The spring season brings a new gauntlet to Wizard101 and with that comes a brand new gear set. Check out the level 50, 100, and 170 variants with Shadow!
Take a look at all the new items in the Aquila Hoard Pack! This Aquilian themed pack takes inspirations from the mythical Gorgons. Try your luck for the Gorgon weapons, Strix pets, and Elephant mounts!
Check the fish in this Aquila fish location guide! There are ten of them in the Garden of Hesperides, including two epic fish! Woot! Learn where to find the Minnowtaur, the Apollock, the Neptuna and the Pompeeino, to name a couple!
The Wizard101 Immortal's Lore Pack has arrived in a Summer update with three lore spells and many other goodies! Find out here what you can expect from it including gear, weapons and much more!
Take a look at the drop list for Zeus Ultra Dungeon for level 100! Like all Ultra Dungeons it's just one fight, but it is a fairly challenging one. Are the drops worth the effort? We'll let you decide that! Here are all the drops for the Zeus Ultra Dungeon.
Did you know that in the depths of Aquila's Tartarus you not only get to fight Hades but also his brothers Zeus and Poseidon? Check out their gear in this detailed guide!