July 24, 2023 December 8, 2023
Wizard101: Level Scaling
Ever wanted to play in lower level PvP, but were over-leveled? Introducing Level Scaling! This new feature currently in Test Realm will allow players to queue into the lower level leagues with characters outside of that league’s level restriction. As a player who has every school maxed at 160, this is a huge benefit for me. I am certain I won’t be the only one happy to see this change implemented. I cannot wait to try out the other leagues with my max level wizards.
What is Level Scaling?
Level Scaling takes your natural stats and scales them down to a certain level. The way this works is each of your current stats are compared to the Stat Max for your current level band. It is then scaled down to the new Stat Max for whichever level band you are entering. Level scaling currently applies to Advanced Content. This currently includes PvP, Raids, and Challenge Mode, with many more possible implications in the future. Notice the new line of in each league description, implying that your stats will be scaled to the maximum values of wizards within that level band. In this case, levels 60-69:
Calculating Level Scaled Stats
If you are at the stat maxes from your natural level band, you will be at the stat maxes for your scaled level band. But what if you don’t hit the stat maxes for every stat? This situation is pretty likely, especially in the higher the level leagues. Exalted PvP is going to have more stats than at Master PvP where critical, block, pip conserve, and a few others aren’t accessible. So there is a small bit of math you can do to figure out exactly what your stats might look like in a new league based off of the Stat Maxes.
Below is an example using a Level 160 Wizard wizard and their Health stat. You can double check this in the image below. To calculate your scaled stat for a different league simply divide your natural stat, 8,669, over the natural stat max, 9,788, of your level. Keep in mind this number can’t exceed 1. Multiplying that against the scaled level stat max of the level you’re being scaled into will give you the new value of your scaled stat.
(Natural Stat/Natural Level Stat Max) * Scaled Level Stat Max = Scaled Stat
(8669/9788) * 2441= ?
0.88567 * 2441= 2,161.92
A Storm’s scaled health stat at Level 50: 2,162
Level Scaling Example
The maximum amount of storm accuracy a level 160 storm can achieve is 67% but a level 50 storm can get up to 41%. It is based on a percentage of that maximum value. Joining the Master league with 58% accuracy out of 67% possible on a level 160 wizard will get you to 35% accuracy, just enough to not fizzle your spells!
Master League (L50)
What are the Stat Maxes?
Stat maxes are the maximum values supported by level equivalent gear. Level 160 gear is the best to visualize this concept, all of the gear is made equally with the new template system. When the devs created the stat maxes, they used this gear and jewels to determine stat maxes. Notably, items such as pets, mounts, set bonuses, or under-level gear don’t contribute to these numbers. In other words, the maximum possible stat will not match up with the level associated stat max.
Over 30,000 pieces of gear were analyzed to create the stat maxes. The stat maxes also aren’t the same across schools. The Stat Maxes are different per level and stat maxes have been created for every major level band (10-19, 20-29, 30-39, etc.). Additionally, if you are past that stat maximum for your natural level, level scaling will then apply, even in your own bracket.
Above we have the base stats of a level 160 Death wizard on the far left. These stats became scaled at each level bracket league, including the 160 bracket on the far right. As a max Death, the wizard lost 10% damage, 11% balance resist, and 1% death-accuracy. This is due to the stat maxes for death at level 160 being set to those values.
Current Stat Maxes for each PvP Bracket
Below are all of the stat maxes for each school within each PvP league currently available. These should provide a solid idea of what level scaling would change your stats to. You will have to compare your own stats relative to your own stat maxes.
The stat maxes below were provided to us by the Wizard101 Devs and are accurate as of the 11/27/2023 Live Realm Build
Grandmaster (Level 50-59)
Legendary (Level 60-69)
Exalted (Level 100-109)
Prime (Level 160-169)
Supreme (Level 170)
Level Scaling Preview

Lady Desdemona Ramirez is waiting in the arena to help players test all your level scaling needs. Interacting with this npc will give you 4 options, one for each PvP league, and will attune your stats from the standard PvE values to your new level scaled values.
These stats will appear as they would function in PvP or any other advanced content. This feature will also allow you to change gear to see the effects on your stats in real time just how they normally would for PvE stats. The level scaled stats visualized on your character sheet will revert to normal as soon as you leave the arena.
Level Gating
In addition to stats being scaled to the appropriate level, our spells will also be restricted via Level Gating. We’ve seen this previously on Treasure cards. The symbol on the far right of certain Treasure cards would tell you what level you have to be to use it in Advance Combat. Now several trained spells for each school have been level gated to prevent any wizards from joining through level scaling with spells they wouldn’t normally have access to. We wouldn’t want to see a Level 50 PvP match with Novus spells. (Editor’s note: Speak for yourself, Bandit)
If I try to queue into grandmaster (L50 bracket) or legendary (L60 bracket) with Healing Current in my deck, I will never see nor draw the spell. It will be removed from my deck as if it was never there. Keep this in mind when making a new deck for PvP or any other advanced content that will scale your level downward.
Scale Away!
Level Scaling has so many implications, there is no telling where they’ll take it from here. There are stat maxes for all the other level bands not mentioned above that aren’t part of a PvP bracket. We hope to bring an easier way to do see the stats yourself as they would appear in any particular bracket from one to another.