April 6, 2020 July 7, 2020
Catacombs Skeleton Key Boss
Wizard101 has brought a new update for Spring 2020, which added a new boss – The Fellspawn! According to druidic lore, it’s “a survivor of the destruction of the First World.” Others even believe it to be a myth, a mere legend dreamt up by the druids to scare their children. Well, I can tell you that the Fellspawn isn’t a legend – it’s real. It also drops some pretty insane things, such as the current top tier Dragoon’s gear (this is the only current direct drop source for Dragoon’s gear). As the new set bonuses are applicable to the Dragoon’s sets as well, players should definitely consider taking a look at this guy.
The Fellspawn Battle
Now no reward in Wizard101 is without challenges, and this instance is certainly no exception to that rule. It’s worth noting that the boss can pull you in from a pretty insane distance, so make sure your entire team is ready! You also need a team of four wizards. Should you have less than that, Fellspawn will start summoning his own minions on your side of the duel circle! However, it’s worth noting that any minions he spawns on your side of the duel circle can be sacrificed with spells like “Sap Power” or “Sap Health”.
The boss starts with 57,500 health, and is Storm/Shadow school. At the start of the first round, he’ll interrupt cast a bubble that caps damage at 9,999, similar to that of Empyrea’s Titan’s Trident, which cannot be changed. This bubble will also limit DOT spells to 3,333 damage per tic. After that, he will proceed to summon 3 minions (more if you don’t have a full team). These minions can be of any school, and range from 6,900 to 8,800 health. However, once killed, they are respawned one at a time every third turn. If a wizard joins or rejoins after the second turn, The Fellspawn will interrupt cast a shadow version of Call of Khrulhu dealing 830 damage to all.
In the storm form, The Fellspawn resists storm for about 70%. He resists Fire, Ice, Balance, and Death for 25%. Life and Myth do boost on it, but for merely 5%. In Moon Phase, he has no boosts or resists. In both forms, he has an outgoing damage boost of about 120%, and a pierce of about 35%.
Enemy Cheats
The cheats for this boss depend on which form it’s in: Storm or Moon. Fellspawn’s forms are similar to that of Barkingham’s Dr Jekyll and Waterworks’ Sylster Glowstorm. At the start of every fourth turn, the Fellspawn changes phases. Fellspawn will always start in its storm/shadow normal-sized self. The other phase is a giant sized Moon school version.
Storm Phase
While Fellspawn is in the storm phase, players cannot blade. Should you blade, it will immediately cast a mana burn on the caster of the blade, for about 600 shadow damage per pip, removing 2 pips from the unfortunate wizard. In addition to that, he casts a enfeeble on the receiver of the blade. Other than that, he doesn’t really have any cheats. Therefore, you should definitely trap and prism him during this phase. For any jades on the team, you can also cast plagues, jujus, and any other negative debuffs at this time.
Moon Phase
In the giant-sized moon phase, players cannot apply any negative wards on the Fellspawn. Should you accidentally do that, it will apply a cleanse to every trap on itself. On top of that, the caster of the spell will be stunned for two turns. Also, Indemnity-enchanted wards will not be removed the first time, and the stun can be resisted or shielded. It is also important to note that he does not remove preexisting traps when he transforms. On top of that, upon changing into the Moon phase, the boss will cast a black mantle on a random player, a weakness on a random player, a tower shield on itself and each of its minions, as well as a bladestorm. It will do this whenever it is hit as well.
Enemy Stats
These is all the information we were able to obtain so far. If you can help us update this information, let us know in the comments and we’ll credit you!
For defeating Fellspawn, wizards have the chance to get the Dragoon’s sets, as well as the Vanguard’s sets of gear. In addition to that, after defeating this boss multiple times or following certain difficult conditions, wizards can earn rare badges to commemorate this tricky achievement.
In Conclusion…
This living legend is honestly pretty straightforward! My personal recommendation is to have two tanks, someone to deal with the minions, and someone to deal with the boss. Ideally, having a death tank is handy, because they can apply juju and plague without any problems. My perfect team would have to be Life, Death, Storm, and Myth. Theurgists can apply heals for the heavy hits that this boss carries, Necromancers allow for damage control, Diviners melt the minions, and Myth can take on the boss with DOTs as well as heavy hits.