5th Age PvP is looking to become the first time in a decade that the game will feel balanced. Read more to learn about the changes that are happening to Wizard101 with all the latest updates and patches.
Wizard101 is more than just blades, traps, and big boss hits. Read this guide to learn about the different spell classifications currently in the game and you just might be surprised at the spells that actually exist.
Ready to walk the dinosaur? James Earthwalker does a deep dive into one of the Spiral's most notorious worlds in his latest chapter of The Spiral Notebook!
Roughly one year and a half after its release, Spellwrighting is still largely beyond even the most hardcore players. What's going on here and where do spellements even come from?
James Nightwraith dives deep into the Spiral's lore in this discussion of the Fourth Arc's mysterious new power player: Nothing. Who is this new key player and what does this mean for our wizard?
As someone who provided guidance in its creation, Charlie explains Wizard101's new system for damage, resist, and pierce that is being introduced and tested in the Spring 2021 test realm.