A Wizard101 player since 2009, Eric has always enjoyed PvP at the level cap. Known for his contributions to Storm PvP, Eric is nonetheless knowledgeable about all max level schools, tactics and gameplay styles. Eric loves analyzing the nitty gritty of spell and game mechanics, particularly as they apply to 1v1 PvP and can often be found offering feedback and suggestions on a variety of platforms.
It's a whole new world? Not quite but it is a whole new boss to farm! Come check out Corporal Tenni'syn and the awesome loot available to those Empyrean wizards with a gold skeleton key.
A new year is upon us and Eric Stormbringer has cooked up some brand new spells. Read on to find out about Seeker Spells and how they could add a twist to Wizard 101 combat!
Ever wondered if you could solo Medulla - the final boss of Empyrea Part 1? Read on to find out how Eric Stormbringer did, and before Kingsisle adjusted the difficulty! Quite the feat! Video included!
Come meet the latest villain, Medulla, and learn what he's hiding before he gets the chance to take you down with his confusing abilities. Porck, Sparck and Beans are on Medulla's side, which causes additional problems, but you can handle it for sure!
What will it take to bring new players back to PvP? Read on to find out as we discuss why newbies have left and be on the lookout for an interview with a special guest who recently tried her hand at PvP for the first time!