Wizard101 Teleport Effects

KingsIsle has released another set of crown shop items: Teleport Effects! If you’re tired of the old teleport effect that comes with your school, or think it’s just not glamorous enough, then for 2,500 crowns, you can change it to something school-specific or something completely unique. Each effect will also come with a new teleport sound. From an effect that releases chicken feathers to a storm effect that produces smoke around your character, here you will learn what each effect looks like and how to equip them. Please note that these effects only work for the Wizard you bought them on, so you’d have to buy each effect for each Wizard.

Crown Shop Teleport Effects

The Teleport Effects section is found within the Gameplay tab in the Crown Shop. It’s right under the Emotes section, which is also new. From here you can buy any of the teleport effects you desire. I recommend either buying the one for your school or waiting for more to come out. Each teleport effect costs 2500 crowns, so choose wisely!


teleport effects chick a bam

It’s the first teleport effect that wasn’t themed by school. The chicken feathers will make sure that any who uses this effect will look goofy.


The first of our long list of school specific teleport effects, this is BalanceWorks. It’s what you expect for a balance effect.


This is LifeWorks, It is relatively short compared to some of the other effects, and happens all at once.


This is the one that I bought. I like how you have the black smoke and the white fireworks near the head.


If you haven’t guessed by now, all of these school specific teleport effects are going to have the name of the school then the word “works” after it. I’m guessing it’s a play on the word fireworks, as they certainly all look like a firework show.


This has to be one of my favorite effects. I like the length, and how it starts small at first, then the sudden explosion.


The pun in the name aside, this truly looks like someone set off a firework then teleported away. It is a nice and long effect for fire.


IceWorks is the last school specific teleport effect on this list. It’s… what you’d expect to see. Nothing unique.


Seasonal Teleport Effects

These teleports are usually linked to seasonal events such as Halloween or St Patrick’s Day, meaning they return year after year. They are either purchasable from the Crown Shop or are rewarded through Crowns Events.


teleport effects rainbow

Released June 2019 for 2,500 Crowns

Ray of Sunshine

teleport effects ray of sunshine

Released August 2019 for 2,500 Crowns


teleport effects cake

Released September 2019 for 2,500 Crowns


Image from Gyazo

Released October 2019 for 3,799 Crowns

Turkey Gobble


Released November 2019 as the 46,000 Crown reward of a Crowns Event



Released February 2020 as the 20,000 Crown reward of a Crowns Event


Image from Gyazo

Released March 2020 for 2,500 Crowns

St Patty


Released March 2020 as the 32,000 Crown reward of a Crowns Event



Released April 2020 as the 80,000 Crown reward of a Crowns Event

New Years

Image from Gyazo

Released December 2020 for 2,021 Crowns


Image from Gyazo

Released December 2021 as the 56,000 Crown reward of a Crowns Event

Party ‘Porter

Image from Gyazo

Released December 2022 for 2,023 Crowns

Scroll of Fortune Teleport Effects

From 2019 onwards, each Scroll of Fortune has rewarded its own unique teleport effect. These sometimes come back through the Crown Shop or as rewards for Crowns Events. However, they are usually limited-time only.



Winter 2019

Spring Forward


Spring 2020



Summer 2020

Time to Leaf


Fall 2020

Snow Away


Winter 2020

Cherry Blossom Burst


Spring 2021

To The Victor!


Summer 2021

Harvest Time


Fall 2021



Winter 2021

Fae Away


Spring 2022



Summer 2022

Fiddlin’ Around

Image from Gyazo

Fall 2022

Cloud of Soot

Image from Gyazo

Winter 2022


Image from Gyazo

Spring 2023


Image from Gyazo

Summer 2023

Grave Escape

Image from Gyazo

Fall 2023

Hat Trick

Image from Gyazo

Winter 2023

Mobile Home

Image from Gyazo

Spring 2024

Crafted Teleport Effects

In 2023, the Rate My Stitch update introduced craftable teleport effects. For the first time, you can collect teleport effects without spending any Crowns!

Red Carpet

Image from Gyazo

  • 36 Wood Button
  • 36 Tailor Chalk


How do I equip my teleport effect?

This part is a little tricky. First, press “Esc” on your keyboard. This will open up your settings menu. Then, navigate to the “Gameplay Options 3” tab. Here you will have the option to change your victory dance among other things. At the bottom, you will see “Teleport Effect”. Here you can cycle through your effects you’ve bought and choose which one you’d like to equip.

teleport effects settings
Go to Gameplay Options 3. It’s the bottom option.

These teleport effects are an interesting and unique feature, and I can’t wait to see what other teleport effects they will add, and if they will range in prices. Again, any new teleport effects will be added to this list, so check back often!

Which is your favorite teleport effect?
Do you like this new feature?
Tell us in the comments!

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  • For some reason I do not have the teleport effect tab in option 3. Why is this? Has it maybe been moved to a different location?

    • It is now in the normal backpack settings. I believe if you go to backpack then click the right arrow a few times, you will get to the emotes page and the teleport effects are a tab on that section.

  • There have been quite a bit more teleport effects since this post has come out. The Halloween, St. Patrick’s day, and Valentine’s day ones, as well as the specialty ones achieved only through the various Scroll of Fortune events.

  • Not a bad addition but wish they could be bought with gold or at least be able to be used in other characters on the same account.

    • Same, it seems a bit of a mess that it’s so expensive for such a small detail, but doesn’t apply across same-account character accounts. That’s unfortunate.

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