The Original Nightmare Pack


There are several versions of the Halloween pack, added throughout the years. In this article, we look at the original Nightmare Pack, which was released in 2011. In addition there are the Harrowing Nightmare Pack from 2014, the Gloomthorn Nightmare Pack from 2017 and the Elven Nightmare Pack from 2018.

new-halloween-gear original nightmare packHere’s the gear for level 100, which was the highest level obtainable until the recent update to level 120. As with all “pack gear”, lots of people just want it for stitching to sport a super-creepy look in and out of the arena!


Darkwraith & Dragon Gear

There are two different types of gear in this pack which was very confusing to figure out originally. The Darkwraith and Dragon gear sets – four are Darkwraith and three are Dragon type sets. The gear is nothing exceptional except for the grim halloween look! Additionally, some of the pieces can be considered extraordinary such as the ice critical boots below.

Darkwraith’s Compelling Cowl

Darkwraith’s Compelling Shroud

Darkwraith’s Compelling Boots

Darkwraith’s Cowl of Penance

Darkwraith’s Shroud of Penance

Darkwraith’s Boots of Penance

Darkwraith’s Umbral Cowl

Darkwraith’s Umbral Shroud


Darkwraith’s Umbral Boots

Darkwraith’s Atonement Cowl

Darkwraith’s Atonement Robe

Darkwraith’s Atonement Boots

Dragon’s Eye Guard

Dragon’s Eye Plate

Dragon’s Eye Striders

Dragonbone Mantle

Dragonbone Raiment

Dragonbone Footgear


Dragontooth Helm

Dragontooth Armor

Dragontooth Boots


Darkwraith Weapons

The weapon stats are pretty much similar for most of the them, however they make a wicked stitch! The reality is that at level 100 there are much better options which is why this gear’s primary design purpose was for the stitch.

Darkwraith’s Compelling Scythe

Darkwraith’s Scythe of Penance

Darkwraith’s Umbral Scythe


Darkwraith’s Atonement Scythe



A wide variety of mounts can be found in the Nightmare Pack. There are three kinds of magical broom mounts, three steeds, the Bat Wings and two pegasus mounts. However, we are currently missing the Cloudstrider Pegasus!

Bat Wings



The Nightmare

Black Stallion

Enchanted Broom

Purple Glider

Horned Sweeper


The Nightmare Pack Pets

Way too many pets from this pack to even list them all! Most of them as you can assume are Death-themed pets. Here are some of the highlights including the Nightmare pet!

Death Scarab

Death Treant


Ianthine Spectre

Ghost Dragon


Ghost Hound

Penumbra Drake


Halloween Stitch

One of my personal favorite outfits for stitching that is only available for purchase from Spooky Bob in Shopping District at Halloween. Thankfully, this outfit is also available as a drop from both this pack and the Harrowing Nightmare Pack.

What do you think on the original Nightmare Pack?
The pack that started it all!

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