In this article, Charlie models the rest of the unfinished Wizard101 spell audit by providing spell balancings for spells that have yet to be changed. Check out what the future might hold for these spells!
The Summer 2020 update brought with it the long awaited Grizzleheim Lore spells crafting recipes. Come check out the reagents needed and the different sources where you can get them!
Wizard101 is in the middle of a full-spell audit. In this article, Charlie talks about the system being used to balance spells, including how DPP is calculated and how secondary effects are evaluated.
Gardening in Wizard101 requires quite some effort. Part of this can be made easier by using gardening spells. Check out every single spell you can use to make your garden thrive!
Week Two of Summer 2020 Test Realm brought about a lot more spell changes than we could've imagined. Read on to see what got changed, and our thoughts on all these changes!
Everything you need to know to train the Azteca Sun School Spells in Wizard101. Sharpened Blade, Potent Trap and Primordial are fabulous spells to add to your PvP deck! These Sun spells boost up your blades, traps and heals.