P101 Valencia Trivia Answers

KI Free Games has many Trivia games that contain questions about either Wizard101 or Pirate101. William DeathWisper collected the correct answers to help you get the 100% you need to earn 10 crowns! You can play these games every day.

Each online trivia quiz you pass will automatically apply 10 Crowns to your KingsIsle account. You can complete 10 free trivia games per day and can take each quiz once per day for Crowns. Come back each day to complete more free trivia questions and earn more Crowns! Crowns can be applied to your Wizard101 and Pirate101 accounts to help you access new gaming zones and add cool game items to your supply.

This article is a part of the series that provides you with the correct answers to Free KI Games’ trivia games. This one is all about the category called Pirate101 Valencia Trivia .

P101 Valencia Trivia Answers:

  1. Who reads the inscription on Marleybone’s Tower?
    Answer: Ratbeard
  2. Where do you find the Tomb of Marco Pollo?
    Answer: Granchia
  3. What shows Steed you’re part of the Resistence?
    Answer: Amulet
  4. Historian Gonzago is on a stage, who isn’t in the audience?
    Answer: Giafra
  5. What are Albus and Carbo?
    Answer: Armada Commanders
  6. How many Mechanical Birds do you collect in Sivella?
  7. Who do you find in the Lecture Hall of Sivella?
    Answer: Ridolfo
  8. Why does Steed want you to attack Armada Ships?
    Answer: Make a Disguise
  9. You won’t find this kind of Armada Troop in Sivella!
    Answer: Battle Angel
  10. Historian Gonzago sends you on a “paper chase,” who do you talk to during that quest?
    Answer: Magdalena
  11. Which one isn’t a Scholar by name?
    Answer: Lorenzo
  12. What color of Windstone do you find in Marco Pollo’s Tomb?
    Answer: Blue
  13. Which one isn’t a Scholar by name?
    Answer: Caresini
  14. Which world doesn’t have a pillar in Sivella?
    Answer: Monquista
  15. What type of item does Prospector Zeke want you to find in Valencia?
    Answer: Birds
  16. You need a good eye to save these in Granchia…
    Answer: Art Objects
  17. Who does Steed send you to speak to in Sivella?
    Answer: Thaddeus
  18. What’s the name of a librarian in Sivella?
    Answer: Grassi
  19. The Mooshu Tower in Sivella is a replica of what?
    Answer: Tower of Serenity
  20. What type of boat do you use to get from the docks to Sivella?
    Answer: Gondola


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William DeathWhisper

William wrote his trivia originally on the Duelist101 Community, and for a brief period of time, they were available on his own website as well. Currently, they get to shine on Final Bastion!


  • To correct #13 for everyone curious: the answer is Caresini.

  • 1. Which one isn’t a Scholar by name? Answer: Lorenzo Incorrect
    2. What shows Steed you’re part of the Resistence? Answer: Amulet Correct!
    3. Why does Steed want you to attack Armada Ships? Answer: Make a Disguise Correct!
    4. Where do you find the Tomb of Marco Pollo? Answer: Granchia Correct!
    5. What color of Windstone do you find in Marco Pollo’s Tomb? Answer: Blue Correct!
    6. Historian Gonzago sends you on a “Paper Chase,” who do you talk to during that quest? Answer: Magdalena Correct!
    7. What are Albus and Carbo? Answer: Armada Commanders Correct!
    8. What kind of disguise do you wear in Sivella? Answer: Clockwork Correct!
    9. What type of item does Prospector Zeke want you to find in Valencia? Answer: Birds Correct!
    10. Who does Steed send you to speak to in Sivella? Answer: Thaddeus Correct!
    11. Who reads the inscription on Marleybone’s Tower? Answer: Ratbeard Correct!
    12. How many Mechanical Birds do you collect in Sivella? Answer: 5 Correct!


    1. Who do you find in the Lecture Hall of Sivella? Answer: Ridolfo Correct!

    2. What are Albus and Carbo? Answer: Armada Commanders Correct!

    3. Why does Steed want you to attack Armada Ships? Answer: Make a Disguise Correct!

    4. Where do you find the Tomb of Marco Pollo? Answer: Granchia Correct!

    5. What’s the name of a librarian in Sivella? Answer: Grassi Correct!

    6. What kind of disguise do you wear in Sivella? Answer: Clockwork Correct!

    7. What color of Windstone do you find in Marco Pollo’s Tomb? Answer: Blue Correct!

    8. What type of boat do you use to get from the docks to Sivella? Answer: Gondola Correct!

    9. Which world doesn’t have a pillar in Sivella? Answer: Monquista Correct!

    10. What shows Steed you’re part of the Resistence? Answer: Amulet Correct!

    11. Historian Gonzago is on a stage, who isn’t in the audience? Answer: Giafra Correct!

    12. You need a good eye to save these in Granchia… Answer: Art Objects Correct!

  • 10. Magdalena is the right answer!

    11. What kind of disguise do you wear in Sivella? Answer: Monkey Mask Incorrect

  • 10. Historian Gonzago sends you on a “Paper Chase,” who do you talk to during that quest?
    Answer: Giafra

    What kind of disguise do you wear in Sivella?
    Answer: Vulture

    • I think

    • not vulture

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