October 20, 2018 October 26, 2018
Empyrea Part 2
‘Zanadu’ Dropped Gear
Every world update since the release of Polaris in 2015 has brought with it a different gear set. Each gear set follows basically the same trend: an offensive hat, a highly defensive robe, and balanced boots that either provide pip chance or accuracy. Upon review of all the gear sets, one can notice that the stats are extremely slowly increasing and differentiating especially on the boots – pips or accuracy. The same applies to the LVL125 Champion crafted gear.
Below you can find the gear we discovered so far from several noteworthy bosses such as Admiral Dynt in the Control Room of Nimbus Citadel. The gear, as previously stated follows the same trend of past recent worlds including the not so overwhelming athames which we chose to not include in this post. However, there is one difference – the dropped amulets as well as the crafted ones are mastery amulets.
Due to the fact that the final part of Empyrea is still locked there might be other drops including a more powerful gear set yet to be discovered. We will update this post as we progress more through test realm.
Once again, if you compare this set with the sets from Empyrea Part 1 (the latest sets) you will notice very few difference. Almost all the gear got a few health increase, and some stats have been switched with others. More specifically, power pip chance, accuracy and pierce are being switched on hats, robes and boots. Before farming for the above I suggest taking a good look at both sets and contrast them to determine whether you personally think its worth farming for.