October 27, 2019 May 12, 2023
Pirate Nightmare Pack
October in the Spiral means only one thing… Halloween! And this year we have another brand new pack joining the previous Halloween Nightmare packs – the Pirate Nightmare Pack. This pack as one can presume is pirate-themed full of parrot pets, Captain’s Steel weapons and even a ship mount! Don’t forget to check out the previous Nightmare Packs before they leave after Halloween!
Note: the Pirate Nightmare pack was updated in 2020 to include new items: Ghost Hunter gear, Geistbox weapons and Carrier Ghost mounts.
Flying Dutchman Mount
Does it look familiar? It should! The Flying Dutchman mount was previously introduced to the game in the Summer 2019 test realm as part of the Fall Scroll of Fortune rewards. Now you can obtain a permanent version of this mount from the Pirate Nightmare Pack. Don’t forget to invite your friend to sail with you throughout the Spiral on this two person mount!
Gear Sets
The trend goes on! We have here an additional gear set following the same trend for gear from Arc 3 (Polaris – Empyrea). The set involves the not so popular defensive robe, the offensive hat and the balanced boots… However, take a look at the Haunted set below and notice a couple of things. The boots are all out offensive with no resist at all and on top of that there is no pierce anywhere. Frankly, won’t be opening this pack for the gear, but for other items 100%.
Captain’s Steel Weapons
Again, we are missing that crucial pierce giving these weapons a huge disadvantage compared to other gear. On the other hand, it does have good damage and pip conversion stats as well as an interesting may-cast effect. When a may-cast is triggered it will cast 3 separate wand hits that are more powerful than the original trigger cast, but they can target any of the enemies in the duel circle. An intriguing feature might I say!
Haunted Captain’s Steel
Cursed Captain’s Steel
Blighted Captain’s Steel
Macawbre Pets
If you are freaked out by things that can turn their heads round a complete 360… just LOOK AWAY! Unlike literally 99% of all the other pets in the Spiral, the Macawbre pets cannot be described as “cute”. However, that doesn’t have to be a bad thing! For starters they’d make a great addition to your Halloween costume, and they have pretty decent starter stats. As for the talents, we are gonna need your help there!
Some additional both interesting and useful items you might receive from the Pirate Nightmare Pack are Evil Magma Peas gardening plants, the Jack-O-Lantern pet, and Halloween themed furniture items.
What are your thoughts on the Pirate Nightmare Pack?
Leave us a comment below!