Meowiarty Archmage Gear Guide

Recently I’ve been going through some of our past articles and noticed that there isn’t a Meowiarty Archmage Gear Guide. I’m sorry, what!? Not on my watch! But instead of just posting another article with a list of gear already displayed, I’m going to switch things up.

We love seeing what you guys think about our articles in the comments section and we’re always trying to get a discussion going. That’s why we wish for you to post the gear in the comment section below. Also, as an extra motivation, there is a mystery code prize for one random person that submits a gear image. CLOSED.


  • One gear piece per comment.
  • You can comment more than once.
  • The gear must be the archmage set only and not the exalted set.
  • The gear includes the hat, robe, boots and wand.
  • The gear piece image MUST be your own.
  • A full screen screenshot is required (hit ‘PrtSc’ while in game) and don’t crop the image.
  • You have to be signed in on Disqus for a chance to be the winner.




Thanks to Taryn SpiritSmith

Thanks to SuperToare

Thanks to Taryn SpiritSmith

Thanks to Taryn SpiritSmith



The winner will be announced on Sunday 11th June and will receive the prize via email. After the winner is announced, you can still submit images and please do, however you won’t be eligible for a prize.

**The random winner is Simon. Thanks to everyone for contributing in this project and I encourage you to please keep posting any of the missing pieces of gear.


Have fun farming our favorite Marleybonian villain and good luck!

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