In the next installment of the Crypt of Tales sidequests, Shadow takes a look at the Shark Principal boss residing in Lemuria!
Check out the Catmandu Sanctuary Bundle for Wizard101! There's feline gear, a lucky cat pet, and a stunning new castle to explore.
Check out the complete list and learn all the information you will need to know about the different Monstrology creatures found within the world of Novus. Will you find them all?
Dasein Duelist in Novus drops the newest rings and amulets for max level wizards. Learn how to take him down and claim your loot!
Rententen in Novus drops a new set of level 160 athames that are the best in the game! Learn how to conquer his cheats here:
Check out the Peppergrass Glen Bundle for Wizard101! There's new gear, a gorgeous Khrysalis house, and our old friend Dyvim makes his return.
Aquila has a new key boss - Lady Stonegaze. Shadow details how to avoid the stunning gaze of this gorgon foe.
Final Bastion