Monstrology Creatures List

This post’s sole purpose is to collect and display the data of every monster available in Monstrology. Because of the sheer amount of monsters available in the entire game, this article will only display those available in Novus. The guide is organized by the creature’s name in alphabetical order. The creatures listed below can have their Animus captured through Extract Wyrm, Elephant, Spider, Dino, Undead and Equine. Additionally, each monster’s name has been color coded and marked with a letter next to the creatures’ name so you can know which spell to use on them. The colors and letters are as you can see below.

Extract Wyrm

Extract Elephant

Extract Spider

Extract Dinos

Extract Undead (U)

Extract Equine (Q)

If you’d like to learn more about Monstrology, our introduction article can be found here! Additionally, our very own Cody RavenTamer created the downloadable monstrology excel list complete with every creature available in monstrology. Click the button below to be directed to it for your very own copy of the list. Note that the document will be updated after there are updates to monstrology in game.

Monstrology HUB

Novus Monstrology Creatures

All 40 creatures listed under Novus have been accounted for.

Aberrant Dragon Titan (W)

Nucleus Gallery

Aberrant Helephant (E)

La Ville Rose (Side Quest)

Aberrant Helephant (E)

La Ville Rose (Side Quest)

Aberrant Tung Ak (Q)

Stone of Heaven

Aberrant Tung Ak (Q)

Stone of Heaven / Catmandu

Aberrant Valencian (Q)

Nucleus Gallery

Aberrant Valencian (Q)

Nucleus Gallery / Puerto Nuovo

Aberrant Valencian (Q)

Nucleus Gallery

Aberrant Valencian (Q)

Nucleus Gallery

Banana Spider (S)

Banana Jungle

Banana Spider (S)

Banana Jungle

Banana Spider (S)

Banana Jungle

Banana Spider (S)

Banana Jungle

Banana Spider (S)

Banana Jungle

Captain Argento (Q)

Puerto Nuovo

Dasein Duelist (D)

Nucleus Gallery

Demon Monkey (U)

Puerto Nuovo

Demon Monkey (U)

Puerto Nuovo

Demon Monkey (U)

Puerto Nuovo

Demon Monkey (U)

Puerto Nuovo

General Tung-Ak (Q)

Stone of Heaven

Golden Ancestor (Q)

Stone of Heaven

Golden Horde Captain (Q)


Golden Horde Colonel (Q)


Golden Horde Memory (Q)


Golden Horde Memory (Q)


Golden Horde Soldier (Q)


Golden Horde Soldier (Q)


Golden Horde Soldier (Q)


Golden Horde Storykeeper (Q)


Golden Tung (Q)

Stone of Heaven

Golden Tung (Q)

Stone of Heaven

Golden Tung (Q)

Stone of Heaven

Iron Face (Q)


Master Duelist (Q)

Puerto Nuovo

Principe Guard (Q)

Puerto Nuovo

The Mad Chronomonger (Q)

Puerto Nuovo

Valencian Guard (Q)

Puerto Nuovo

Valencian Officer (Q)

New Vicorgia

Valencian Officer (Q)

New Vicorgia

Do you plan on finding them all?
Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Note: If you find a creature that is not on our list and wish to supply us with the information and screenshot for said creature, please leave it in the comments section below. We will credit you for your finding by adding it to the list with your name underneath it.

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With his main focus in Wizard101 PvE, you will find Cody knee deep fighting one of the Spiral's major bosses with an army of wizards at his disposal. Proficient in quite a few other areas of the game such as gardening, fishing, and most of all monstrology. Why monstrology? He chases after every single creature out there and catalogs them for all to see!


  • tyty love the help you give us here on the sight!

  • None of the golden horde enemies are in puerto nuovo, they are either in stone of heaven or catmandu.

    • Thanks, fixed.

  • The last 2 fire/myth Valencian guards are actually called Valencian officer and are located in New Vicorgia not Puerto Nuovo

    • Fixed. Thanks!

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