Marleybone Cantrip Chest Locations

You may have noticed the new Cantrip Ritual Chests throughout the Spiral recently. Cantrip chests are one way to acquire spellements. Upon opening, they drop 7-8 spellements per wizard. These spellements are specific to the world you find the chest in, so are great if you want to upgrade a specific spell.

Cantrip chests in Marleybone will drop rank 4 spellements. These are: Gearhead Destroyer (Balance), Vampire (Death), Immolate (Fire), Ice Wyvern (Ice), Seraph (Life), Cyclops Minion (Myth), Kraken (Storm).

See our Beginner’s Guide to Spellwriting to learn more about spellements, and our Spellements Guide for other methods of acquisition.

In every area, there are fixed chest spawn locations. There is a chance that a wooden, silver or Cantrip chest will appear there. Whilst making this guide, I saw between 0-3 Cantrip chests per area per realm. Seeing two or three is very rare, and you are more likely to see none at all. So, you will need to realm hop to find them!

How do I open a Cantrip Chest?

To open a Cantrip chest, three wizards must cast Magic Touch at it. This will cost 5 energy per wizard per chest. The only requirements are that you must be level 25 or above, and have completed the Cantrips102 quest. If you’re brand new to Cantrips, see our Introductory Guide to Cantrips for everything you need to get started.

After casting Magic Touch, do not leave the area or change realms. If you do, you will not receive the spellement rewards. The best method is to have two friends open the chest with you. If you have no friends online, try asking friendly players under the Social tab.

Chelsea Court

There are 18 chest spawn locations in Chelsea Court. This is a popular farming spot, so you may find others in this area to help you open the chests. Using the teleporters, you can do a relatively straight-forward circuit to cover most of the spawn locations and make it easy to find chests.

Newgate Prison

Newgate Prison has the highest number of chest spawn locations in Marleybone, at 22. There are some positives and negatives to searching for chests here. It is relatively difficult to design a good circuit that will cover all the locations, but I found it to be the least busy area to search for chests.

Knight’s Court

There are 20 chest spawn locations in Knight’s Court. Similarly to Chelsea Court, you can design a relatively straight-forward circuit using the teleporters. I often found the Cantrip chests to be right at the very ends of the streets, so make sure you are thorough!

Have you found other Cantrip chest locations?
Let us know in the comments!

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Jennifer SoulStone

A Wizard101 player since 2010, Jennifer is a true completionist at heart. Since returning to the game in 2020, she has completed every quest, and is aiming to earn every badge. If there is something to collect, Jennifer is collecting it - including spells, pets, fish and music scrolls! You will usually find her participating in Beastmoon and Deckathalon, hunting down obscure badges, or helping others through the Team Up kiosk!


  • There are two more cantrip chests that were missed in Newgate Prison! on the map they are:

    – in the middle of that horizontal walkway between the teleporter hub marker and hooligan’s hangout teleporter marker.

    – from the balloon car teleporter take the first path south. at the end of the path on the west side there is a chest spawn point.

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