A Wizard101 player since 2009, Eric has always enjoyed PvP at the level cap. Known for his contributions to Storm PvP, Eric is nonetheless knowledgeable about all max level schools, tactics and gameplay styles. Eric loves analyzing the nitty gritty of spell and game mechanics, particularly as they apply to 1v1 PvP and can often be found offering feedback and suggestions on a variety of platforms.
Take a look at the Fire school's scorching hot Archetype, focused on dealing damage and utilizing said damage as a pressure tool. Read on to find out how the Fire school is going to be turning up the heat!
You've seen the Balance school, now take a look at the Death School and it's Archetype. Can the drain concept be pushed even further? Read on to find out!
Come read this article for some revolutionary Wizard 101 Spell Ideas that could completely change the way you look at how to PvP in Wizard 101! First up on the list is the Balance School!
Eric Stormbringer goes over all the schools and lists spells that need to be improved on to create a better class balance. Through this, he hoped to bring some balance to the Top Level PvP Meta while also approving PvE.
Legendary Weapons are available to craft for the worthy! Ignus Ferric (the scholar of the Fire school in the Arcanum) sells the recipes. Each school has a wand which adds to the new pip conversion stat along with giving damage and pierce!