Wizard101 Lifehacks

Lifehacks are tips and tricks to make your life a little easier, and just like real life, Wizard101 has many little tricks that can make your gaming more enjoyable. Here are a few of our favorites. Read them and share your own below!

Switching Realms for Reagents, Chests and Quest Goals.

This one is a well known trick but when you are reagent hunting or simply need to pick up any environmental drop then switching realms will allow you to hunt for more.

Girl-with-HouseLogging out in your house will port you to your last in game location when you return.

This is a less commonly known trick but simply going to your house and logging out there will put you at your last in-game location when you return. Useful for when you need to go to the bazaar fast.

Using menu chat to see your opponent’s school in PvP

This is a lifehack known to the majority of PvPers. Simply using your menu chat will tell you your opponents school based on a school specific sprite that appears in the menu chat phrase selection.

Using Silver Chests for health

When you are in a place with no health wisps you can use silver chests to recover health. The longer you remain in the silver chest interface the more health you will recover.

morosMoros the Reagent Tree

In Khyrsalis right before you reach the shadow palace for your final confrontation with Morganthe you will encounter Moros the Doom Tree. All around Moros base are a wide assortment of rare and hard to get reagents such as stone blocks, ore, comet tails, scrap iron etc. Simply switch realms and in no time at all you will have a mass of reagents For more help, check out our Crafting guides.

Use Housing Tours for Free Stuff

Housing Tours are a great way to appreciate the decorating skills of fellow wizards but they are also a great way to get free stuff. Many bundle houses offer rewards daily and using housing tours you can access all of them. They are also a great way to access bundles and fish you may not otherwise be able to acquire.

Unequip your house to avoid gardening

Gardening-MoleGardening needs can spawn whenever you visit a house with a garden. To avoid this when you are low on energy simply unequip your house. This will default you to your dorm room and allow you to avoid triggering your plant’s needs when unprepared.


What are your W101 and P101 lifehacks?
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