Polaris Level 108 Spells

Each of the level 108 spells in Polaris costs 6 pips + 1 shadow pip to cast. Here are some videos showing you exactly what the spells are like! These spells require you defeat Cyrio Cassini, as boss that will be your own school.11-spells

Myth School
Witch’s Housecall

Attacks for 1050-1160 Myth damage and summons a Myth minion. This spell costs 6 pips and one Shadow pip to cast.

Special thanks to FreekeChannel GR for the video!


Storm School
Rusalka’s Wrath

Attacks for 1395 Storm damage and applies either a +45% storm blade or +45% healing charm to yourself. This spell costs 6 pips and one Shadow pip to cast.


Life School
Wings of Fate

Attacks all targets for 75 + 680 Life damage and heals all teammates for 75 + 775 health over 5 rounds. This spell costs 6 pips and one Shadow pip to cast. (just to note: both the heal and damage are a DoT)


Death School
Winged Sorrow

Attacks for 800-980 Death damage and applies a -20% damage charm to all enemies. This spell costs 6 pips and one Shadow pip to cast.


Fire School
Raging Bull

Attacks all enemies for 710-860 Fire damage and detonates one DoT on all enemies. This spell costs 6 pips and one Shadow pip to cast.

Special thanks to Destiny Rain for the video!


Balance School
Nested Fury

Attacks for 970 Fire, 805 Ice or 1050 Storm damage to all enemies. This spell costs 6 pips and one Shadow pip to cast.


Ice School
Snowball Barrage

Attacks for 95 Ice damage per pip to all enemies. This spell costs 1 Shadow pip to cast.

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