Wizard101 Jewel Crafting

Jewel crafting was introduced in the Spring 2015 Test Realm. To get started with it, talk to Eloise Merryweather in The Commons in Wizard City. She’ll direct you to Katherine Rockhammer who has a tutorial, and will provide you with a Jewel Crafting Table.
Jewel crafting includes an interesting twist. When you craft a Jewel, the final outcome can vary! So crafting the same recipe multiple times will give you different results. Curious to know how often you’ll get a particular jewel? Check out our post on Polished Piercing Jewels for Gold, which analyzes which jewels you get when using the Level 95-115 recipe.
What Kind of Jewels Can I Craft?
You can craft jewels for gear or a pet.
School Gear Jewels
The gear jewel recipes create a jewel related to a particular school. They jewels types can include:
- Accurate
- Blocking (for jewels over level 50)
- Critical (for jewels over level 50)
- Damage
- Defense
- Piercing (at higher levels)
- School spell item cards (at lower levels)
Pet Jewels
The pet jewel recipe options create a pet talent jewel related to:
- Your wizard’s stats for a school (e.g., damage, critical, resistance, accuracy)
- Your pet’s stats
- Derby pet talents

Where to get the jewel crafting recipes?
The recipes are available from vendors around the Spiral, listed below. You can access these recipes when talking to recipe vendors by clicking on the “next page” icon in the top right corner. The new Jewel icon will take you to the page with the Jewel recipes.
Each gear jewel recipe requires a gem reagent, a metal reagent and a Treasure Card. Each pet jewel recipe requires an Opal, a metal reagent and a pet snack.
The gem ingredient in the Jewel recipes are readily available from vendors around the Spiral. They all sell the new gem, called Opal.
Note that some vendors no longer sell some gems types (e.g., Archytas no longer sells regular gems).
Regular Gems
- Elmer Meadowgrass in Olde Town (WC)
- Al Saf’wan in The Oasis (Krok)
- Campbell Hodgson in Regent’s Square (MB)
- Yuji Hamada in Jade Palace (MS)
- Ophelia Moonreach in Pigswick Academy in the shop near Zeke (WY)
Flawless Gems
- Yuju Hamada in Jade Palace (MS)
- Ophelia Moonreach in Pigswick Academy in the shop near Zeke (WY)
- Zoltan Nightstone in The Atheneum (DS)
- Archytas in Celestia Base Camp (CL)
- Noxolo Fasttrack in Baobab Market (ZF)
Perfect Gems
- Noxolo Fasttrack in Baobab Market (ZF)
- Fianna Yellowknife in High Road (AV)
- Canica Sweet Chile in Three Points (AZ)
The Metal reagents are dropped from battles around the Sprial. The amount needed by recipe are:
- School Gear Level 15: 3 Pyrite
- School Gear Level 15-25: 2 Iron
- School Gear Level 15-35: 1 Copper
- School Gear Level 25-45: 6 Nickel
- School Gear Level 35-55: 5 Cobalt
- School Gear Level 45-65: 4 Bronze
- School Gear Level 55-75: 9 Tungsten
- School Gear Level 65-85: 8 Mithril
- School Gear Level 85-105: 7 Orichalcum
- School Gear Level 85-105: 10 Draconium
- School Gear Level 95-115: 10 Tumeric
- School Pet Jewel: 4-5 Brass or Steel
- Rank 1, 2 & 3 Derby: 5 Lead
- Rank 4 & 5 Derby: 5 Tin
- Rank 2 Pet Stats: 10 Steel
- Rank 3 Pet Stats: 10 Silver
- Rank 4 Pet Stats: 10 Titantium
The Treasure Cards for the recipes are readily available from the librarians around the Spiral.
The pet snacks are available from vendors and the bazaar.
We list all the recipes below:
- School gear recipes, ordered by level
- Pet school recipes
- Pet stats and derby recipes
Level 15 Gear Jewel Recipes
Level 15 Gear Jewel Recipes are sold by:
- Eudora Tangletree in Olde Town (Wizard City)
- Wul’yahm is located in The Oasis (Krokotopia)
You must be an Novice Crafter or higher to buy the recipes. They cost 500 gold, require a Jewel crafting station and have a 5 minute cooldown.
Level 15 Gear Jewel Recipes
Balance Jewel 15

Ingredients: 5 Citrine, 3 Pyrite, 6 Scorpion TC
Death Jewel 15

Ingredients: 5 Onyx, 3 Pyrite, 6 Banshee TC
Fire Jewel 15

Ingredients: 5 Ruby, 3 Pyrite, 6 Fire Elf TC
Ice Jewel 15

Ingredients: 5 Sapphire, 3 Pyrite, 6 Snow Serpent TC
Life Jewel 15

Ingredients: 5 Jade, 3 Pyrite, 6 Leprechaun TC
Myth Jewel 15

Ingredients: 5 Peridot, 3 Pyrite, 6 Troll TC
Storm Jewel 15

Ingredients: 5 Amethyst, 3 Pyrite, 6 Storm Shark TC
Level 15-25 Gear Jewel Recipes
Level 15-25 Gear Jewel recipes are sold by Felicia Worthington in Regent’s Square (Marleybone).
You must be a Novice Crafter or higher to buy the recipes. They cost 750 gold, require a Jewel crafting station and have a 5 minute cooldown.
Level 15-25 Gear Jewel Recipes
Balance Jewel 15-25

Ingredients: 10 Citrine, 2 Iron, 4 Elemental Trap TC
Death Jewel 15-25

Ingredients: 10 Onyx, 2 Iron, 4 Dream Shield TC
Fire Jewel 15-25

Ingredients: 10 Ruby, 2 Iron, 4 Glacial Shield TC
Ice Jewel 15-25

Ingredients: 10 Sapphire, 2 Iron, 4 Volcanic Shield TC
Life Jewel 15-25

Ingredients: 10 Jade, 2 Iron, 4 Legend Shield TC
Myth Jewel 15-25

Ingredients: 10 Peridot, 2 Iron, 4 Ether Shield TC
Storm Jewel 15-25

Ingredients: 10 Amethyst, 2 Iron, 4 Thermic Shield TC
Level 15-35 Gear Jewel Recipes
Level 15-35 Gear Jewel Recipes are sold by Toshio in Jade Palace (Mooshu).
You must be an Novice Crafter or higher to buy the recipes. They cost 1000 gold, require a Jewel crafting station and have a 5 minute cooldown.
Level 15-35 Gear Jewel Recipes
Balance Jewel 15-35

Ingredients: 15 Citrine, 1 Copper, 2 Spectral Blast TC
Death Jewel 15-35

Ingredients: 15 Onyx, 1 Copper, 2 Skeletal Pirate TC
Fire Jewel 15-35

Ingredients: 15 Ruby, 1 Copper, 2 Sunbird TC
Ice Jewel 15-35

Ingredients: 15 Sapphire, 1 Copper, 2 Evil Snowman TC
Life Jewel 15-35

Ingredients: 15 Jade, 1 Copper, 2 Seraph TC
Myth Jewel 15-35

Ingredients: 15 Peridot, 1 Copper, 2 Cyclops TC
Storm Jewel 15-35

Ingredients: 15 Amethyst, 1 Copper, 2 Kraken TC
Level 25-45 Gear Jewel Recipes
Level 25-45 Gear Jewel Recipes are sold by Bathazar Dragonthorn in The Atheneum (Dragonspyre).
You must be an Novice Crafter or higher to buy the recipes. They cost 1500 gold, require a Jewel crafting station and have a 5 minute cooldown.
Level 25-45 Gear Jewel Recipes
Balance Jewel 25-45

Ingredients: 5 Flawless Citrine, 6 Nickel, 8 Spirit Blade TC
Death Jewel 25-45

Ingredients: 5 Flawless Onyx, 6 Nickel, 8 Deathblade TC
Fire Jewel 25-45

Ingredients: 5 Flawless Ruby , 6 Nickel, 8 Fireblade TC
Ice Jewel 25-45

Ingredients: 5 Flawless Sapphire, 6 Nickel, 8 Iceblade TC
Life Jewel 25-45

Ingredients: 5 Flawless Jade, 6 Nickel, 8 Lifeblade TC
Myth Jewel 25-45

Ingredients: 5 Flawless Peridot, 6 Nickel, 8 Mythblade TC
Storm Jewel 25-45

Ingredients: 5 Flawless Amethyst, 6 Nickel, 8 Stormblade TC
Level 35-55 Gear Jewel Recipes
Level 35-55 Gear Jewel recipes are sold by Aegeus near the Senate Teleporter (behind the wall) in the Crustacean Empire (Celestia).
You must be a Novice Crafter or higher to buy the recipes. They cost 2000 gold, require a Jewel crafting station and have a 5 minute cooldown.
Level 35-55 Jewel Recipes
Balance Jewel 35-55

Ingredients: 10 Flawless Citrine, 5 Cobalt, 10 Power Play TC
Death Jewel 35-55

Ingredients: 10 Flawless Onyx, 5 Cobalt, 10 Doom and Gloom TC
Fire Jewel 35-55

Ingredients: 10 Flawless Ruby , 5 Cobalt, 10 Wyldfire TC
Ice Jewel 35-55

Ingredients: 10 Flawless Sapphire, 5 Cobalt, 10 Balefrost TC
Life Jewel 35-55

Ingredients: 10 Flawless Jade, 5 Cobalt, 10 Sanctuary TC
Myth Jewel 35-55

Ingredients: 10 Flawless Peridot, 5 Cobalt, 10 Time of Legend TC
Storm Jewel 35-55

Ingredients: 10 Flawless Amethyst, 5 Cobalt, 10 Darkwind TC
Level 45-65 Gear Jewel Recipes
Level 45-65 Gear Jewel Recipes are sold by Marwa Jadetusk in Baobab Market (Zafaria).
You must be a Novice Crafter or higher to buy the recipes. They cost 3000 gold, require a Jewel crafting station and have a 5 minute cooldown.
Level 45-65 Gear Jewel Recipes
Balance Jewel 45-65

Ingredients: 15 Flawless Citrine, 4 Bronze, 12 Elemental Spear TC
Death Jewel 45-65

Ingredients: 15 Flawless Onyx, 4 Bronze, 12 Deathspear TC
Fire Jewel 45-65

Ingredients: 15 Flawless Ruby , 4 Bronze, 12 Firespear TC
Ice Jewel 45-65

Ingredients: 15 Flawless Sapphire, 4 Bronze, 12 Icesprear TC
Life Jewel 45-65

Ingredients: 15 Flawless Jade, 4 Bronze, 12 Lifespear TC
Myth Jewel 45-65

Ingredients: 15 Flawless Peridot, 4 Bronze, 12 Mythspear TC
Storm Jewel 45-65

Ingredients: 15 Flawless Amethyst, 4 Bronze, 12 Stormspear TC
Level 55-75 Gear Jewel Recipes
Level 55-75 Gear Jewel Recipes are sold by Shane Macgobhann in The Wild (Avalon).
You must be a Novice Crafter or higher to buy the recipes. They cost 5000 gold, require a Jewel crafting station and have a 5 minute cooldown.
Level 55-75 Gear Jewel Recipes
Balance Jewel 55-75

Ingredients: 5 Perfect Citrine, 9 Tungsten, 14 Sap Health TC
Death Jewel 55-75

Ingredients: 5 Perfect Onyx, 9 Tungsten, 14 Take Power TC
Fire Jewel 55-75

Ingredients: 5 Perfect Ruby , 9 Tungsten, 14 Draw Health TC
Ice Jewel 55-75

Ingredients: 5 Perfect Sapphire, 9 Tungsten, 14 Draw HealthTC
Life Jewel 55-75

Ingredients: 5 Perfect Jade, 9 Tungsten, 14 Drain Health TC
Myth Jewel 55-75

Ingredients: 5 Perfect Peridot, 9 Tungsten, 14 Buff Minion TC
Storm Jewel 55-75

Ingredients: 5 Perfect Amethyst, 9 Tungsten, 14 Sap Power TC
Level 65-85 Gear Jewel Recipes
Level 65-85 Gear Jewel Recipes are sold by Yaxche in Cloudburst Forest (Azteca).
You must be a Novice Crafter or higher to buy the recipes. They cost 10,000 gold, require a Jewel crafting station and have a 5 minute cooldown.
Level 65-85 Jewel Recipes
Balance Jewel 65-85

Ingredients: 10 Perfect Citrine, 8 Mithril, 16 Sniper TC
Death Jewel 65-85

Ingredients: 10 Perfect Onyx, 8 Mithril, 16 Mass Death Prism TC
Fire Jewel 65-85

Ingredients: 10 Perfect Ruby , 8 Mithril, 16 Mass Fire Prism TC
Ice Jewel 65-85

Ingredients: 10 Perfect Sapphire, 8 Mithril, 16 Mass Ice Prism TC
Life Jewel 65-85

Ingredients: 10 Perfect Jade, 8 Mithril, 16 Mass Life Prism TC
Myth Jewel 65-85

Ingredients: 10 Perfect Peridot, 8 Mithril, 16 Mass Myth Prism TC
Storm Jewel 65-85

Ingredients: 10 Perfect Amethyst, 8 Mithril, 16 Mass Storm Prism TC
Level 75-95 Gear Jewel Recipes
Level 75-95 Gear Jewel Recipes are sold by Wozina the Edgecutter in Sardonyx (Khrysalis).
You must be a Novice Crafter or higher to buy the recipes. They cost 15,000 gold, require a Jewel crafting station and have a 5 minute cooldown.
Level 75-95 Gear Jewel Recipes
Balance Jewel 75-95

Ingredients: 15 Perfect Citrine, 7 Orichalcum, 18 Unbalance TC
Death Jewel 75-95

Ingredients: 15 Perfect Onyx, 7 Orichalcum, 18 Strangle TC
Fire Jewel 75-95

Ingredients: 15 Perfect Ruby , 7 Orichalcum, 18 QuenchTC
Ice Jewel 75-95

Ingredients: 15 Perfect Sapphire, 7 Orichalcum, 18 Melt TC
Life Jewel 75-95

Ingredients: 15 Perfect Jade, 7 Orichalcum, 18 Entangle TC
Myth Jewel 75-95

Ingredients: 15 Perfect Peridot, 7 Orichalcum, 18 Vaporize TC
Storm Jewel 75-95

Ingredients: 15 Perfect Amethyst, 7 Orichalcum, 18 Dissipate TC
Level 85-105 Gear Jewel Recipes
Level 85-105 Gear Jewel Recipes are sold by Jules in Walruskberg (Polaris).
You must be a Novice Crafter or higher to buy the recipes. They cost 17,500 gold, require a Jewel crafting station and have a 5 minute cooldown.
Level 85-105 Gear Jewel Recipes
Balance Jewel 85-105

Ingredients: 15 Perfect Citrine, 10 Draconium, 5 Elemental Diffuse TC
Death Jewel 85-105

Ingredients: 15 Perfect Onyx, 10 Draconium, 5 Mega Pacify TC
Fire Jewel 85-105

Ingredients: 15 Perfect Ruby , 10 Draconium, 5 Mega Tranquilize TC
Ice Jewel 85-105

Ingredients: 15 Perfect Sapphire, 10 Draconium, 5 Mega Distract TC
Life Jewel 85-105

Ingredients: 15 Perfect Jade, 10 Draconium, 5 Mega CalmTC
Myth Jewel 85-105

Ingredients: 15 Perfect Peridot, 10 Draconium, 5 Mega Subdue TC
Storm Jewel 85-105

Ingredients: 15 Perfect Amethyst, 10 Draconium, 5 Mega Soothe TC
Level 95-115 Gear Jewel Recipes
Level 95-115 Gear Jewel Recipes are sold by Gemeral in Caravan (Mirage) and Ignus Ferric in the Arcanum.
You must be a Novice Crafter or higher to buy the recipes. They cost 18,000 gold, require a Jewel crafting station and have a 5 minute cooldown.
Level 95-115 Gear Jewel Recipes
Balance Jewel 95-115

Ingredients: 17 Perfect Citrine, 10 Tumeric, 5 Elemental Diffuse TC
Death Jewel 95-115

Ingredients: 17 Perfect Onyx, 10 Tumeric, 5 Mega Pacify TC
Fire Jewel 95-115

Ingredients: 17 Perfect Ruby , 10 Tumeric, 5 Mega Tranquilize TC
Ice Jewel 95-115

Ingredients: 17 Perfect Sapphire, 10 Tumeric, 5 Mega Distract TC
Life Jewel 95-115

Ingredients: 17 Perfect Jade, 10 Tumeric, 5 Mega Calm TC
Myth Jewel 95-115

Ingredients: 17 Perfect Peridot, 10 Tumeric, 5 Mega Subdue TC
Storm Jewel 95-115

Ingredients: 17 Perfect Amethyst, 10 Tumeric, 5 Mega Soothe TC
Pet School Jewel Recipes
The Pet School Jewel Recipes are sold by Lowe Springfield in the Pet Pavilion.
You must be a Novice Crafter or higher to buy the recipes. They cost 1,000 gold, require a Jewel crafting station and have a 5 minute cooldown.
Pet School Jewel Recipes
Pet Jewel of Balance
Ingredients: 10 Perfect Citrine, 5 Brass, 5 PBJ Sandwich
Pet Jewel of Death

Ingredients: 10 Perfect Onyx, 4 Brass, 5 Large Pretzel
Pet Jewel of Fire

Ingredients: 10 Perfect Ruby , 5 Steel, 5 Flaming Pineapple
Pet Jewel of Ice

Ingredients: 10 Perfect Sapphire, 4 Brass, 5 Diamond Carrot
Pet Jewel of Life

Ingredients: 10 Perfect Jade, 5 Steel, 5 BBQ Drumstick
Pet Jewel of Myth

Ingredients: 10 Perfect Peridot, 5 Steel, 5 Nutty Truffle
Pet Jewel of Storm

Ingredients: 10 Perfect Amethyst, 5 Steel, 5 Bag of Jelly Beans
Pet Stats and Derby Jewel Recipes
The Pet Stats and Derby Jewel Recipes also are sold by Lowe Springfield in the Pet Pavilion.
You must be a Novice Crafter or higher to buy the recipes. Pet stats jewels cost 500 gold and Pet derby jewels cost 100 gold. They require a Jewel crafting station and have a 5 minute cooldown.
Pet Stats and Derby Jewel Recipes
Rank 2 Pet Stats Jewel

Ingredients: 5 Opal, 10 Steel, 3 Bubblegum
Rank 3 Pet Stats Jewel

Ingredients: 5 Opal, 10 Silver, 4 Spicy Bubblegum
Rank 4 Pet Stats Jewel

Ingredients: 5 Opal, 10 Titanium, 4 Heavenly Bubblegum
Rank 1 Derby Jewel
Ingredients: 1 Opal, 5 Lead, 1 Pudding
Rank 2 Derby Jewel

Ingredients: 1 Opal, 5 Lead, 1 Popsicle
Rank 3 Derby Jewel

Ingredients: 1 Opal, 5 Lead, 1 Truffle
Rank 4 Derby Jewel

Ingredients: 1 Opal, 5 Tin, 2 Radioactive Pizza
Rank 5 Derby Jewel

Ingredients: 1 Opal, 5 Tin, 3 Star Fruit
Have you crafted any Jewels? What do you think of the new Jewel crafting system? Let us know in the comments!