February 27, 2017 December 9, 2018
Best Energy Gear at Level 50 & 60
I loved reading Cody’s article about how much energy you can get in total at max level. However, it made me wonder what the best gear out there is for grandmasters and legendaries. I have quite a few wizards around the 50-60 mark that garden. Unfortunately most of them just garden in their questing gear, which is far from ideal.
I have a good system of planting 70% of their gardens one day, and planting the rest the following day, when the first batch doesn’t have needs yet. Here‘s a picture of day 1, when only half has been planted. This method does mean my gardens grow unevenly. It works for me, but it’s not perfect.
So how can I optimize my grandmaster and legendary gardens?
Hats, Robes and Shoes
1. Winter Wonder Land Energy Gear
Hats, robes and shoes mainly come from packs and bundles, unfortunately. The best option is more than likely the energy set from the Winter Wonder Pack. This is a christmas holiday pack. I’ve only managed to get some pieces of the gear. Do feel free to send us your pictures of the level 50 and 60 energy boots, if you can provide them! These are currently not yet available on the wiki, so I can’t give exact numbers for the amounts of energy.
At level 50:

Picture of lvl 50 boots missing
At level 60:

2. Second Best Options
At level 50:
- Wyvern Hoard Pack: The full level 50 Energetic set will give you +38 energy.
- Hoard of Hydra: The level 50 Pixie hat, robes and boots will get you up to +37 energy.
- Hive Bundle: The level 50 Stinger set will give you +18 energy.
- Beastmaster Set: Available to any level from the crown shop for 3500 crowns, gives you +18 energy.
At level 60:
- Wyvern Hoard Pack: The full level 60 Energetic set will give you +42 energy.
- Hoard of Hydra: The level 60 Pixie hat, robes and boots will get you up to +42 energy.
- Baconator Costume: Available at level 55 from the crown shop for 7995 crowns, gives you +30 energy.
- Hive Bundle: The level 60 Stinger set will give you +18 energy.
- Beastmaster Set: Available to any level from the crown shop for 3500 crowns, gives you +18 energy.
3. No Crown Options
If you’re like me, you don’t want to spend crowns on these. So here’s the best non-crown option!
At level 50:
- At level 50, your only viable option for hats, robes and boots lays with the badger in Unicorn way. Brandon Mistborn has 3 sets of energy gear, which aren’t limited to any level. The best of the three, the Seafarer’s set, gives you +24 energy. You will need to do a couple of tourneys to get enough tickets: the hat and boots cost 200 tickets each and the robe is 500 tickets.

- If KI brings back the Super Bundle, you can also get the robe called Chieftain’s Dashiki, which gives the same amount of energy as Brandon Mistborn’s robe.
- At level 54 and 56 you can also get some Wintertusk gear with energy. These are not really worth it, since each piece gives only +2 energy. Still, for the lazy among you, it’s convenient to get energy gear from the Bazaar. All the +2 energy boots have a name that starts with “Barbarian’s” so they’re easy to find. All the +2 energy hats have a name that starts with “Cowl of”. The +2 energy robes that I found in the Bazaar are called Raven’s Eye Raiment and Mocking Raiment.
At level 60:
- At level 60, you can go for the same outfit as at level 50 for +24 energy, from Brandon Mistborn for 900 tickets.
- The Super Bundle would give you the level 60 Chieftain’s Dashiki robe. If you replace Brandon Mistborn’s robe with it, you get to a total of +25 energy, since it gives one extra energy. You’ll have to hope KI brings it back though, as it is currently retired.
The Snowdrifter’s Stave might give energy at level 50 and 60, but we don’t really know how much. Let us know if you have either level’s wand!
Athames, amulets, rings and decks
Okay, next up: athames, amulets, rings and decks. If you’re into pet derby, you can get gear that gives you some energy. I will list those options below. However, the highest possible energy is not achieved through this derby gear. Instead, you can get +5 energy tear-shaped jewels and attach them to any athame, amulet, ring and deck that has a tear-shaped socket. At level 56+, you can craft a ring and athame in Vestrilund and attach jewels to these as well. More on those below.



Level 56 Crafted Athames

Level 56 Crafted Rings

In addition to gear, you can get the Dapper Corgi pet of course! I suggest hatching with one to gain that extra +8 energy. Additionally, you will want to train it to ancient and affix one of these jewels to it:

Finally, there are Cracked Energy Opals, tear-shaped jewels that give up to +5 energy. If you’re level 56+ you can socket one to your ring, amulet, athame and deck. These jewels can be found in school jewel packs or Farley’s Gardening Pack.
Let’s count it all together!
Let’s say you’re not lazy nor poor. Say you are prepared to do tourneys, pet derby AND use crowns. How much energy can you possibly get? Well, we can’t currently tell you 100% because there are numbers missing! We currently have no information on how much energy the level 50 Winter Wonder Pack boots give, so for this purpose, let’s assume they give 14 energy. We also have no data on the level 50 and 60 Winter Wonder Pack wands. We’ll just leave them out of this article until we find out.
At level 50
Your base energy at level 50 is 75. Gear and pet with jewels will get you to +94. We’re not counting the possible wand. This brings us to a total of 169 energy at level 50! Planting a 69 plant plot requires 138 energy, so we’re set on our level 50s. Too bad we don’t have Plant All TCs!
- Winter Wonder Pack hat (+14)
- Winter Wonder Pack robes (+18)
- Winter Wonder Pack boots (+14)
- Any athame with tear socket (+5)
- Any ring with tear socket (+5)
- Any athame with a tear socket (+5)
- Any deck with a tear socket (+5)
- Dapper Corgi pet (+8) with star jewel (+20)
- Not counting possible wand
At level 60
Your base energy rises to 80. Add the 106 energy you can get from gear, and you come to a total of 186 energy at level 60! Woohoo! This includes the following items:
- Winter Wonder Pack hat (+16)
- Winter Wonder Pack robes (+20)
- Winter Wonder Pack boots (+16)
- Crafted athame (+2) with tear jewel (+5)
- Crafted ring (+4) with tear socket (+5)
- Any athame with a tear socket (+5)
- Any deck with a tear socket (+5)
- Dapper Corgi pet (+8) with star jewel (+20)
- Not counting possible wand
Sadly, I’m lazy person who doesn’t want to learn how to derby and doesn’t want to waste crowns. I guess I’ll stick to my rotational system of planting half on day 1 and half on day 2. Good to know what I’m missing out on though!