March 27, 2015 November 12, 2023
W101 Lambent Fire – Skeleton Key Boss
The summer 2022 update began a massive change in Wizard101’s Skeleton Key bosses. Wooden and stone keys are being phased out and gold keys will be the primary way to unlock all the new key bosses. Gold keys will mainly be found through events and as drops from existing key bosses. The update has introduced 10 new key bosses. Four of these are brand new, while the other six are old key bosses revamped with a higher difficulty. One of the revamped Skeleton Key Bosses is a boss located in Crystal Caves – Lambent Fire, let’s check him out in this article!
Boss Location
Lambent Fire is a boss in Avalon, that is located in the Crystal Caves, very close to the entrance. He’s hiding behind a door that requires a Gold Skeleton Key to enter. He has quite a few cheats, and is supported by three minions – who also cheat.
The Fight
- Tier 4 – Levels 110+ – Lambent Fire is Rank 20 and has 20,000 health. The minions are Rank 19 and have 3,510 health.
- Tier 3 – Levels 86-109 – Lambent Fire is Rank 14 and has 17,500 health. The minions are Rank 13 and have 2,340 health.
- Tier 2 – Levels 51-85 – Lambent Fire is Rank 11 and has 12,300 health. The minions are Rank 11 and have 1,640 health.
- Tier 1 – Levels 1-50 – Lambent Fire is Rank 9 and has 8,785 health. The minions are Rank 8 and have 1,170 health.
Boss’ Stats
Cheats and Battle Process
Lambent Fire will cast Fire Spear on himself everytime he uses a damage spell.
Casting universal traps like Hex, Curse or Feint will make him cast an Immolate on the caster.
He also dislikes any damage-boosting blades – including school specific and universal blades, he will cast a Brimstone Revenant on the reciever of the blade.
When the message below is displayed, one of the minions casts Bad Juju on random wizard.
The minions can also cheat-cast Sacrifice on the boss.
They can also use Dark Pact (the old single 30% version).
Starting on Round 2, the first minion will cast its natural attack on random target and then sacrifices itself with Immolate. This continues until all the minions are either sacrificed or defeated.
After one or more minions are defeated, Lambent Fire will randomly re-summon one by one.
Duel Strategy
Since this battle barely changed, the strategy is same as the one used for any boss battle. Blade the hitter and then use an AOE to one-shot both boss and the minions. Hoverwer due to boss’ constant Brimstone Revenant spam combined with the pierce blade it’s advised to bring a tank / healer to your team. They can keep both the hitter and other wizards ‘healthy’ throught the whole battle.
Lambent Fire can drop around 16 spellements from the Knight’s Spellemental Pack every fight. As of the Summer 2023 update, it is also possible to obtain Sacred Charge and Burning Rampage spellements here. He can also occasionally drop some gear from the said pack.
Older Gear Drops
The Badge
Defeating this boss will grant you another badge to the Skeleton Key Bosses category, this one is called ‘Lambent’s Damper’.