
Player’s Wish List

“Have you ever been in game and said “I wish we could…”?  Would you like to see new fields such as Weakness, Stun Block or Critical Block? If you designed a spell, what would it be? If Kingsisle were looking for ideas to enhance your experience, what would you ask for?” – Heather Shadowslinger

Wishes that Came True

  • Heather: Turn gear cards off
  • Azoresgirl: More functional PvP chat, which we just recently got
  • misthead: Different colors for the stars in friends list
  • Apollo: Different cards were labeled
  • Zane: Wished for an auto-planter – this wish saved lifes!
  • Kevin the Noob: beat a lost soul… keep dreaming Kevin!

Therefore, I figured why not keep those fresh ideas coming? I asked the current FinalBastion staff to share their wishes for Wizard101 with the community. After all, aren’t birthdays all about blowing candles and making wishes, specially for Wizard101’s birthday?

Cody RavenTamer: I wish that there was a street or a dungeon that featured 7 different bosses that each appeared on a separate day. Meaning that on Mondays we get to fight Boss 1, Tuesdays Boss 2 and so on.


I wish we could name our jewel vaults according to type and shape (e.g. “tear jewel vault” or “damage jewel vault”). I would also love a message board in game to leave messages for offline friends.

Alex Thunderstaff:

With the addition of mount stats, I would like to see mount stitching become a real feature for Wizard101. However, there would be one exception. When a mount with 50% speed is stitched, it gets to keep the speed, because can you imagine the Road Warrior’s Chopper drive at a regular 40% speed?

Wishlist - Mount Stitching

Morgrim Shadowfist:

I wish that Kingsisle would incorporate more fanmade ideas. There’s just a lot of promise in the community, and it’d be a great way for Kingsisle to better connect with players if the players knew that their ideas were directly contributing to the game in some form. There’s amazing ideas out there and it’s just up to them to really hop on the great ideas and work with the playerbase to really launch their game out into the stars.


My biggest wish is for Kingsisle to make turn based PvP the main system for PvP entirely.

Eric Stormbringer:

A PvP board that is in direct communication with the developers.

Charles Darkflower:

Being able to choose who goes first if both teams agree in a PvP match. It’s a feature more aimed for practice and housing arena matches rather than ranked PvP. Due to the fact that both teams probably won’t agree in ranked, then it could default to random like it currently is.

Jeremy RavenHunter:Wishlist - PvP

I wish for a closer collaboration between Kingsisle and FinalBastion. I’d love to see a huge rebalance of the spells that have the biggest impact in PvP – buff the underpowered spells and nerf the op ones. I think FinalBastion (maybe with other experienced and non-biased PvP players) could work like a filter to forward ideas that would benefit PvP.



I want to see new arenas for the worlds that still don’t have one, like Khrysalis and Polaris. Additionally, I’d like to see mount racing become a feature as well.Wishlist - Arenas



I wish for farming/grinding/etc to be completely removed from the game. Having good stats should be an easy mouse click instead of a second job that can pretty much take you hours.

Wishlist - Mote craftingSierra:

I wish we were able to transmute motes so that farming wouldn’t be the only way to get them.


Wishes to see more variety in spell secondary effects and also make Monster Mash and Headless Horseman trainable spells for Necromancers. Additionally, introduce Myth, Ice and Balance mash up spells so that each school gets one.

Wishlist - Kevin!Kevin the Noob:

I would like to figure out how to beat lost souls, so that I can finally be level 2.


What’s YOUR WISH for Wizard101?

Comment your wish and the reasoning behind it below and you might be one of the random winners to win a Dragonclaw Blade. Additionally, we are going to choose one of your wishes that we really want to come true and award the winner with a random code. Remember to log in! If we can’t see your email, we can’t send you your prize.

One day we’ll look back at this article and see if any of them came true!

Happy Wishing!Wishlist - Doodle

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With his main focus in Wizard101 PvE, you will find Cody knee deep fighting one of the Spiral's major bosses with an army of wizards at his disposal. Proficient in quite a few other areas of the game such as gardening, fishing, and most of all monstrology. Why monstrology? He chases after every single creature out there and catalogs them for all to see!


  • ***Wizard 101 name change! ***

    I would love to be able to change my name on wizard 101. We as a community have been campaigning for this for a long time ! and It would make a lot of folks happy 🙂 I just think it’s absolutely doable. I remember when playstation network for YEARS didn’t allow a username change and they ended up doing it for the loyal fan base. they did it with a system that works, which is for a limited time give the option to have a gamers original username appear below.
    With popular games such as Fortnite , Minecraft , call of duty , roblox and etc! It’s time for KI to give back to the wizards who grew out of their names and want to look for something that fits them. whether it be for crowns or a one time only deal it would be worth it , but it’s time kingsisle. want to get players excited for the next update?? pop this in!!

    Now for a much more advanced way of doing it, create a new social system that allows for wizard 101 players to also add others through their usernames on the site. this allows you to hover over your friend to see their wizards , emails, message them directly and see their pirate 101 characters aswell. with this new way of connecting there would be absolutely no fear of wizards losing each other to the name change , or being confused…

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