Azteca Moon Spells Overview

The world of Azteca brought with it lots of new magic to uncover. Amongst this magic, we have 3 very powerful Moon school polymorph spells – Polymorph Icehorn, Jaguar and Ptera.

What is so special about these spells?

Once a polymorph spell is used, the caster will turn into that creature for a select amount of rounds. This will also change the wizard’s stats and spell deck. Imagine turning into one of the enemies you fight in the different maps of the Spiral. They each have their resists and their boosts. For instance, a fire creature resists fire damage but is weaker against ice attacks (ice boosts on fire).

How can I get these enchants?

First of all, make sure your wizard reaches level 88 as these auras are all locked until you reach that level. Second, you need to complete the side quest “Fly Me to the Moon” from Azteca given to you by Zaylin Reedwalker in the Zocalo. Make sure that you’ve completed the main questline until you complete the quest “In My Eyes”.

What if I still can’t access this side quest?

If the above requirements were met and you still can’t find the side quest from Zaylin, you will need to look back a bit further. First make sure that you unlocked the obelisk in Three Points for Star Magic and Sun Magic. If those are still not activated you will need to go even further back. How far back? All the way back to Zafaria! Inyanga Whitestripes in the Baobab Crossroads will have a side quest titled “Bungle in the Jungle“. Make sure to fully complete that side quest to unlock the astral magic found within Zafaria. As soon as all of the above are finished, simply head back to Zaylin in the Zocalo and pick up your quest.

Polymorph Icehorn

  • School: Moon
  • Accuracy: 100%
  • Health: 4,000
  • Effect: Transforms the caster into an Ice Polymorph for 6 rounds

The Icehorn polymorph is meant to be the tank type spell that tries to mimic an ice creature. Once polymorphed, you will have ice damage resistance, but will boost to fire damage. Make sure to avoid using this form against fire enemies. The spell deck is made of a total of 38 spell cards which you can see below. The spell variety found in this polymorph is simply astonishing.














Polymorph Jaguar

  • School: Moon
  • Accuracy: 100%
  • Health: 3,500
  • Effect: Transforms the caster into an Life Polymorph for 6 rounds

The Jaguar polymorph is meant to be the healer type spell that tries to mimic a life creature. Once polymorphed, you will have life damage resistance, but will boost to death damage. Make sure to avoid using this form against death enemies. The spell deck is made of a total of 27 spell cards which you can see below. Apart from that, you will notice some additional outgoing healing that should be somewhere near 40% outgoing.











Polymorph Ptera

  • School: Moon
  • Accuracy: 100%
  • Health: 2,500
  • Effect: Transforms the caster into an Storm Polymorph for 6 rounds

The Ptera polymorph is meant to be an agressive type spell that tries to mimic a storm creature. Once polymorphed, you will have storm damage resistance, but will boost to myth damage. Make sure to avoid using this form against myth enemies. The spell deck is made of a total of 29 spell cards which you can see below. Keep in mind that they can be quite powerful combined with the occasional critical.












Random Fact: Did you know that if you trained every moon school spell including these 3 spells you could unlock a badge? Learn more about moon magic and the Master of Shapes badge in this detailed article.

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