Avalon Training Point Quest
The Way of the Wyrd

At level 71, you can get an extra training point in Avalon. The quest is called “The Way of the Wyrd” and will have you collect 5 Scrolls. This quest is given to you by Francis Lux, who resides inside a building in Abbey Road. You need to have started questing in Avalon to receive this quest!


Toadstool Village Scroll

Toadstool Village is inside the Wild. If you have the teleporter to the Wild activated, use it, then turn slightly to the right. These Scrolls are luckily easy to find, since there’s the word “SCROLL” in big white letter floating above them 🙂

Fire Elf Village Scroll

Just like Toadstool Village, Fire Elf Village is inside the Wild. You can get there by turning right after exiting Toadstool Village and going down the slope, past the Wildfire Treants and White Owl Tower.

Avalon Training Point Quest: The Way of the Wyrd

Floating Bridge Scroll

This scroll is also in the Wild. Turn right from the teleporter, go past the Red Cap mobs and circle around the Storm Elementals. The Scroll is hiding behind the Tower of the Blue Dalia, which you can find close to the Storm Elementals. Be careful not to get pulled in by them!

Avalon Training Point Quest: The Way of the Wyrd

Froudling Village Scroll

The Froudling Village is inside the Wyrd. The Scroll is in the upper right hand corner of your map, behind a building. This one is a little harder to find, because there are a lot of things with white names floating above their heads in this area.

Avalon Training Point Quest: The Way of the Wyrd



Graveyard Scroll

The Graveyard Scroll is also in The Wyrd, right next to the Tomb of the Nameless. If you haven’t quested there yet, Billy Brute will be hindering your passage, so get a friend to teleport to.

Avalon Training Point Quest: The Way of the Wyrd


Return to Francis Lux and receive your training point! This quest didn’t require too much running, luckily! Francis Lux will give you a NEW training point quest right away, called The Art of Magic. For this quest, you will need to defeat some Red Caps in Caer Lyon and collect a book.


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