12 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T3 Boots

Wolfen Hats

Old Recipes New Recipes
T1: 20 Lunari (for recipe), 15 Eldritch Thread, 2 Beastmoon Needles T1: 5 Lunari (for recipe), 45 Eldritch Thread, 2 Beastmoon Needles
T2: 200 Lunari (for recipe), 45 Eldritch Thread, 15 Triad Thread, 4 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T1 Hat T2: 15 Lunari (for recipe), 40 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 4 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T1 Hat
T3: 400 Lunari (for recipe), 75 Eldritch Thread, 30 Triad Thread, 15 School Thread, 6 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T2 Hat T3: 25 Lunari (for recipe), 40 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 12 School Thread, 6 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T2 Hat
Ultimate: 800 Lunari (for recipe), 1 of each T3 Hat Ultimate: 300 Lunari (for recipe), 1 of each T3

Wolfen Robes

Old Recipes New Recipes
T1: 25 Lunari (for recipe), 25 Eldritch Thread, 10 Triad Thread, 2 Beastmoon Needles T1: 10 Lunari (for recipe), 40 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 2 Beastmoon Needles
T2: 250 Lunari (for recipe), 75 Eldritch Thread, 30 Triad Thread, 15 School Thread, 6 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T1 Robe T2: 20 Lunari (for recipe), 45 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 15 School Thread, 6 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T1 Robe
T3: 750 Lunari (for recipe), 175 Eldritch Thread, 60 Triad Thread, 30 School Thread, 12 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T2 Robe T3: 40 Lunari (for recipe), 40 Eldritch Thread, 40 Triad Thread, 14 School Thread, 12 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T2 Robe
Ultimate: 1500 Lunari (for recipe), 1 of each T3 Robe Ultimate: 500 Lunari (for recipe), 1 of each T3 Robe

Wolfen Boots

Old Recipes New Recipes
T1: 15 Lunari (for recipe), 15 Eldritch Thread, 1 Beastmoon Needle T1: 5 Lunari (for recipe), 45 Eldritch Thread, 2 Beastmoon Needle
T2: 150 Lunari (for recipe), 30 Eldritch Thread, 10 Triad Thread, 2 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T1 Boots T2: 15 Lunari (for recipe), 40 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 4 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T1 Boots
T3: 300 Lunari (for recipe), 60 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 10 School Thread, 4 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T2 Boots T3: 25 Lunari (for recipe), 40 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 12 School Thread, 6 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T2 Boots
Ultimate: 600 Lunari (for recipe), 1 of each T3 Boots Ultimate: 300 Lunari (for recipe), 1 of each T3 Boots

Draco Hats

Old Recipes New Recipes
T1: 20 Lunari (for recipe), 15 Eldritch Thread, 2 Beastmoon Needles T1: 5 Lunari (for recipe), 45 Eldritch Thread, 2 Beastmoon Needles
T2: 200 Lunari (for recipe), 45 Eldritch Thread, 15 Triad Thread, 4 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T1 Hat T2: 15 Lunari (for recipe), 40 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 4 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T1 Hat
T3: 400 Lunari (for recipe), 125 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 5 School Thread, 9 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T2 Hat T3: 25 Lunari (for recipe), 40 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 12 School Thread, 6 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T2 Hat
Omnipotence: 800 Lunari (for recipe), 1 of each T3 Hat Omnipotence: 300 Lunari (for recipe), 1 of each T3 Hat

Draco Robes

Old Recipes New Recipes
T1: 25 Lunari (for recipe), 25 Eldritch Thread, 10 Triad Thread, 2 Beastmoon Needles T1: 10 Lunari (for recipe), 40 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 2 Beastmoon Needles
T2: 250 Lunari (for recipe), 75 Eldritch Thread, 30 Triad Thread, 15 School Thread, 6 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T1 Robe T2: 20 Lunari (for recipe), 45 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 15 School Thread, 6 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T1 Robe
T3: 750 Lunari (for recipe), 175 Eldritch Thread, 60 Triad Thread, 30 School Thread, 12 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T2 Robe T3: 40 Lunari (for recipe), 40 Eldritch Thread, 40 Triad Thread, 14 School Thread, 12 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T2
Omnipotence: 1500 Lunari (for recipe), 1 of each T3 Robe Omnipotence: 500 Lunari (for recipe), 1 of each T3 Robe

Draco Boots

Old Recipes New Recipes
T1: 20 Lunari (for recipe), 15 Eldritch Thread, 2 Beastmoon Needles T1: 5 Lunari (for recipe), 45 Eldritch Thread, 2 Beastmoon Needles
T2: 200 Lunari (for recipe), 30 Eldritch Thread, 10 Triad Thread, 4 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T1 Boots T2: 15 Lunari (for recipe), 40 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 4 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T1 Boots
T3: 400 Lunari (for recipe), 60 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 10 School Thread, 9 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T2 Boots T3: 25 Lunari (for recipe), 40 Eldritch Thread, 20 Triad Thread, 12 School Thread, 6 Beastmoon Needles, 1 T2 Boots
Omnipotence: 800 Lunari (for recipe), 1 of each T3 Boots Omnipotence: 300 Lunari (for recipe), 1 of each T3 Boots

Treasure Cards and Spellements

During Beastmoon Monster Mayhem, an exclusive crafter appears in the Beastmoon Pavilion. It will allow you to craft various items depending on the current event. Within the crafter, the recipes for treasure cards of spells that have associated spellements have had their costs reduced to just 1 Triad Moonstone:


Old Recipes New Recipes
10 Hunter’s Moonstones 1 Triad Moonstone
8 Triad Moonstones
4 School Moonstones

However, treasure cards which do not have associated spellements have not had their costs changed (mainly seen during Balance/Avalon Mayhem). Other items available on the Mayhem crafter have not been adjusted, either.

The yield from the Beastmoon spellement recipes has been increased from 5 to 7. As before, recipes for these spellements are granted to a player as they acquire Beastmoon rewards. Also they act like a traditional recipe.

What do you think of these Beastmoon reward changes?
Did we miss anything?
Let us know in the comments!

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