April 14, 2020 October 29, 2022
Adventure and Combat Pet Talents
Spring Update 2020
The Spring 2020 update is life changing for pets in Wizard101. There are so many impactful features, as well as minor tweaks, to discuss. This article will tackle the new types of pet talents – adventure and combat talents! For starters, we will discuss what these talents actually are, where to find them and how to use them.
What are Combat Talents (aka Will-Casts)?
Almost all wizards are familiar with MC (may-cast) pet talents and how they function. However, they tend to be very unreliable. So, what if we were able to cast those talents on command? Enter combat talents or “will casts”! They are a set of new talents we will be exploring further within this article. Pets can have up to one of these talents.
Note that the existing may cast talents will remain as they are. Furthermore, may-cast talents are NOT combat talents. They are still their own entity.
Basically, while in combat, your wizard will have a card on the left-hand side of the card selection. This is the pet’s combat talent. In order to cast it, your pet must have sufficient happiness. Let’s take a look at the above example.
As previously discussed, you will see the combat talent on the left hand side of spell selection. On top of the card, you have the spell’s happiness cost (This replaces their pip cost). Below the spell, you will see how much happiness the pet has. In this case, my pet had 941 out of 1001, more than sufficient to cast a 5 happiness spell.
Make sure to select the pet’s spell BEFORE your spell or else you won’t get the chance to cast it, as the timing phase will be over. When the planning phase is over, YOUR spell will go off first and then your pet’s spell.
After selecting a spell combat talent, you can cancel the selection by clicking on the card again. This also must be done before you select your spell. Do note that after casting a combat talent spell(aka will-cast), the spell will have a cool-down until it can be cast again.
What are Adventure Talents?
Adventure talents are the second new talent from this update. These will be used when you are roaming and exploring the different worlds of the Spiral. The idea is that you send your pet to fetch something like gold, chests, or reagents and they might bring you back something extra. This something extra is dependent on luck and your pet’s specific adventure talent. Like combat talents, only one can be manifested on any given pet. Let’s take a look at Gold Rusher, for instance. This talent can be obtained from any of the pets in the Olde Town starter quest.
To utilize this talent, you need to be in an area that has gold chests in it. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work with silver chests, but that can be expected. When there is a chest nearby, the talent will pop up in the pet HUD as displayed below. As a suggestion, I would recommend keeping the pet HUD closed at all times so it is much more noticeable when it pops up.
Just like combat talents, these talents have a cool-down effect. Gold rusher’s is 120 seconds (2 minutes), after which you can use the talent again. Until you find your next chest, however, you won’t even notice that the cool-down is fulfilled. Every time you use a talent like this, remember that you are using pet happiness. Here is a preview of how it all works.
Locked Adventure and Combat Pet Talents
Unlike Gold Rusher and Storm Assist above, some talents are initially locked. This means that even if you manifest them in the pet’s talent pool, you won’t be able to use them until you fulfill certain requirements. These require Talent Tokens, pet reagents you can obtain a variety of ways. For instance, leveling up a pet beyond ancient or participating in the Pet Promenade event are two notable sources.
Once you unlock a certain Adventure or Combat talent, it will always remain unlocked for that wizard (and that wizard only), even if you hatch and pass it down to another pet. However, if you hatch a pet with another wizard, and that wizard gets the talent, they have to unlock it themselves as well.
Adventure and Combat Pet Talents List
There are a lot of new talents to go through, so buckle up! We managed to find all the below talents through different methods. Firstly, we trained the new pets on test realm including the starter pets and the level 48 school pets. Then, upon searching the Hatchmaking Kiosk for talents, it occurred that these talents will also be listed there, even though we still don’t know the source. Thus, we will be updating the below list as soon as more information is uncovered.