November 12, 2019 November 14, 2019
Spellwrighting Contest Results
Fall 2019
Our first spellwrighting contest has come to a close and the winners have been decided. With almost 3 dozen entries, choosing just 6 winners proved to be a daunting task. However, after a multi-stage selection process and with the input of other Final Bastion staff members, I have managed to select 6 of the best spellwrighting ideas from the many we were offered. But wait, that’s not all! Due to the high quality of all the entries we received, every participant has been awarded a code for a Dragonclaw Blade! Thanks to all the participants for their entries and we look forward to hosting more contests like this one in the future! Winners, please check your emails for your code(s).
Note: All entries that were submitted without a graphic have had a graphic created, designed by yours truly, to ensure our readers understand the spells and upgrades submitted. All graphics created by me were completed using Legends of the Spiral’s Card Maker!
First Place
Submitted by Hayden
Winning Characteristics: This spell takes the assets that make Hydra unique and expands upon them. I really like how each of the three branches emphasize a specific head and adds school appropriate effects to each without being overpowered. An excellent upgrade tree and as a result, the top entry for this contest.
Second Place
Submitted by Tintus
Winning Characteristics: This upgrade tree seems really simple but is actually a call back to the original wild bolt. Allowing players the option to go back to a fan favorite iteration of this spell or naturally progress along its new path is a creative way to draw upon old ideas. Best of all, the built in accuracy cap ensures that this spell remains balanced.
Third Place
Submitted by Ravino
Winning Characteristics: The adapt and empowerment trees are some of the most interesting support auras available in Wizard101. Expanding the utility of these spells to include teammates and a defensive component is a creative way to increase strategic potential in team matches.
Runner Up #1
Submitted by Seth Silverblade
Winning Characteristics: Everyone forgets about these spells and with good reason. They simply aren’t very effective. This upgrade tree aims to change that, giving the spells some unique defensive capabilities that will serve the caster well.
Runner Up #2
Submitted by Flint Shadowstrider
Winning Characteristics: This spell’s potential upgrades allow balance access to some tools it didn’t have before such as non-shadow spell double hits and a low pip spirit damage hit. The other branch allows balance access to a method of dealing with the pesky negative charms that often plague the class.
Runner Up # 3
Submitted by Geerevan
Winning Characteristics: Sporting a unique combination of the oft-requested DoT/Drain on one end, a deadly minotaur esque spell on another, and some serious heal suppression on yet another, this spell upgrades Lord of Night into a force to be reckoned with.