Tier 2
Myth Deckathalon Rune Pack – The first reward you can obtain through the bought fall Scroll of Fortune is this rune pack. I’m not sure what the general perception of these packs is, but overall it’s not the most appealing thing on the list. Highlight of the pack is definitely a Superior rune – a rare reagent which is required to craft the Ultimate Hands of Fate.

1 Mega snack from Mega-Snack Pack –ย => 2 Mega snacks from Mega-Snack Pack – If we split the Mega-Snack pack into seven pieces, we would get a price of 357 crowns for one mega snack. It’s a nice addition to have along the way, but buying (or farming for) a few plants that drop mega snacks will remove the need for this method of obtaining mega snacks.
Death Ninja Pig Gold Statuette – Now this one is definitely interesting. We can’t put a price on it, but it’s a must have reagent if you want to participate in the Beastmoon Hunt as a Ninja pig. Currently there is no other known way of obtaining it and you need this one to unlock Tier 1 of Ninja pig beast.
Tier 3
Moolinda’s Green Thumb Pack – For the price of 625 crowns you receive 7 gardening treasure cards. These aren’t ordinary cards, since they take care of ALL indoor or outdoor plants. Even if you’re not a heavy gardener, you can probably get some empowers or other rare treasure cards in return.
Deckathalon Fire Rune Pack – Same as the Deckathalon myth rune pack discussed above.
=> 3 Rare Deckathalon Runes
Guardian Wall Sapphire – This one is a May-Cast tower shield pet jewel; it doesn’t have a crown price tag and to my knowledge doesn’t exist in game yet. It’s not a must-have jewel, but it’s definitely a nice one to have if you’re making a defensive pet.

Tier 4
Rockhammer’s Jewel Pack – This is the first reward where I’d actually prefer to see a different pack. Rockhammer’s Jewel pack always seemed to be little underwhelming to me for 399 crowns. Personally, I’d much rather see your own school’s jewel pack instead of this one.
Winged Cup Trophy – The purchasable Tier 4 rewards definitely didn’t start as expected. Housing items are nice additions, but this one can be bought for 5,000 gold in the crown shop. Personally, I’d put Baddle of the Bands or Tanglewood Terror gauntlet instead of the Winged cup trophy.
=> Participation Trophy

Energy Elixir – I think we don’t need to spend too many words here. It’s worth 250 crowns and is one of the better elixirs you can purchase in crown shop. This one receives one big thumbs up.
=> 200 Lunari
Second chance chest bonus (1 day) –ย While this isn’t the best elixir out there, it’s not as bad as people think. I would characterize it as a passive effect, which might help with farming. You will visit some old places you generally don’t visit anymore or try to get some relevant loot out of them (lore spells, stone keys, darkmoor gear, …). Take a look here for more things you can do with this elixir.
Tier 5
Deckathalon Life Rune Pack –ย Same thing as the Deckathalon myth rune pack.
Farley’s Gardening Pack – That’s another great pack to have. It’s worth 499 crowns and you can get bunch of cool stuff out of it. Jewel blossoms, ultra seeds, and energy opals are probably the best rewards you can receive here.
Balance Moonstone – Balance moonstones are needed to craft elemental and spirit moon seeds. These seeds will drop new reagents: Eldritch Thread (one you can already get from regular seeds) and elemental/spiritual threads and ice/fire/storm or life/death/myth moon seeds. These seeds most likely drop school Threads – another reagent you need in order to craft the new awesome robes from the Beastmoon Hunt.
Death Ninja Pig Statuette – This one is similar to the golden pig statuette we’ve unlocked earlier. It doesn’t have a price tag either, but it has alternative ways of obtaining it. Regular statuettes are a final reward in Beastmoon Hunt events and you need to obtain 570 points to receive it. Multiply it by 3 to unlock a tier and you’ll see that this one makes your life much easier.
Tier 6
2 Beastmoon Seeds => 3 Beastmoon Seeds – You can get those from participating in Beastmoon event, but more is always better, especially if you’re going after those fancy robes. There is one tiny problem though. We receive only 2 beastmoon planters. And these seeds doesn’t grow as fast as they did at the beginning of test realm (it took few minutes to reach elder).

Amber => 3 Amber – Amber is one of the rarest and most desired reagents in game. Many players hunt it to craft various spells and obtaining only one can be a pretty big chore. It’s definitely a nice addition in the rewards.
2 Mega Snacks from Mega-Snack pack – The situation here is similar to the 1 Mega snack from Tier 2. It’s definitely nice to have, but if you want some serious work done with mega snacks, just go with plants instead.
=> Abrakadabra Dance
Double Pet XP (1 hour) – No price on that one either, and while it’s not a full weekend like it is during its respective member benefit, it’s still a long enough duration to boost your pet xp and make training a bit easier.
Tier 7
3 Mega snacks from Mega-Snack Pack – Almost half of a Mega-snack pack. There isn’t much else to add.
=> Sonic Spring
Hunter’s Moonstone – That’s your basic moonstone and it’s needed to craft Beastmoon seeds. It’s okay, but could be better for Tier 7. Maybe a rarer moonstone or even elemental/spirit moon seeds could be an appropriate substitute.
Deckathalon Balance Rune Pack – Same as the Deckathalon myth rune pack.
Gardening Benefit (1 hour) – People’s favorite benefit. One hour doesn’t look like much, but keep in mind thatย the timer doesn’t go down when you’re not active on that wizard. You can easily make more out of it rather than just doubling your seeds once, if you carefully plan things.

Tier 8
1 Level appropriate HP jewel – This is an interesting, never seen before jewel. Right now we can only speculate what it means. Personally, I hope that this is a jewel which scales in value to your level. This means that it would change as you level up
=> Double pet XP (3 hour)
Merle’s Whisker – It’s a rare reagent that is used to craft Amber. It’s interesting that this was put after Amber, but ah well. If you’re going all the way till the end it doesn’t really matter.
=> Shining Scales
2 Balance Moonstone – Same as one balance moonstone from Tier 5 – just with double the fun!
=> 500 Lunari
Balance Cyclops Statuette – Similar to death ninja pig Statuette, this one is used to upgrade a beast’s tier.
Leyline Dance – Now this one is definitely one of the most interesting rewards on the list. Priced at 3500 crowns (price taken from another dance in crown shop) and being a new and unique emote definitely makes the Fall Scroll of Fortune appealing.
=> Class Arcane Cast Emote
Tier 9
Wizard City Furniture Set 1 – I think we can all agree that this is probably the most disappointing reward on the purchasable list. Tier 9 is suppose to have best rewards, yet we can buy this one for 22,500 gold. This is another reward that should be replaced with something we can’t easily obtain via gold or farming.
Grizzleheim Lore Pack – This pack is brand new and should be worth 399 crowns. Lore packs contain spells, gear, and pets, much like other packs. If your sole purpose is this pack, then purchasing Fall Scroll of Fortune isn’t the best idea. But overall it’s an awesome item to be thrown in the mix.
Double Pet XP (3 hour) – If you reach this stage you unlock a total of 4 hours of double pet XP. And 4 hours are a lot if you have lot of mega snacks and plan things carefully. Similar to gardening elixir, the timer doesn’t go down when you’re not active on that wizard. Use it wisely!
Death Ninja Pig Statuette – It surprised me that this reagent is last reward. But we can treat this the same as we did with Amber/Merle’s whisker. If you reached that point, you unlocked all the rewards and it doesn’t really matter in what order they were.