Christmas Event Organization
Many Fansites, One Community

With Christmas being such an inclusive holiday, we’ve decided to try something new. Something that involves more than just us. The idea for this is unprecedented. Quite frankly, we have no clue how it’ll work out. Let me get into a bit more detail about the idea itself…

There are so many small and unnoticed groups just as dedicated to making the community what it is as we are. Sure- there might be difference of opinions between us at times, but we all want the same thing: to bring everyone together and be happy. With this in mind, we welcome all fansite owners, smaller groups and community figures to participate in this mega-event! Please remember all applicants must represent family-friendly environments that agree with our site rules.

Here’s how it works:

Normally, as a fansite we would organize and host our own seasonal events. However, this time we want to include as many people as we can!

Any interested community leaders may sign up their groups to help organize a Christmas party with our team. The activity itself does not need to be Christmas-related, although if it is-great! Successful applicants will contribute 1 [or more] contests with 1 [or more] prize(s).

Contests may range from art contests, where submissions last an entire day, to a few-hour PvP tournament. Keep in mind your group will need to be able to administrate the event with minor assistance from Final Bastion staff. Only one contest of each type will be accepted, determined by quality NOT on a first come-first-serve basis.

Prizes may be custom character portraits, crowns and/or membership codes, or alternative items deemed worthwhile prizes by the Final Bastion staff team.

I would like to add an apology to those groups that have already created Chrismtas events- we do not mean to steal your show! Event dates will be determined with courtesy to other sites.

With all that said and done, fill out the application if you’re interested in participating! Applications will run until midnight, 11/30/18.

Application Form

Thank you for your interest!

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