Have you had the chance to explore what is inside the Yule Logger Pack? Sneak a peek at the items that await within including the energy gear and a four player mount before the holiday season leaves again!
The Celestian Spellemental Pack made its way to Wizard101 with the Summer 2020 update. Check out what wonders you can obtain from within including four spells, celestian gear and adorable pets!
The Road Warrior's Hoard pack gives you a chance at obtaining the first 50% speed mount! Additionally, there is cool looking gear, powerful weapons, adorable pets and much more!
Time to try out a new pack! This time we have the Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack with mysterious new talents on the Scarab pets, gear set bonuses, Krokosphinx mounts and much more!
Have you had a chance to try out the Spellemental Pharaoh's Pack? Learn more about this freshly rebooted pack and the items locked within such as spellements available in the Crown Shop.
The Zafaria Safari Hoard Pack is revealed in Wizard101. Discover the exotic items one might obtain exclusively from within such as the warthog mounts and lion cub pets.
Want to know the best gear options for a Max Level Wizard in Wizard101? We show you the best options and compare some other notable choices, so you can easily get the pieces you'd like!