Jade Oni Rematch Fight

Are you sick of not being able to get Parchment for your Krokopatra Rematch Duels? Well I have the solution for you. The Jade Oni Rematch, or should I say Ulti-Oni’s, is a difficult task if you are not prepared to fight them, but with the help of this guide we will turn that oh no into an Oni yes.

If you are unfamiliar with Boss Rematches, check out the Boss Rematch Overview. Otherwise, make your way over to Raquel in the Arena and get that rematch fight crafted!

Jade Oni Rematch Overview

Jade Oni’s Boss Rematch, like all the other rematches, comes in 3 tiers, one for levels 101+, levels 51-100, and levels 1-50. Below is a list of known spells, stats, and cheats for the Tier 3 fight.

Jade Oni  (Tier 3)

Rank 20 Boss

Classification: Oni











Hover or Tap stats for more details


 storm shark rank 5 Spellment

Death Oni (Tier 3)

Rank 20 Boss

Classification: Oni











Hover or Tap stats for more details

Plague Oni (Tier 3)

Rank 20 Boss

Classification: Oni











Hover or Tap stats for more details

War Oni (Tier 3)

Rank 20 Boss

Classification: Oni











Hover or Tap stats for more details


S.O.R.C. = Start of Round Cheats

Jade Oni Rematch

[Your Tricks Become My Treasure] AOE Trap Cheat, removes Traps placed on Jade Oni and places +35 Life Blade on self.

[Sharing is Caring. Bwahaha!] Damage Over Time Cheat, removes DOT from self. Casts Seraph on caster. (You can cast DOT on the other Oni’s)

[Your Doom is Imminent…] S.O.R.C. gives a +45 Spirit Blade to self.

[Jade Ancestors, Protect Me] S.O.R.C. casts Spirit Armor on self.

[You Were Warned Bwahaha] casts Primal Oni on a player at the end of the turn, unknown conditions. (Random?)

[You Dare Mock Death?] Blade Cheat, (this will also trigger on bubbles), Removes blade(s) from the receiver and gives negative charms in their place. (Spirit and Elemental Blade will cause three negative charms to be placed on the receiver.) (If you cast AOE blades, the cheat will only target the caster.)

[You Must Play by The Death Oni’s Rules] Healing Over Time Cheat, removes all Healing Over Time and gives a -25 Tower Shield to self for each.

[Spirits of The Dead Protect Me!] S.O.R.C. places a -50 Life, Death, and Myth shield on self.

[Think you’re Tough?] casts Death Oni on a player at the end of the turn, unknown conditions. (Random?)

[Time for The Tables to Turn] Trap Cheat, removes all traps placed on Plague Oni and casts Donate power on self. (You can cast traps on other Oni’s.)

[A Pox Upon Your House!] S.O.R.C. casts Plague on your team.

[Those with the Most Have The Most to Lose] S.O.R.C. Gives a shadow to pip to a friendly player and self.

[Greed Will Be Your Downfall] casts Balance Oni on a player at the end of the turn, unknown conditions. (Random?)

[Your Armaments are no Match for The Heat of The Forge] Shield Cheat, Removes all shields and gives healing over time to self for each (around 50-100 health per tick).

[Let The War Rage on!] S.O.R.C. casts Pixie on self.

[Survival is The Domination of The Fittest] I think this is supposed to be the cheat cast hit for War Oni, but it is currently bugged and casts nothing.

Two-Turn Strategy

Firstly, for this strategy you will need a Balance (finally a use for my favorite school), another blader and two hitters of different schools. For the unique cheats that are in this fight, bladestorming is one of the few ways to assist you. Turn one consists of players one and two casting pet Bladestorm, and Sharpened Blade Bladestorm. Both hitters will cast Frenzy. Turn two is similar to the first. Players one and two will item card Bladestorm (or T.C.) and item card S.B. Bladestorm. Both hitters will use the 7 pip AOE of their respected schools. Both hitters should also be playing 4 pip (or tempest) AOE hits as a backup.

Sample Turns

Round Position 1 (Ice) P2 (Balance) P3 (Death) P4 (Storm)
1. Pet Bladestorm Sharpened Blade Bladestorm Virulent (or Frenzy) Galvanic Field (or Frenzy)
2. Item Bladestorm (or T.C. Bladestorm) Item S.B. Bladestorm Scarecrow Storm Lord
3. (Sometimes needed) Extra Bladestorm (If necessary) Extra Bladestorm (If necessary) Pass (Hit next turn if needed) Tempest

Gearing up for the Fight

With the new High Loremagus golden key fight releasing this is an excellent time to grab the Violet Hood of Bitter Truth. This gives a +25 bladestorm (you can also get this item from the Keeper’s Spellemental Pack). The other item to get is the Beastling from the Crown Shop or the Beastmaster’s Eagle, from the Hatching Kiosk. (Beastling cannot be found in the kiosk.)


One of the main rewards from doing rematches is AzothAzoth can help you unlock your guild house, get a raid key, and craft many useful items. Rematches are also one of the main ways for max levels to obtain spellements. The Jade Oni will drop spellements for all of the rank 5 spells. The Onis can also drop the Cantrip spell To the Jade Palace. Similar to other housing gauntlets, the Jade Oni rematch will drop a trophy. However, unlike previous gauntlets this trophy can be used to craft the duel again at a lower price. You will NOT earn any loot from fighting a boss lower than your appropriate level.


Overall this fight is not too difficult to execute, it just takes a ton of time with all the animations. At the moment I believe this and the Krokopatra duels are the two easiest to complete. If you have any suggestions please leave a comment.

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Hey I'm Above The Beat! I started playing Wizard101 in May of 2009, and played the Beta of Pirate101. I recently returned to Wizard101. I enjoy PvE, house decorating and making stitches. You can most likely find me on one of my four accounts; Mary Death, Grace, Kaitlyn BlueBlood, Daniel or sometimes when I'm playing four Dakota's.


  • If you want to win you have to single target the war oni first this strat won’t work if you don’t

  • Blade storm strat definitely doesnt work now ;~;

  • That not all the cheats.

  • Are you going to be updating the rematches as they are very different now?

  • This battle is easy enough with 4 wizards, but with 3, it gets to be a real grind. Also, a first round Stormlord can set back the plans a bit. That said, Black Lotus is far easier to acquire, so definitely worth mastering this strategy.

    • You can pick up all the black lotus you need just walking around Gutenstadt without fighting anything.

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Final Bastion Health13,975 HealthDamage100% Universal DamageResist40% Universal ResistPierce40% Universal PiercePower Pip Chance100% Power Pip ChanceAccuracy100% Universal AccuracyCriticalUnknown amount of CriticalCritical BlockUnknown amount of Critical BlockShadow Pips and Rating2 Shadow Pip Slots; Unknown amount of Shadow RatingHealth13,200 HealthDamage110% Universal DamageResist30% Universal ResistPierce50% Universal PiercePower Pip Chance100% Power Pip ChanceAccuracy100% Universal AccuracyCriticalUnknown amount of CriticalCritical BlockUnknown amount of Critical BlockShadow Pips and Rating2 Shadow Pip Slots; Unknown amount of Shadow RatingHealth13,200 HealthDamage110% Universal DamageResist30% Universal ResistPierce50% Universal PiercePower Pip Chance100% Power Pip ChanceAccuracy100% Universal AccuracyCriticalUnknown amount of CriticalCritical BlockUnknown amount of Critical BlockShadow Pips and Rating2 Shadow Pip Slots; Unknown amount of Shadow RatingHealth12,275 HealthDamage120% Universal DamageResist20% Universal ResistPierce60% Universal PiercePower Pip Chance100% Power Pip ChanceAccuracy100% Universal AccuracyCriticalUnknown amount of CriticalCritical BlockUnknown amount of Critical BlockShadow Pips and Rating2 Shadow Pip Slots; Unknown amount of Shadow Rating