February 14, 2019 October 14, 2022
Hybrids are super cool but they’ve always been out of my reach. I’ve just never had the energy to endlessly ask people in the Hatchery to hatch their school pets and/or rare pets with me. The Hatchmaking Kiosk has changed that though! Now, many of the rare pets are actually accessible to all of us!
In this guide, I have compiled the information of the level 48 school pets and hybrids. If you want to read more about hybrids, I highly recommend looking at this infogram Tacet on Wizard101 Central made. It displays the pets in a different way than I do in this article. The goal of mine is to clearly show both of the hybrids you can get from each pair of pets.
Each combination of level 48 school pets can result in two hybrids.
For mobile/tablet users
Stormzilla Hybrids
Wraith Hybrids
Satyr Hybrids
Helephant Hybrids
Orthrus Hybrids
Hydra Hybrids
Ice Colossus Hybrids
How to know which pet you got
You can get four different pets from hatching two school pets together: one of the original pets, or one of the hybrids. This means that if I hatch a Helephant and a Hydra pet, I can get
- Helephant (Fire, hatching time 18 hours)
- Hydra (Balance, hatching time 18 hours)
- Plague Oni (Fire, hatching time 21 hours)
- Helion (Balance, hatching time 21 hours)
This means that — if you have a longer hatching timer — then you have gotten one of the hybrids. The school of your egg will then reveal which of the two you got!
There are also other tricks to find out. The school pets are school-only pets, meaning a Balance can’t equip a Helephant for example. The hybrids on the other hand can be equipped by wizards of any school. As such, looking for the “fire school only” message will give away whether you got a regular Helephant, or a Plague Oni.
Another neat trick is that your text box will reveal which pet you got if you’ve never hatched that pet before! This is a result of the Wizard update that introduced the Pet Tome.
Things I learned while researching for this article
Since the introduction of the Pet Tome, you can now get pets that you can’t equip from a hatch! You can also get either one of the hybrids, independent of whether they’re your school or not. This is a big change, and you will find the old information on many sites. (I learned this from Justin)
I also read this article by Swordroll with great interest. New to me was the history behind the two-headed Frost Hound. Go check it out and find out how many wizard101 pet things you believed to be true are actually myths!
Weird Inconsistencies
I found out several things that just don’t follow the regular pattern of hybrid hatches. I’ll list some of the inconsistencies here.
Each combination of two level 48 school pets should result in two hybrid pets, one of each school of the hatched parents. These pets should have the card of the parent they share their school with. However, this isn’t always the case, as explained below.
- Ice Colossus + Helephant can result in three hybrids: Inferno Colossus, Ice Oni and Snoni.
- Inferno Colossus and Ice Oni follow the regular hybrid rules.
- Snoni is a second Ice hybrid. It looks the same as the Ice Oni, but Snoni gives a Frostdemon card, instead of an Colossus card.
- Ice Colossus + Orthrus have the same inconsistency: hatching should result in one Ice hybrid and one Myth hybrid. However, it results in two Ice hybrids instead.
- The Sandman hybrid follows the regular hybrid rules: it’s an Ice pet with an Colossus item card.
- Frost Hound is a Myth pet with two heads and gives an Orthrus card, thus following the regular hybrid rules.
- Ice Hound is the odd one out: an Ice pet with one head that gives an Ice Hound card.
- It was very interesting to find out some of the history of these pets.
- Stormzilla + Hydra should result in one Storm hybrid and one Balance hybrid. However, it results in two Balance hybrids instead.
- The Leviathan hybrid follows the regular hybrid rules: it’s a Balance pet with an Hydra item card.
- The Fatezilla hybrid is the odd one out, as it is an Ice pet with a Stormzilla card.
- Ice Colossus + Orthrus have the same inconsistency: hatching should result in one Ice hybrid and one Myth hybrid. However, it results in two Ice hybrids instead.
- The Sandman hybrid follows the regular hybrid rules: it’s an Ice pet with an Colossus item card.
- The Ice Hound hybrid is the odd one out, as it comes with an Ice Hound Card
- The Reaver hybrid can be the combination of two different hatches.
- You can get it from the Hydra + Satyr combination, which is the one that follows the rules.
- You can also get it from the Hydra + Wraith combination, which is the odd one out, since this hatch can also result in a Darkreaver.
- The following pets are not marked as hybrids in the Hatchmaking Kiosk:
- Darkwalker, Sandman, Reaper, Maelstrom Oni, Forest Oni. These are all hybrids of the level 48 school pets, and you CAN find them in the Kiosk, just not in the Hybrid section.
- Charlie from the Final Bastion team figured out that this might have to do with them also being available as first gen non-hybrids.
Do you want more hybrids? Check out our level 118 pets and hybrids article as well!
Comment down below!
Which hybrid do you think looks the coolest? Are you going to try to collect them all through the Hatchmaking Kiosk?