Check the fish in this Aquila fish location guide! There are ten of them in the Garden of Hesperides, including two epic fish! Woot! Learn where to find the Minnowtaur, the Apollock, the Neptuna and the Pompeeino, to name a couple!
Interested in an extra Training Point? At level 71, you can get an extra one in Avalon! The quest is called "The Way of the Wyrd" and will have you collect 5 Scrolls. You need to have started questing in Avalon to receive this quest!
There's this interesting morse code puzzle in the Caterwaul Canyons in Mirage, which you have to complete to make a cheating boss spawn. Let's learn more about that, shall we?
Check out the complete list and learn all the information you will need to know about the different Monstrology creatures found within the world of Mirage. Will you find them all?