Waterworks Gear Guide

At level 60, many wizards turn to Waterworks gear to spruce up their stats a little. Offering balanced stats, and an iconic look, this gear never fails to disappoint! The gear looks the same for each school, with optional colour changes, but each school has different stats! For more information about potentially upgrading this gear at a later level, check this article out!

How do I get this gear?

The gear is obtained from the boss battles in the Waterworks dungeon in Crab Alley, Wizard City. The first boss battle with Luska Charmbeak only drops the hats for each school. However, the last battle with Sylster Glowstorm drops the robes and boots. Some additional loot you might be interested in from the boss battles in Waterworks are the mastery amulets from the Crown Shop and mega snacks.

Balance (Judgment Gear)

This Gear Provides:

  • +781 Health
  • +24% Power Pips
  • +40 Universal Block
  • +28% Universal Resist
  • +12% Incoming Healing
  • +88 Balance Critical
  • +53% Balance Damage

Death (Hangman’s Gear)

This Gear Provides:

  • +733 Health
  • +22% Power Pips
  • +38 Universal Block
  • +28% Universal Resist
  • +11% Incoming Healing
  • +96 Death Critical
  • +56% Death Damage

Fire (Firestarter’s Gear)

This Gear provides:

  • +700 Health
  • +40 Universal Block
  • +29% Universal Resist
  • +15% Incoming Healing
  • +19% Universal Accuracy
  • +114 Fire Critical
  • +48% Fire Damage


Ice (Frostbit Gear)

This Gear Provides:

  • +1040 Health
  • +45 Universal Block
  • +34% Universal Resist
  • +15% Incoming Healing
  • +9% Universal Accuracy
  • +80 Ice Critical
  • +34% Ice Damage

Life (Esprit Gear)

This Gear Provides:

  • +776 Health
  • +25% Power Pips
  • +40 Universal Block
  • +27% Universal Resist
  • +13% Incoming Healing
  • +90 Life Critical
  • +53% Life Damage

Myth (Tricksy Gear)

This Gear Provides:

  • +699 Health
  • +40 Universal Block
  • +31% Universal Resist
  • +16% Incoming Healing
  • +19% Universal Accuracy
  • +99 Myth Critical
  • +47% Myth Damage

Storm (Skyscream Gear)

This Gear Provides:

  • +498 Health
  • +27 Universal Block
  • +26% Universal Resist
  • +12% Incoming Healing
  • +22% Universal Accuracy
  • +121 Storm Critical
  • +67% Storm Damage

What do you think of the Waterworks gear?
Do you use it, or do you prefer the alternatives?
Let us know in the comments!

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Dakota TitanHeart

Dakota's been playing Wizard101 for well over ten years now. He's seen a lot of change in the game, and loves to check everything out on his trusty Storm and Death. When an update comes out, expect to see him running around to create strategies and discover secrets. While he's more of a PvE player, Dakota isn't new to PvP, formerly a tournament PvPer. Nowadays, he spends his days playing Beastmoon and working on his fire wizard.


  • I would like the chance of drop becouse i already diz it for 5 Times and i didn’t get any off the gear

  • I think all the gear needs to be updated and their stats included.

  • bc storm is only good for hitting health on storm is ehhh

  • How come Storm has the lowest health benefits?

    • This gear was released in the old days where school identity was a thing, so storm gear had massive offensive stats with low health and defensive stats

      • What’s wrong with school identity?

  • I don’t like how the ice mage waterworks gear gives stats that are so low that the zeus set can outdo it..

  • I have read about some worthwhile energy gear also being dropped there.

  • Hi! 9+12+7 equals 28 not 26 universal resist (balance set) ^-^

    • Corrected it, Thank you!

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