February 1, 2009 October 29, 2021
Krokotopia Zeke Quest
Guide to the Beetles
In your journey through Wizard101 you will notice a series of side quests from Prospector Zeke. This NPC is renowned for following us through every world of the Spiral… or are we following him? These quests are one huge scavenger hunt for select items hidden in each world. In this article we will be looking at the Krokotopia Zeke quest and what you will need to find to complete it. Additionally, each of these items are a reference to popular real life bands like the Stray Cats, the Wallflowers, and even the Beatles!
Why should I do these quests?
There is one simple answer to the question. Besides being fun and unique, they award you with a training point when the quest is completed. You can then use the training point to learn new spells from other schools.
Where are the Beetles?
You will generally find one or maybe two in each map of the world that the quest is located in. Let’s take a look at Krokotopia’s locations below:
Oasis I Beetle
Oasis II Beetle
Altar of Kings Beetle
Chamber of Fire Beetle
Krokosphinx Beetle
Entrance Hall Beetle
Emperor’s Retreat Beetle
Tomb of Storms Beetle
As soon as you go through the teleporter and land on the other side, do not go inside right away. Simply turn around to the other side of the teleporter and you will find the beetle there.