Dragonspyre Zeke Quest
Guide to the Stone Roses

In your journey through Wizard101 you will notice a series of side quests from Prospector Zeke. This NPC is renowned for following us through every world of the Spiral… or are we following him? These quests are one huge scavenger hunt for select items hidden in each world. In this article we will be looking at the Dragonspyre Zeke quest and what you will need to find to complete it. Additionally, each of these items are a reference to popular real life bands like the Stray Cats, the Wallflowers, and even the Beatles!

Why should I do these quests?

There is one simple answer to the question. Besides being fun and unique, they award you with a training point when the quest is completed. You can then use the training point to learn new spells from other schools.

Where are the Stone Roses?

You will generally find one in each map of the world that the quest is located in. Let’s take a look at Dragonspyre’s locations below:

The Basilica Stone Rose

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The Atheneum Stone Rose

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The Tower Archives Stone Rose

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The Grand Chasm Stone Rose

The Stone Rose in this map is a bit tricky. First, you need to access a dungeon that will take you back in time in the Grand Chasm. That is why the map is different. The dungeon can be accessed from the centre of the large corridor right next to the teleporters hub.

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The Necropolis Stone Rose

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The Labyrinth Stone Rose

To access the Stone Rose in the Labyrinth, you need to complete most of the dungeon. As soon as you get the quest to defeat the Gallium Paladin you will be able to open the gate and access the area it is located in. It is in the very edge of the map hidden on a boulder behind a tower.

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Dragonspyre Academy Stone Rose

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The Crystal Grove Stone Rose

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Dragon’s Roost Stone Rose

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The Crown of Fire Stone Rose

This map doesn’t show a tracker for your wizard. However, I was able to narrow down where the location of the Stone Rose would approximately be. You need to do most of Dragonspyre’s final dungeon to get it. When you reach the undead ghosts, you can skip them and proceed right behind them to get it.

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All Zeke and Eloise Quests!

Complete Guide to Training Points

Training Point Calculator

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With his main focus in Wizard101 PvE, you will find Cody knee deep fighting one of the Spiral's major bosses with an army of wizards at his disposal. Proficient in quite a few other areas of the game such as gardening, fishing, and most of all monstrology. Why monstrology? He chases after every single creature out there and catalogs them for all to see!


  • I’m struggling to find the stone rose in The Tower Of Archives. I can’t find a way to get behind the buildings 😭

  • This helped so much ! ! You need to do one for the Books 🙂 can’t find a good one for those 🙁

    • Funny you should say this, because I was just working on an update for this guide. I’ll see about pushing one for the books too. Great idea 🙂

      • YAY

  • I can’t find the Grand Chasm rose. Idk if I’m stupid or what.

    • It can be found in the Hall of Time instance – the dungeon that reverts the area to the past version of Dragonspyre.

      • Go to grand chasm past, you have to go on the sigil and enter through time machine. Once in the hallway (of the past). Turn to your right all the way down the hallway and look behind the door on your LEFT. Seems that part keeps getting left out. The rose is behind the very last door on the left. (About head high). Took me a long time to find it too.

  • Great place to come if you need to know anything to do with wizard 101 xx thanks I love this site

    • Thank you! 😀 It’s people like you that we do it for!

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