The Crew

August 27, 2018

From the ashes of Duelist101 rose Final Bastion, with a crew of both old members from Duelist101, and excited new members. We are anxious to provide the same kind of quality content that people have come to expect from Duelist101. Please let us introduce our current staff!


Termagant – Programmer & Chief Bottle Washer

Active in the background, helping the site run fluently. Works hard on the Pet Calculator and the Training Point Calculator.

Articles by Termagant

TheRavenTamer – Editor, Writer & Glue

With his main focus in Wizard101 PvE, you will find Cody knee deep fighting one of the Spiral’s major bosses with an army of wizards at his disposal. Quad-Boxing is his main play style in the game. Additionally, he is proficient in quite a few other areas of the game such as gardening, fishing, and most of all monstrology. Why monstrology? He chases after every single creature out there and catalogues them for all to see! The #Twizard community will probably tell you he is the Renowned Monstrologist but that has always made him wonder why…

TheRavenTamer on Twitter —  Articles by TheRavenTamer

Matthew – Writer, Editor, Pirate101 Tournament Host

Matthew was an avid Pirate101 PvP’er and was active in the PvP scene since the release of Valencia part 2, before retiring. He was a swashbuckler main, who reached champion repeatedly and innovated new, powerful companion loadouts (Baar and Dragoon ftw). He rarely did PvP on his Musketeer, Buccaneer, and Privateer. Nowadays, in addition to administrative work for the site and working towards his PhD, he will write the occasional article when new content is released. He also hosts Pirate101 PvP tournaments a few times a year to provide the competitive and balanced environment that is missing in traditional ranked PvP. Matthew also reached Warlord in Wizard101 PvP when 110 was the level cap on his max level death wizard, Luke Death.


Matthew on Twitter —  Articles by Matthew

Crew Page photo

Dawny – Community Manager and Discord Administrator

An avid PvP enthusiast from 2012 onward, Dawny is a man of many titles. He’s currently on hiatus from PvP after achieving #2 placement on the 4th Age Tournament leaderboards, but still very active behind scenes organizing things for Final Bastion. Dawny may be revisiting the game with a new wizard, catch him questing through the spiral!


Dawny on Twitter —  Articles by Dawny

Logan – Pirate101

Pirate101 Player and enthusiast ever since the game announcement in 2012. He’s also a PvP Champion for all Pirate101’s Ranked PvP Seasons. He makes guides in order to help and reach out to the Pirate101 Community. His goal is to bring Pirate101 back to how it used to be, with a stronger and greater community than ever. You can always find Logan in the Brawlin’ Hall or Spar Chamber or near the Team Up Ledger.


Logan on Twitter —  Articles by Logan

Dakota TitanHeart – Writer, Editor, Team Barista

Dakota’s been to literally every corner of the spiral, whether as his trademark Diviner, or as his beloved Witchdoctor. If there’s a boss, he’s fought it, fled from it, and probably farmed it for an hour thinking it dropped better gear than it actually did.  Dakota is definitely a PvE specialist, with a passion for creating speed run strategies and boss guides. However, he isn’t a stranger to PvP, boasting many wins in tournaments throughout the Third and Fourth ages of PvP.



Dakota on TwitterArticles by Dakota

stormbreaker – Wizard101

Wizard101 player since 2012. Stormbreaker is mainly interested in PvE and game’s storyline. Even though he’s not really into PvP, he likes doing tournaments once in a while. Other interest include crafting and fishing for rare items across the Spiral.


Articles by stormbreaker

Patrick – Minority Report

Patrick enjoys sharing insights about gear, pets and optimizing various activities in Wizard101 and Pirate101. He helps out with technology, gear guides and often covers new dungeon/boss strategies and speed runs after story updates. You will also find that he is a true ninja just like Sierra. One second he is here, the next… poof! His wisdom has never faltered you can rely on that!


Articles by Patrick

James Earthwalker – Wizard101

As long as there’s been a Spiral, this wandering Theurgist has always been there to lend a helping hand. A completionist at heart, James strives to be the best he can be by collecting spells, badges, Animus, and everything in between. While not the best at PvP, he is an eager learner and an equally passionate explorer. If you happen to come across him, feel free to say hello; this wizard has plenty of stories to tell!


James on Twitter —  Articles by James

Shadow – Wizard101

Shadow entered the Spiral in 2010 and has since been wandering the worlds seeking adventures and challenges. He knows his way around every aspect in Wizard101 to varying degrees but has untamed enthusiasm for team PvP and difficult bosses. On rare occasions Shadow dons a pirate hat and can be found swashbuckling around the Spiral in Pirate101.


Articles by Shadow

JenniferSoulStone – Wizard101

A Wizard101 player since 2010, Jennifer is a true completionist at heart. Since returning to the game in 2020, she has completed every quest, and is aiming to earn every badge. If there is something to collect, Jennifer is collecting it – including spells, pets, fish and music scrolls! You will usually find her participating in Beastmoon and Deckathalon, hunting down obscure badges, or helping others through the Team Up kiosk!


Jennifer on Twitter —  Articles by Jennifer

Staff & Authors

James Nightwraith – Wizard101

James started playing Wizard101 when Dragonspyre had just come out. James remembers a time when Astral magic enchantments weren’t a thing. When he’s not questing or farming for the best gear, you can often find him decorating his many houses or joining random team ups to help wizards get through tough dungeons. He is always happy to lend a helping hand, whether it’s to a first-time player or a seasoned veteran. When you’re stuck on a difficult quest, James is the guy to turn to. He has a particular interest in the roles of different classes and spells in the ever-changing meta.

Articles by James Nightwraith

Polymorph Bandit – Wizard101

Having played the game back in 2009 as a child, Bandit returned in the summer of 2020. A true enthusiast of the game, Bandit has been a fan of the PvP meta development and enjoys analyzing the meta. If he’s not in the arena, spectating or competing in a match himself, then he’s likely grinding for gear or spells. While no expert at PvP himself, he’s always on top of what the best gear setups and strategies are at any given time.


Articles by Polymorph Bandit

Witty William Vaughn – Wizard101 / Pirate101

Witty has been playing Wizard101 since 2009 and Pirate101 since its release in 2012, adventuring with his friends and family all across the Spiral. When he’s not busy testing out companions builds and hatching pets, you can usually find him playing D&D with friends, or even writing his own adventures!


Articles by Witty William Vaughn

Jacob – Wizard101

Jacob has been playing Wizard101 ever since he was a kid. Currently, he has 3 max level wizards and 2 max level pirates. He absolutely loves PvE! Making guides for the newest worlds and bosses is one of his favorite things to write about. If you ever see him around the spiral, feel free to say hello!


Jacob on Twitter —  Articles by Jacob


Trial Staff and Contributors

Stormcloud Wizard101 / Pirate101

StormCloud has been a frequent Wizard101 player since 2013, and began playing Pirate101 in 2021. He started his adventures in the game as a Life Wizard, and had always been a fan of using Storm spells in his journeys. If he isn’t testing out new Dual School strategies and setups, then you’ll find him making custom pets, playing ingame events, or participating in the W101 and P101 Twitter community. He also has extensive knowledge of Rhoshambo and the 101 lore, so feel free to ask any questions!


Stormcloud on Twitter —  Articles by Stormcloud

Honorary & Retired Members

Nick – Duelist101 Founder

the crew jon shadowwalker

Founder of the original “Duelist101”, Nick stepped out of retirement when trouble arose and helped the staff get back on their feet. No clue where we’d be without him; here’s to hoping Nick drops by every once in a while. For the Hive!


Articles by Nick

misthead – Wizard101

The “glue” that binds Final Bastion together! Nora was always a very active member on the site as well as an amazing writer that covered nearly every area of Wizard101. Leading the team through tough challenges takes strength, so she is taking a much deserved break. If you happen to see her around, make sure to call her misthead with a lowercase “m”. It’s VERY important.


Articles by misthead

Jeremy Ravenhunter – Wizard101

Originally from the .uk server, Jeremy migrated to .us, seeking new challenges. His first school was Death and it has remained his favorite throughout the years. He loves Legendary PvP and is never afraid to try new and crazy things. With good analytical skills and a deep understanding of game mechanics, Jeremy is able to break down many tough and complicated situations.


Jeremy on Twitter —  Articles by Jeremy

Sierra – Pirate101/Wizard101

She pops up, is really active, then vanishes again. A true ninja! While Sierra hasn’t published many articles of her own, she has been great at managing the crew, inspiring our writers and editing the thus created guides.


Articles by Sierra

Alex Thunderstaff – Pirate101/Wizard101

Alex Thunderstaff once started on the Duelist101 community section and became an official author thanks to a recommendation from Nora, becoming the youngest member to have joined! Alex can often be found streaming on Twitch or making Youtube videos. Currently working on an unBEElievable project…. but you will have to wait and see this one for yourselves. Don’t miss out on his articles showing his unique perspective to the games which are also certainly full of enthusiasm!


Articles by Alex

BiG BaD WoLFY – Pirate101

WoLFY is a veteran in the Pirate101 PvP Community. His notorious swashbuckler is a seasoned PvP Champion and has won multiple tournaments on Pirate101 Central. He enjoys frequent sparring with multiple classes to keep his PvP skills sharp and experimenting with different companions and strategies. When he’s not caught up in irl things, he loves helping newer players learn the ropes and sharing his knowledge of PvP with others.

Timid Angel – Wizard101/Pirate101

Timid  is one to hop between his adventures as a pirate and wizard. Interested in the different, more random aspects of the spiral, travelers will usually find Timid farming at random locations for one thing or another. You will usually find him sailing across the sky’s near Scrimshaw, fighting with all sorts of different companions, looking for new outfits for his wizards, advocating for Moon magic in the Commons, or just spinning around AFK on his sloth. A collector of mounts you will always find Timid swapping between mounts constantly but will always gravitate back to his death’s trusty Vulpine Avenger


Articles by Timid Angel

Dese/Destiny – Wizard101

Destiny is an ice wizard who travels the Spiral with the companionship of her snow beast Isabella. Once a pvper, but now all she has to show for those days is trophies. Now, she’s more into exploring the Spiral and seeing what it offers. Destiny loves training pets in her free time. When not traveling the Spiral, you can find her hunting for shiny, fluffy, or cute items to decorate her Wysteria Villa. She will most likely greet you with a cheery meow if you find her in the Spiral. Can be found sometimes stuck in a tree during Christmas.


Articles by Dese

NinjaPikmin – Pirate101

A former Wizard now a Pirate, NinjaPikmin has been around since the beginning having participated in dozens of tournaments for both games. Experiencing the many states of the game has given him thorough insight into the Buccaneer class’s strengths and weaknesses. With nothing to hide, he uploads all his matches on YouTube so that the community can improve from his mistakes and learn from his victories.


NinjaPikmin on Twitter —  Articles by NinjaPikmin

Tor – Wizard101

A Wizard101 completionist, Tor often loves to uncover secrets hidden within the Spiral, push Wizard101 to its limits to find glitches, and uncover lost history on Wizard101. She enjoys obtaining rare items and badges as well. You’ll see Tor questing through the Spiral or researching lesser known topics.


Tor on Youtube —  Tor on Twitter

Ravino – Wizard101

Ravino’s been playing both Wizard101 as Jonathan DeathShield since 2008 and also has been around Pirate101 since its Beta days. Though mostly an introvert he is one of the most knowledgeable players around the community and is especially interested in PvP, housing and the games’ lore and design.


Ravino on Twitter —  Articles by Ravino


Former Members Turned KI Staff

Eric Stormbringer– Pirate101/Wizard101

A Wizard101 player since 2009, Eric has always enjoyed PvP at the level cap. Known for his contributions to Storm PvP, Eric is nonetheless knowledgeable about all max level schools, tactics and gameplay styles. Eric loves analyzing the nitty gritty of spell and game mechanics, particularly as they apply to 1v1 PvP and can often be found offering feedback and suggestions on a variety of platforms.


Eric on Twitter —  Articles by Eric

Charlie – Wizard101

Former Duelist101 editor who at times contributes to Final Bastion with his mathematical mind, and impeccable eye for the little details we all may overlook at some point. Make sure to check out Charlie’s comprehensive works including his analysis of the Wizard101 spell system rebalancing!


Charlie on Twitter —  Articles by Charlie

Cam5326 – Wizard101

My name is Cam and I’m 22 years old. I’ve been playing both Wizard and Pirate since release, but have just recently rediscovered my love for the games due to the pandemic. I mainly specialize in less traditional subjects like Deckathalon and I also stream both games on Ferricord in my free time.


Articles by Cam5326



Alexander Lionheart

Angela Shadowgarden

Azoresgirl – Articles

Dead Sparrow – Articles

Heather Shadowslinger – Articles

Jewel Shadowcaster – Articles

Julia Lionflower – Articles

Leah C – Articles

Frost – Articles

WilliamTheHouseOwner – ArticlesTrivia Machine

Orange – Articles

Jose Breeze – Articles

Master of Wraiths

Mismagically – Articles

mmailiw – Articles

Morgrim Shadowfishy

Mycin DuneStaff – Articles

Psylent Night – Articles

Seffus – Articles

Taryn Legendstaff / Mikayla
Chloe – Articles


Several Staff Members at Final Bastion Events

Final Bastion