April 8, 2022 April 9, 2022
Fansite Festival 2022
The annual Fansite Festival is right around the corner and that means it’s about time we brought you another event! On April 9th at 2pm Central Time we will be hosting our event, a part of a long line up of events for Fansite Festival 2021 put on by different Kingsisle Fansites and other Community Characters. As is tradition, we will be throwing a house party in Wizard101 where one can win a lot of cool prizes including bundles, crowns, packs and more! Additionally, we’ll be hosting a contest on our Twitter for our Pirate101 readers.
Come alone or bring a friend, everyone is welcome! The party has activities planned out for an hour of fun, but guests are welcome to stay as long as they would like. Just make sure not to miss out on other Fansites’ events!
How do I participate?
We will be hosting several contests where one will be eligible to win different rewards which will be announced closer to the event. For starters, make sure you show up at the stipulated time, but if you are late do not worry! We will still have port buses at the meeting place throughout the entire event.
Final Bastion staff will have wizards available to transport guests to the party castle in Unicorn Way in front of the Arena in realm SCARECROW. Port buses will be available 10 minutes before the event starts and throughout the entire hour of the event. These wizards are commonly known as “port buses”. Add these wizards if you would like to join in on the fun!
We will be adding screenshots of these wizards the day of the event
Dakota TitanHeart
Fansite Festival usually takes place over two days held on a weekend. The entire event line up is posted below. Our event is lined up for Saturday, April 9th, at 2 pm CST
This time is equivalent to:
- 12 PM Pacific time
- 1 PM Mountain time
- 3 PM Eastern time
- 9 PM Central European Time
How can I win?
Scavenger Hunt
Several items will be hidden around the house, perhaps sized down with castle magic for an extra challenge. The first few to find all or most hidden items will receive some spectacular rewards! As soon as you get to the event house you can start searching right away. Email full screenshots of your wizard beside these secret items to the email listed in the rules.
Screenshots of the hidden items will be added as the event starts, so check back if you want to participate!
Deep Leviathan- Must be Named Madame Lexi
The infamous Litter
Blue Ghost
Winter Wyrm Bobblehead
Wood Saw
Work Hammer
Wooden Mallet

Ceara Ashbury Bobblehead
Fashion Contest
You can’t have a Final Bastion party without a fashion contest, right? At least, we think so!
This time around, we want you to cosplay as a character in the Kingsisle universe. The judges will be looking for the outfits that creatively resemble something in the Wizard101 or Pirate101 universe. Bonus points for going off the beaten path!
We recommend staying away from super simple homages to KI characters, such as throwing on all the gear from the Professor’s Hoard pack and calling it a day. Be creative! Make sure to keep an eye out when you are in the event house as this contest will start about 30 minutes in (halfway through) our event.
…and more?
If you’re lucky, a Final Bastion staff member may just whisper a secret word in your ear. If you hear this word, email a screenshot of your entire screen with the word clearly visible to our email listed in the rules. You’ll receive a secret prize
Each word is to be single-use only – don’t share the secret.
General Rules
- Absolutely no foul language will be tolerated. No warnings will be provided.
- Please refrain from rude or unsportsmanlike behavior. You will only be warned once.
- Basically, for those who never read the rules: Have fun. Be nice.
- All entries are to be submitted to finalbastioncontests@gmail.com
- Note that images that appear to have been modified or edited in any way will not be accepted for any contest.
Pirate101 Quordle
At the beginning of the year, the online word game, Wordle, took the world by storm. In this game, you guess a five letter word and are then told which letters were correct and in the correct place (green), which letters were correct and in the wrong place (yellow), and which weren’t in the word at all (white or gray). You win if you guess the word in six guesses or fewer. There have been countless variants of this game, based on geography, chess, sports, and more!
However, my personal favorite variant is Quordle! In Quordle, there isn’t just one word to guess, but four! In each of nine rounds/guesses, you guess a single word and are then provided the “normal” Wordle-style feedback for each of the four mystery words. You win if you guess all four words within a total of nine rounds (so the earliest you can win is round 4). Sound confusing? I’ll give an example below. Imagine the mystery words are “puffy”, “crime”, “slant”, and “bingo.” You guess the word “frays.” You’d receive the following feedback:
Word 1
Word 2
Word 3
Word 4
This would mean that the letters f and y are in the first word, but in the wrong place, the letter r is in the second word and in the right place, the letters a and s are in the third word, but in the wrong place, and none of the letters are in the fourth word. Your next guess would incorporate the information you received from the above feedback.
We’ll be doing the same thing, but with a Pirate101 theme! At 2 PM central time on the 9th, we will announce the start of the Quordle on our twitter. You will guess ONE five letter word and email it to finalbastioncontests@gmail.com. The four mystery words will all be related to Pirate101 and will either be normal words that have a strong connection to the game (such as “fight”) or are a character (such as “Mormo”). If an entry has multiple guesses, we will accept only the first. You will have 10 minutes to send in each guess. Please note that all guesses MUST be valid English words or Pirate101 npcs/locations/enemies/etc. You can’t just guess five random letters.
At the end of the 10 minute period, we will reply to your email with the feedback described above for each of the four mystery words. We will then announce the start of the next round on our twitter and you will repeat the process, improving your guess based on the feedback we provide. There will be a total of nine rounds for you to guess all four words.
The first two people to guess the four words correctly will receive a prize. Additionally, anyone who plays through all of the rounds (or until they are victorious) will be entered into a raffle for an additional prize. People who complete the Quordle will receive extra entries based on how early they guessed all four words (round 9 = 1 extra, round 8 = 2 extra, round 7 = 3 extra, etc.)
I encourage you to do a practice run or two online before the event on Saturday to get a feel for how the game works!
Fansite Festival 2022 Lineup
Hold up! If you plan on attending the party, check out the 2022 Fansite Festival lineup, with cool events hosted by various fansites.