Having trouble with Fellspawn? Check out this speed run guide by community member Scion, detailing all you need to accelerate your farming. It will certainly make this boss easier!
This Hercules Poirot Boss Guide will help you through a tricky side quest in Empyrea. Timid presents both a solo and a team strategy, along with the usual descriptions of the cheats!
Ever wondered if you could solo Medulla - the final boss of Empyrea Part 1? Read on to find out how Eric Stormbringer did, and before Kingsisle adjusted the difficulty! Quite the feat! Video included!
Come meet the latest villain, Medulla, and learn what he's hiding before he gets the chance to take you down with his confusing abilities. Porck, Sparck and Beans are on Medulla's side, which causes additional problems, but you can handle it for sure!