Summer Spellwrighting Contest 2024: The Winners

Another Spellwrighting Contest has come to an end and after carefully reviewing each one, the winners have been decided. We’ve selected the seven best spells as the winners and runners up! Congratulations to the winners, and we look forward to seeing more awesome spellwrighting ideas in future contests!

First Place

Submitted By: Christopher

Winning Characteristics: Interesting idea for additional Celestia Lore Pack spell! This spell can be upgraded to get additional Activate effect on Path B. This can be combined well with multiple HoTs. 

Christopher's Explanation

Second Place

Submitted By: Anton

Winning Characteristics: The swap card mechanics sounds like a great concept and it could make PvP matches really interesting!

Anton 's Explanation

Third Place

Submitted By: Josh

Winning Characteristics: Great addition to Keeper’s Lore Pack. This spell offers 3 different upgrade paths, so every wizard can choose which one they’ll find most useful.

Josh 's Explanation


Runner-up #1

Submitted By: WeeeGeee

WeeGee's Explanation

Runner-up #2

Submitted By: Kreezy

Kreezy's Explanation

Runner-up #3

Submitted By: Mouna

Mouna's Explanation

Runner-up #4

Submitted By: Jedi Dodge

Jedi Dodge's Explanation


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Final Bastion